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Sounds great, @Spikedriver glad that worked out for the first date. Thai food is great.
Thank you, @Pearl sweet dreams.
@Mountain trapper sounds dangerous for others. It was in the mid 70s here today, so no snow and ice! Looking forward to seeing pix of the pups as they grow. They are so beautiful, another one of those I wish I could have.
@goshengirl get to feelin' better.
@hashbrown don't hurt me but I see only photos of the Lovely Alexandra working on that coop. She has done a great job!

We have had a great time building it, I didn’t think anyone would want to see an old man with his crack hanging out but whatever trips your trigger! 🤣🤣🤣👀😱

The Indian restaurant my date wanted to go to must have had a staff shortage or something. They had the dining room closed, take out only. So for this date we ended up going to a nice little Thai place in downtown Ames. I've never had Thai before either, so I tried Spicy Peanut Chicken and it was fan-freaking-tastic! The date was nice too. I couldn't say if she's got long term potential, but there's a lot to like about her.
I have never had bad Indian or bad Thai food. It is all great, imho. Indian can get really pricy. We have Indian buffets for lunch here with lower prices. You can even get the buffet to go here. I like to do that, and then have a couple meals or more from that. There is a lot of potential in prepping for Indian food.
Ya'll have a great night!! Bacpacker, Double R, Patchouli!! Love you guys!!

Have a great night and sweet dreams :huggs:

The Indian restaurant my date wanted to go to must have had a staff shortage or something. They had the dining room closed, take out only. So for this date we ended up going to a nice little Thai place in downtown Ames. I've never had Thai before either, so I tried Spicy Peanut Chicken and it was fan-freaking-tastic! The date was nice too. I couldn't say if she's got long term potential, but there's a lot to like about her.

I'm trying to figure out something interesting to do with my daughter tomorrow afternoon. I'm thinking about either the Sunday matinee at the movies, or roller skating. I suppose I'll let her have the final say...

I’ve never had indian or Thai. Very glad it was so good! I hope this works out for you and you’re happy. You deserve happiness my friend :huggs:
Goshengirl, I hope you get feeling better soon.

HB, the chickenhouse looks great! I wish I had that level of carpentry skill.

Chainsaws are a bit too heavy for me to manage bc I have weak arms. I have a mini chainsaw but I forgot to charge it. I used a powered hedge trimmer for the smaller ones. Some of them produce blackberries, but not all. Most of the ones that do produce will produce them in the middle where you can't reach them and there are so many thorns! They grew wild and over 6' tall mixed with other weeds and in the way of where we need to walk and access places. They also attract copperheads so we want them gone. I don't mind some against the fenceline that won't grab me when I walk by, but the ones smack in the middle of the yard are annoying. I'm fine with the blackberry patch in the back field though.

This morning I got up, took meds, cleaned up some trash, fed kitties, let puppies out, got the hedge trimmer and some Fiskers long bladed scissor like thingies (specifically for cutting bushes/weeds). I used the hedge trimmer on the smaller blackberry vines and Fiskers on some thicker weeds and the blackberry vines. Still got all tangled up in blackberries. Gonna need some good gloves to haul off junk back there. Still some piece of the chicken tree that we keep cutting down and the mofo keeps growing back. I didn't get as much as I wanted done. Hands were still sore and started shaking, back wasn't cooperating, and I got overheated. Had to come inside to cool off.
Today was Sunday so we did church, at Sunday school we were discussing Joseph in Egypt and it got me to thinking are we just entering 7 skinny cow years?

I put up the bird mesh over the broccoli and cabbage, it is 1/2" squares and I have supports holding it off the plants so it should be fine. I am spending the day re-potting plants in the growing station, 2 of my bell pepper plants now have blooms on them. At the rate I am going I will need some more potting soil soon. I may go out and harvest another batch of spinach before the day is done.
Today was Sunday so we did church, at Sunday school we were discussing Joseph in Egypt and it got me to thinking are we just entering 7 skinny cow years?

I put up the bird mesh over the broccoli and cabbage, it is 1/2" squares and I have supports holding it off the plants so it should be fine. I am spending the day re-potting plants in the growing station, 2 of my bell pepper plants now have blooms on them. At the rate I am going I will need some more potting soil soon. I may go out and harvest another batch of spinach before the day is done.

I love the story of Joseph; I've done some extensive studying of Joseph and Egypt and the Exodus. Maybe I should post my Exodus essay. . .it's like 20k + words though, not sure if anyone would actually sit through the whole thing. Lol.

I think we're heading into 7 years of skinny cows. Does anyone remember back in 2014 there were two cows with '7' on their foreheads? It was really weird.

Went to Big Lots today because they had a 20% off coupon. Made out like bandits -- okay not, really. But we got some stuff we needed and saved $25 or so? They also had house-slippers 25% off which my dad was trying to find so we got him one pair. We'll go back and go back and get him another if he likes the slippers we found him.

While I was looking through the groceries, I spotted a typo on the packaging. Can anyone find it?

Today was Sunday so we did church, at Sunday school we were discussing Joseph in Egypt and it got me to thinking are we just entering 7 skinny cow years?

I put up the bird mesh over the broccoli and cabbage, it is 1/2" squares and I have supports holding it off the plants so it should be fine. I am spending the day re-potting plants in the growing station, 2 of my bell pepper plants now have blooms on them. At the rate I am going I will need some more potting soil soon. I may go out and harvest another batch of spinach before the day is done.

Urban i get a strong sense we are right on the edge of the 7 skinny cow years.

I've topped the last 2 beds i needed to bring back up from last year, getting ready to start filling one of the new ones.
Dug the lemon balm out of one of my beds and put it in a galvanized wash tub. Hopefully that will contain it
Two days of moving and unpacking mom and hooray! Done for now. She did well last night, and seemed real good when we came in late morning to unpack her. She likes her new place, and her people, so I'm glad. Nephew and wife headed back to Oklahoma. Now it's time to clean up the mess here. We've been gone all weekend. Going to my favoritte cousin's house for family supper, so I need to make something to bring.
Two days of moving and unpacking mom and hooray! Done for now. She did well last night, and seemed real good when we came in late morning to unpack her. She likes her new place, and her people, so I'm glad. Nephew and wife headed back to Oklahoma. Now it's time to clean up the mess here. We've been gone all weekend. Going to my favoritte cousin's house for family supper, so I need to make something to bring.
I was wondering all day how the move went! Sounds like she handled it better than expected!! Have a great supper!!
Thanks! We were all exhausted last night, so today was just unpacking all the boxes we had put in the second bedroom. We will see if she will tolerate the PT and OT this week. She hasn't had a problem when they come and get her and bring her to the dining room three times a day for meals. It was a good sign to see that last night she moved knick knacks around to her liking after we left. I think she'll do more tonight.
Had 4 blessing this weekend. Husbands last best friend home from 2 months in hospital. A man from my Sunday School class came to church. Been out almost a year sick. Lady came up to me at church and was crying and listing many things that I did that inspired her to keep on moving forward. Sermon was on peace. He kept saying someone needed it. I stopped by his house and told him it was me. I needed peace. Lastly a former student was baptized today and he is still in high school. He was so happy. None of his family was there. Got lettuce, spinach and carrots in ground and sprinkled with water. Bad weather possible tomorrow. Have a blessed Sunday!
We went to the Cajun festival in Lafayette today. Thousands of people there and I did not see a single person wearing a mask all the hours we were there.
Most everyone was speaking English, but not all.
All signs were in French with a second smaller one in English.
Beautiful breezy day in the low 70's.
Saw lots of people that were so glad to finally get out, sporting brand-new sunburn. 😳
Sometimes that 'white-privilege' ain't all it's cracked up to be.:rolleyes:
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Today we got news that one of my wife's close friends (Nancy) passed away just after noon... She and the wife would spend hours talking genealogy and discussing scriptures. Nancy was a lovely lady and we always enjoyed her company. She was diagnosed with CHF about 5 years ago and she and my wife would compare notes. Nancy was never able to make an honest transition to a low/no salt diet, 2 months ago her kidneys started to fail. The last month was very difficult for her family and I think they need our prayers now. Reminds me how we need to cherish our time with loved ones.
Sorry to hear about your friend Urban. My prayers will surely be with all involved.

Ladycat, sounds like a good day for you.

Glad you had fun Super. Nice to get out and about sometimes.

I got one of the new beds filled, and over half of a second one. I think another load will finish it and the 3rd bed off. Gonna pick it up after work tomorrow
Sorry about your friend, Urban.

I wear masks a lot mostly because of allergies. It helps reduce the allergens I get exposed to a little bit, but also to keep me from touching my nose/face when my nose is getting drippy or stuffy. I tend to cough a lot so it keeps my germs off of other people and things. Also, people around here do not cover their mouths/noses when they sneeze/cough and I get sick from respiratory crud very easily. Before I started masking up I was constantly sick with colds and flu. Additionally, when the weather gets hot I have a tendency to start scratching my face and peeling my skin off. Mask has stopped me from doing that when I'm outside in public.

I napped, discovered the puppies chewed my shoes (but they are still wearable), remembered my dental appointment is Tuesday instead of Monday, and went back out to cut more weeds. I didn't get them all just yet but I did what I could manage.

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