Watered trees early this morning, then started hauling boxes and framed pictures from the metal shop building to my home. Found some nasty large black spiders in the shop corners, had to kill those... don't want 'em in among my stuff. Glad I caught 'em when I did, before they proliferated and got into the boxes, some of which are open. Looked like Black Widows on steroids: didn't see any hourglass marks, but those spiders probably pack a wicked bite.
I'm gonna accelerate the process of shifting stuff indoors in days ahead, and I'm also gonna set stuff aside for donation. I already saw stuff I know I'm not gonna need this time around, so I'm gonna get it organized into a donation pile. Definitely time to streamline and get rid of some unnecessary things, even though they're perfectly good. I mean seriously, do I really need a brand-new wetsuit and booties in the high desert? Maybe if Noah's Flood rolls around again...
Gotta get cleaned up and make a store run, then I'm gonna start decorating the interior of my home. Just seeing the cool artwork and posters brings back good memories... I'm pretty sure I'll have leftover stuff once I'm done, this being a slightly smaller home than the last one, aye? I'll save anything that might be useful for bathroom and kitchen decor, otherwise the rest of the stuff is gonna get donated. I'm thinking the Halloween skeleton has to go as well, lol...
When I lived on the NW side of Show Low, Arizona, up in the White Mountains, I'd hang that skeleton from a tree limb out front on Halloween, using a traditional noose. Had a Confederate Battle Flag flying from the front porch, illuminated by a light on the ground. I was hoping some libtard would get triggered by this display, but there were no libtards in that neck of the woods, only rednecks, lol. Kids & parents alike complimented the flag and the skeleton swingin' from the noose...
Ah, I miss the White Mountains... though I've heard that political refugees from the Left Coast are pouring in and ruining what used to be a good thing, lol. I hit it with perfect timing, riding my dirt bike(s) out there on Rim Road 300, an awesome venue for offroad action. Meh, I'll keep the good memories as I press on here in New Mexico... that's all one can really do as the years roll past. Focus on the good memories and let everything else go, no need to dwell on any negative BS.