The Ladies

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I should also add that I got another text today from the rebound lady. It was this morning and it was just a smiley face inside a pulsing sun. No text. I responded with a smiley face wearing sunglasses. That was it. But it occurred to me she has reached out to me in some way every single day since our non-date dinner together.
So now you’re hearing dark and sinister music in your head? She’s excited that a handsome fella is showing an interest and the fact that you picked a non-romantic date at the zoo is giving her the impression that it might not just be for a tumble. She’s also being coached by her daughter and might not have much confidence in herself.
So now you’re hearing dark and sinister music in your head? She’s excited that a handsome fella is showing an interest and the fact that you picked a non-romantic date at the zoo is giving her the impression that it might not just be for a tumble. She’s also being coached by her daughter and might not have much confidence in herself.

She doesn't know what we're doing yet. It's a secret. She just knows to wear comfy shoes.

But she is definitely being coached by her daughter. I am starting to think they live together too.
I heard you had a dental appointment. I also heard you were seeking legal counsel. And you’re meeting up with an old friend from whatever. Also, you actually have to get your prostate checked and the appointment with the urologist. Pick one.
Why lie? I would just say " it's none of your business we are not together anymore" and be done with it
I should also add that I got another text today from the rebound lady. It was this morning and it was just a smiley face inside a pulsing sun. No text. I responded with a smiley face wearing sunglasses. That was it. But it occurred to me she has reached out to me in some way every single day since our non-date dinner together.
Check your other leg for a trap, lol!!
I know as much about zodiac signs as I know about emotional brown haired woman. But based on the different signs I am glad I am a lion and not a virgin or a crab. 🙂
Hey I’m a Cancer—the sign right before you. Although most of us prefer Moon child.
She's probably talking to the lady trying to get her to text me and pushing for a meeting just to keep this thread alive! Playing both sides works for the government.
She has way more important stuff to do,
The ex is law enforcement affiliated, so Wednesday morning, before departing to pick up your Dental Hygienist, I think I'd sweep my vehicle for trackers and then do some crazy Ivans to lose any tails. Who your rebound lady is and where she lives is none of the ex's business.
No reason to allow your ex to put a scare into your rebound lady.
The ex is law enforcement affiliated, so Wednesday morning, before departing to pick up your Dental Hygienist, I think I'd sweep my vehicle for trackers and then do some crazy Ivans to lose any tails. Who your rebound lady is and where she lives is none of the ex's business.
No reason to allow your ex to put a scare into your rebound lady.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
But ,but he didn't scorn her, he stood his ground, her manipulating his carreer choice didn't work.
I didn't know you can track a phone..I wasthinking apple tracker thing
Most smart phones have a id signature built in and if you down load 1 app it is captured and if the "tracker"know where to look, it is findable (secret squrrel stuff)
And how many pages?

I remember Peyton Place on TV HEHEHEH. And the book!!!

I watched the key game from the "handler" position when I was from 15 to 25 with all the hot property and trophy wives of the High rollers in the tri state area.
I know this game well,

Outside the "family" I used to play spin the bottle with groups up to four to set the order and they were ok with it.

I was always a firm believer in when the ring goes on the finger it is for life, and so all of my outside excursions stopped but I did not die.

I love women, but am not driven to hunt since I am satisfied with my kennel.

Got more than I need to live well, good cook, great housekeeper and a family to die for that is mostly no drama, just on sonnys side a little now and then, he is not shackled so far.

Sonny is with a female cop now, so hey @d_marsh you know the ropes go incognito for a bit and see what is on the table.

There can be some bottom feeders that will take a gig from a hot girl.
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I tried but the pizza lady wasn't interested. :cool:

I would have no problems with an older woman, especially if she is rich and wants me to be her boy toy. But I think I am too old for rich older woman. I presume with that sex drive and wealth they want a 21-29 year old who they can show to their friends. Then again I do workout every day. Maybe I need to apply for a security gig at the country club to get my foot in the door.

I don't target any age to be honest, I just look for ladies who are pleasant and attractive. I have run the spectrum from late teens, which is a story in itself, to late 40's and everything in between. I usually avoid repeat encounters unless they are something special, like the layover lady. She's really attractive and even more aggressive. Plus let's just say we don't talk much. I don't even know where she's from.
Are you Charlie Harper?

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