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At 10pm, (2200hours) CDT Monday, it has rained steady from midnight Saturday night.. Not hard rain, just steady to a little over an inch or so now.. Supposed to continue until noon or so Tuesday..

Damaging tornadoes along roughly the north Iowa border..

Out today to do a couple errands.. Got damp, but didn't melt.. Chuckle.. Might sell like wet dog, I'm not sure..

we have had decent weather, high 70s low 80s but humid a few days, but today tropical storm Debby or what is left of it, I think it's a depression now. We are on the edge of it, but looks like anything east of us will get like 8 inches or rain or something
we are supposed to get 2-4 overnight today
Very heavy rain over the past few days, and high winds- its stripping the leaves from the trees, and the evenings are much cooler. feels like Autumn. The tail end of your storm I guess.

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