Well, today turned into a day of rest & quality time shared with the cats, but the rest (and the kitties) worked wonders and I feel pretty good, lol. Never did actually nod off, but I did lie like a slug abed and enjoy the comfort, with the A/C and fan both going during the heat of the afternoon. Hate to think what my electric bill will look like, but round here, cool A/C is necessary unless ya really wanna suffer, lol. I looked at those trouble spots in the kitchen, but they didn't look so bad this time around, nothing I can't deal with manana before I roll out some topcoat.
Long story short, I took the day off, lol... Supe may be supervisor in his neck o' the woods, but here at the ol' hacienda, yo soy El Jefe, El Capitan, Numero Uno, The Big Boss, Top Banana, The Big Cheese, The Big Enchilada, etc. Ever wonder why so many boss names include food? Meh, anyway, I gave myself the day off, and I'm not feeling any guilt whatsoever, lol. Hard to push the guilt trip at my age, I couldn't care less, lol. I'm still happy with my progress in painting the kitchen, and I have 11 days left before the end of the month, so no worries.