He hasn't checked in...THIRD DATE NIGHT!!

Marsh, pointed out that she had dogs when she moved in.How come we didn't know dogs were involved?? Somebody is not telling the WHOLE STORY!!![]()
He hasn't checked in...THIRD DATE NIGHT!!![]()
I would vary your routine for a few weeks just to be safe rather than sorry.So you know what's really awkward? And I mean REALLY awkward? Getting a text from the former lady asking if we can get together for coffee this week so we can "talk some things out". Before I can respond she suggests... Wednesday afternoon. Ugh... I reply that Wednesday does not work for me and I suggest Thursday. After a pause she asks what I have going on Wednesday.
Now this is where my brain tells me to say 'I have a date!', which will make it far less likely that we ever get together for coffee and dissect our relationship - aka I find out everything I did wrong so she can walk away feeling vindicated or somehow free of any blame. Then another part of that same brain thinks just say 'I am just busy' and find a different day/time so she can have her closure and we can both just move on. These things should just not be this hard and are a good reminder why catch and release is a whole lot better than having to keep, clean, store and prepare that fish.
Anyway I was not near my laptop to seek guidance so I ended up just replying that I was "just busy" and asked if a different day worked. But no, not good enough. "What are you doing on Wednesday that you can't get out of?" She clearly knows my schedule and my habits. "You are always free on Wednesday". So I hit her back with "I am fighting a bear over a picnic basket, does Thursday work?". Still not good enough. Still wants to know why I can't make Wednesday work. 15+ texts later I eventually just said "Seems like we won't be getting together any time soon, maybe we can try again down the road a few weeks". To which she replies "Just forget it".
So I am thinking okay, I escaped that situation. Sweet. Then just a little bit ago I get "Are you seeing someone else already?" I didn't respond. I haven't responded. Not sure I am even going to respond.
Right there with you...the ex was way better....!Ok, you are not going to like what I am going to say but here it is: LOL I think I liked your ex better....
Why? The new woman seems to enjoy the kind of stuff my parents did, and I always disliked it. I don't like pretentious do gooders with keeping up with the high class attitudes going to Michelin star restaurants type people at all. I was dragged to more Michelin star restaurants as a kid having to me disgusting food put in front of me than a care to remember and enjoyed being at my ('very poor) aunts farm eating stuff she produced herself better. ( might explain that I dislike most seafood and undercooked bloody meats, no fungus either)
I don't see this working out for you . She is not your type
There I said it....might be wrong but keep us updated , want to read the next chapter in this soap!
( for the record my parents grew up really poor and during and after WWII in Germany but my dad made a lot of money with a business later)
wait WHAT? She is a dental hygenist? I must have missed that part. How can she afford all that? If she can't afford it, that's another bad thing then ( spending money you don't have)So you let a little slip, about your ability to develop some sort of attachment. (Automotive anxiety) And she is kind of keeping her actual how she makes a buck, dental hygienist don't have extra money to spend like that, maybe she owns a dental office or franchise (not dissing her at all, but some stuff missing here, kind of expect that you had that figured out but....) It is possible to develope a caring relationship and still not turn into an emotional pile of muck, but it does require emotional awareness. (only makes sense to PTSD resistant people maybe )
Ok, you are not going to like what I am going to say but here it is: LOL I think I liked your ex better....
Why? The new woman seems to enjoy the kind of stuff my parents did, and I always disliked it. I don't like pretentious do gooders with keeping up with the high class attitudes going to Michelin star restaurants type people at all.
So you let a little slip, about your ability to develop some sort of attachment. (Automotive anxiety) And she is kind of keeping her actual how she makes a buck, dental hygienist don't have extra money to spend like that, maybe she owns a dental office or franchise (not dissing her at all, but some stuff missing here, kind of expect that you had that figured out but....) It is possible to develope a caring relationship and still not turn into an emotional pile of muck, but it does require emotional awareness. (only makes sense to PTSD resistant people maybe )
Very cool, you know how to read people, kind of obvious, you are still functioning in your line of work. just had to be Captain ObviousI feel like she can exist in both worlds, all the worlds maybe? I took her to a Zoo and she was over the top joyful. I think it cost me $50 for 2 tickets. But it seems she has also been exposed or maybe lives in higher class world too. Need more time with her to figure it all out.
So here's the low down. Met husband in dental school, she dropped out and became a hygienist and a mother while he graduated. They opened a practice together as partners. Sounds like some family money may have been in play on both sides. Then they opened another, and another, and... she did not say how many in all and I did not ask. During the divorce, which took like almost 2 years, the assets were divided and he opted to buy her out. She opened a new practice partnering with a female dentist that was a former employee. That's as much as I have.
Very cool, you know how to read people, kind of obvious, you are still functioning in your line of work. just had to be Captain Obvious
The lady gave you a guided tour of the zoo so that was a regular outing for her. She would have been embarrassed to go to the wine tasting alone which suggests, to me, that she knows other people there.
A grand evening with new experiences!
What's not to like?
... a new intriguing and beautiful person to get to know who is :
Financially secure
Has boundries
Is adventurous and fun..from a zoo visit to high class dining
I wonder where they sorced the morels? Maybe they were grown and not wild sourced.
Did they say? How did they cook them?
I still think she could potentially be a nice lady friend
Neither are looking for long term or serious..
She has a life ..and is not wrapping her ability to be secure and happy around his world .
I'd say getting to know her better might be fun and worthwhile...if not..move on..simple
Not at Wal-Mart if they are fresh, just got the wife a dozen of the most beautiful fire roses for 15.00, then stopped at Dollar Tree and picked up a vase. I am frugal, just nearly kills me to pay a 125.00 from flowers from the florist. My wife is worth it but I guess I am cheap.YES on the flowers!! Always a nice surprise I'm thinking of you thing! Something small, simple, all flowers are stupidly expensive!
Too Soon...!!!He hasn't checked in...THIRD DATE NIGHT!!![]()