What's everybody doing today?

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Finished up an awful week at work and I'm trying to leave it behind this weekend. It's a pretty nice day here, mid 50s and sunny, but windy just like it always is in Central Iowa. Hopefully tonight is good. I'm going on a first date and we're going to an Indian restaurant. I've never had Indian food before so I don't know what to expect but it's her favorite and I'm always up to try a new meat dish. I'm thinking the chicken marsala looks good.

Tomorrow after church I'll get my daughter and we'll do something interesting. Not sure what yet, but we're gonna get outside and get away from the damn internet for a few hours...
Made a little progress on the chicken house today, built the door and dug out enough cedar to build a couple of shutters. Tomorrow I’ll mortar in the block base and drive rebar every six inches for the diggers and wire lights and receptacles. I’ll go enough rough sawn cedar for the other two windows on Monday.
@hashbrown anybody who drives up your driveway unannounced had better be prepared to see some interesting things, right? Been a while since I've seen anybody walking around in a towel and cowboy boots...

Man, nobody comes up in here! Good luck on your date tonight! Someone you have known for awhile?
Man, nobody comes up in here! Good luck on your date tonight! Someone you have known for awhile?
Not long. We met face to face for about 15 minutes last week, just to prove to each other that we are who our online pictures said we were. She lives in the next town over and actually would fit in well here, from what I've learned so far. Grew up in the Minnesota Northwoods, follows a lot of natural medicine, not really a prepper type but sees some value in it. I'm impressed so far.

She's kinda purty, too...😉😁
Not long. We met face to face for about 15 minutes last week, just to prove to each other that we are who our online pictures said we were. She lives in the next town over and actually would fit in well here, from what I've learned so far. Grew up in the Minnesota Northwoods, follows a lot of natural medicine, not really a prepper type but sees some value in it. I'm impressed so far.

She's kinda purty, too...😉😁

Sounds promising!
Slept good last night, woke up feeling decent enough to do some work but it is cold-ish, cloudy and windy here today. Realized I should verify the capacity of the cooling system on my truck, 5.7 gallons and I only bought 2 gallons of coolant so had to drive to the small town north of here for another gallon. I shoulda know the cummins would have needed more than 4 gallons. But, while I was up there I hit the Family Dollar for 3 gallons of distilled water. It dawned on my the hard water from the faucet would not be good in the cooling system. If I was younger, or feeling 100% I would be out there flushing and refilling but after I surf the web a bit I will sit back and relax with some YouTube. With that in mind I guess I should video the flush and fill process to post on YouTube. Everyone else does, might as well post mine and working on vehicles is part of the ranch experience.

Enough of that, who knows what night this is?

Got some of those tedious little things done today, a couple more loads of laundry, some organizing, put away azure order, cleaned up kitchen, cleaned up thyme and sage bushes outside. Made 4 more sage plants/starts. Not sure why. Hubby brought home a plum tree so that will be fun - have to get another big pot to put it in.
Dropped a plastic guide ruler that landed with the point right on that bone on the top of my foot so my foot keeps cramping up. It's so "stoopid" - that shouldn't hurt! I got my cheese making book yesterday so have some educational reading 😊 Trying to catch up here a bit.
Garden prepped this week and he finished electric fence yesterday. Went to nursing home this morning. MIL looking for snake in her room. She was very agitated and talking about people from mid 1970s or so. Came home and planted potatoes, onions, multiplying onions transplanted, asparagus moved, berries transplanted, (not in garden). blueberries planted and some bulbs in a huge water trough that is my flower bed. Tomorrow after church, strawberries, lettuce, spinach and carrots in garden. Will need to check almanac first. Tired. Husband covered potatoes by back dragging with tractor. His best friend came home yesterday after hospital 56 days, Covid, Covid pneumonia, blood clot in leg, amputation of leg and ventilator. All his other best friends have passed away. Last one survived. Answered prayer
@hashbrown - the coop just keeps getting more amazing every time you post it - amazing!

@Spikedriver - good luck on your date. Indian food is one of my favorites, especially since it works with my food allergies. It's hard to go wrong unless you get something over your spice tolerance :)

@Mountain trapper - safe travels, hope the pups bladders hold out for a swift return home

@INresponse - I'm going to have that song stuck in my head all night and I didn't even play the video!

@goshengirl - Hope your back at 100% soon! Change of weather always seems to bring out the bigs. My youngest came up for dinner looking and sounding like death warmed over and just took his plate right back to his bed. He's 18, though, so he'll be bouncing around again in no time :)

Bathroom floor going slower than expected, but these projects always do - at least when I'm doing them :) Fortunately we have another bathroom to use. Did a quick shop just to get through the weekend. Ned to do some cleaning tonight, have all the kids coming over tomorrow and projects also make a big mess - at least when I'm doing them!
Finished cutting up the wood I had to get my beds loaded. 2 of them are now half full, and got maybe 3" of 12" in the third bed. Once that was done I got the load of compost out of the shop where it's been parked to keep the rain off of it. Started trying to get it positioned to start shoveling out and one of the trailer wheels sunk down to nearly the axle. Had to get the wife out to drive the tractor while I was trying to pry tbe trailer enough to to get it out of the hole. No luck. Had to get the big tractor out and hook to it. Wife driving the little tractor with me on the big one chained to it. Her tractor was on a slight grade and I told her to expect the tractor to slide sideways when I pulled. It did, slid probably 3' and she was freaked. But we got it free. By that point it was going on 6 and I had lost all interest in shoveling compost until dark. So I parked it and will get back to it tomorrow
Came in the house after I put everything up and watched the rest of the UT vs Mich game. Ut played well until the last 10 minutes. We could buy a shot after that and lost. Sad way to see a good season end
I was sorry to see UT lose. Wish they'd fought harder for some of those rebounds (but I say that about every team).
Us too. Our best shooter, Viscovi had his worst shooting game of the year and no one else picked it up. For the size mismatch I thought UT rebounded fairly well. Just wasn't our day
The pups are doing great. We stop every hour or so and let them out. Only a hundred miles from home, or 3 hours on these roads. It's been raining for a couple hours now and could be snowing at home.
Be safe the rest of the way in Trapper. I know you'll be glad to get the new pup settled in
The Indian restaurant my date wanted to go to must have had a staff shortage or something. They had the dining room closed, take out only. So for this date we ended up going to a nice little Thai place in downtown Ames. I've never had Thai before either, so I tried Spicy Peanut Chicken and it was fan-freaking-tastic! The date was nice too. I couldn't say if she's got long term potential, but there's a lot to like about her.

I'm trying to figure out something interesting to do with my daughter tomorrow afternoon. I'm thinking about either the Sunday matinee at the movies, or roller skating. I suppose I'll let her have the final say...
Sounds great, @Spikedriver glad that worked out for the first date. Thai food is great.
Thank you, @Pearl sweet dreams.
@Mountain trapper sounds dangerous for others. It was in the mid 70s here today, so no snow and ice! Looking forward to seeing pix of the pups as they grow. They are so beautiful, another one of those I wish I could have.
@goshengirl get to feelin' better.
@hashbrown don't hurt me but I see only photos of the Lovely Alexandra working on that coop. She has done a great job!

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