What's everybody doing today?

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We are sunny and toasting, too in the low 90's. Ugh. I went to gather eggs and give the baby turkeys in the milkhouse some creamed corn, and came back in for air conditioning. Too hot to work outside, I did my outside stuff before lunch. Little granddaughter and I cleaned out her Barbie stuff. Thought she was going to let go of her big house, but nope. We do have a bag of stuff that could go, though. Husband ordered another big tv and it arrived on our front porch. So he and little granddaughter are busy connecting it and all that nonsense. So I need to move the other one out again. And the box. He wants to save the box. That makes me nuts. Filled the freeze dryer up with beets again. I'm guessing 3 more loads, and that'll be the end of the 40 lbs. Got some rice pilaf packaged for storing...about 12 meals, and 4 meals of cornbread stuffing mix packaged. Filled containers with instant mashed potatoes, and pinto beans, and red lentils I had.
I have some raccoons that need to meet Jesus, too,
I only heard they were having a party in south Alabama, 12" of rain today in one place. We are sunny and toasting 95°
Actually heard about the heat and suffocating humidity.
Catching my breath after three busy days of stacking hay. Realized some relief after lamenting myself for the poor quality in this hay. It is so much easier to work hard when you know you're producing quality?
What's wrong with your hay? We just got some really nice hay. The problem here is getting hay that was not baled too wet or got rained on. But we had a few weeks of dry weather and everyone's hay looks good
But our animals much prefer second cutting especially the sheep, so hope we get some of that in August or September

What sort of grass do you have in your hayfield?
Well, today turned into a day of rest & quality time shared with the cats, but the rest (and the kitties) worked wonders and I feel pretty good, lol. Never did actually nod off, but I did lie like a slug abed and enjoy the comfort, with the A/C and fan both going during the heat of the afternoon. Hate to think what my electric bill will look like, but round here, cool A/C is necessary unless ya really wanna suffer, lol. I looked at those trouble spots in the kitchen, but they didn't look so bad this time around, nothing I can't deal with manana before I roll out some topcoat. :rolleyes:

Long story short, I took the day off, lol... Supe may be supervisor in his neck o' the woods, but here at the ol' hacienda, yo soy El Jefe, El Capitan, Numero Uno, The Big Boss, Top Banana, The Big Cheese, The Big Enchilada, etc. Ever wonder why so many boss names include food? Meh, anyway, I gave myself the day off, and I'm not feeling any guilt whatsoever, lol. Hard to push the guilt trip at my age, I couldn't care less, lol. I'm still happy with my progress in painting the kitchen, and I have 11 days left before the end of the month, so no worries. :cool:
Aww, have him for dinner.
Stuffed with baby corn, yam chunks, and carrots draped in bacon over a low fire marinated in beer and melted honey!

Oh yeah. I did nothing again. All I want to do is sleep. At least nothing hurts yet.
Ohio law says release on property or dispatch. Raccoon and Gopher, the other gray meats. I have other choices , but I do have recipes. :)
I remember when "The Hillbilly" (WV) passed a law saying it was legal to scrape up road kill and take it home for dinner... no lie, you can't make this stuff up, lol. I reckon some good ol' boys in West Virginia didn't bother with hunting tags, they just threw the money into the fuel tank of their pickup trucks, lol. Maybe splurged on a brush guard so the damage wouldn't be as great while "hunting" with the pickups, lol. :oops:
Well, for me, I was in a head-on collision this past Friday. I'm fine; the other person was good. Both vehicles were almost stopped when we hit, so basically we just kissed each other's bumpers. My Ford 550 that I was driving got the worst of it the truck will need a new bumper and a transmission cooler for sure and who know what else at this time, and the Jeep needs a new bumper. We both hit the brakes so hard that we were digging into the hard-packed gravel. The other vehicle was moving too fast for the narrow road, and I estimate the Jeep skidded for about 100 feet. here is the kicker, the other vehicle was hurrying up to help me load the truck for some returns ( I work for a lumber yard making deliveries).
I hope everyone else is staying cool. It was 100°F when I was out today. So glad we have air conditioning. Got some new shoes. I hate shoe shopping and try to stay under $20 but couldn't find anything that fit, the shoes I have are falling apart & rubbing my feet & leaving calluses, so I splurged and got some shoes on sale for $69.99 (before tax). Hate paying that much, but I haven't been able to find shoes that fit in awhile.

Went for curbside pickup at Samsclub-- had ordered in the morning. Pickup was supposed to be ready at 5pm. Wasn't ready until after 5:50pm and I sat there waiting the entire time. They didn't even bring out 2 things I ordered. Either didn't feel like looking or was out of stock without it being noted on their site. My guess is the former. Only 2 employees working & one who brought my stuff looked like she was about to have a heat stroke. Got some food for my friend to drop by and hung out with him a little and hugged his gf. She's a sweetheart. I consider her a friend too, but it gets confusing if I refer to her as my friend.

Got home, washed dishes, and cooked. Need to take trash out but was having trouble lifting the bag bc my back protested. Talking to my sister on Discord now.
Can you get an uninterupted power supply for the chair? I don't know how expensive they are but they should be less than the cost of another chair.
Just a quick search, not sure what size your chair would require.

Thanks, old injury... most chairs won't work. Not going to own another power chair either.
That was a concern of ours till we got the generator. Husband's power chair and the lift beds. He freaked out the other night because he sat on the remote to the power chair and it was tilting him back, and he doesn't do well flat on his back.
I've been out of touch for a few days. Have the twins reached their 18th birthday yet?
Ohio law says release on property or dispatch. Raccoon and Gopher, the other gray meats. I have other choices , but I do have recipes. :)
Then give him to the local animal control. tell him it was acting funny and aggressive and you think it might be rabid!
I was able to work in the garden yesterday evening till I couldn't see, I lost 30% of my okra plants to some digging creature (squirrel or cat?), lost some of my exposed new lettuce plants too. I have time on my side so I'm not worried.

Woke up this morning with a throbbing headache, we have a weather front coming in so that could have triggered it, or allergies, or Magus put a hex on me.... Who knows, who cares really, it too shall pass...
Yep, Weedy, they turned 18 nine days ago. I heard thru the grapevine (the amish one) that she moved with the man/lady to Lyons, about an hr away, and that grandson still lives in our town. Not much more than that. One of their "flying monkeys", the adult granddaughter of my favorite cousin is starting drama though. She is local and has a daughter that is 2 years older than little granddaughter, and is hell on wheels, (13), and is a big supporter of the twins. The lady left her (3rd) husband of 9 months for another woman she met at a bar. We were at that wedding, he is a good man. The 13 year old terror stole the husband's truck the other night, just went to his farm while he was asleep. She was going to go to Colorado with a friend. Get some drugs. See some mountains. What a wreck, we want little granddaughter to stay away from her. Her grandparents are heartbroken, and said she's turned into a monster. The daughter didn't like that comment, so now they are banned. Cuz, you know, it's verbal abuse. Maybe this belongs in rants, but I don't understand the problem with calling something wrong, calling something bad. It's as if some of these young people want anything to be acceptable, and you are the problem if you don't go along.
I am up and at em to get ready for animal chores, then little granddaughter has swim lessons in the bigger town.
Day off today instead of Saturday! One of my ladies is having a/c problems, her daughter is taking her to her house for the day. The landlord has the a/c guy coming. So I will clean her's tomorrow (moved my other job to tomorrow too), and the job I would have had tomorrow to Saturday. That couple is having company coming next week and wanted a later in the week day, so win win for everyone!! Just got in the house for a cup of coffee a bit ago. Already brushed and fly sprayed Buddy! Got my watering done, spent time with the outside cats, played ball with Bear! Need to wash my vehicles. Will get the carpet cleaner ready, have three senior apartment carpets to clean Thursday. Today is another Excessive Heat Warning day, so my afternoon is already planned 🩱! Going to email a few friends too!
Pearl is on fire this morning!! (And will be later during the heat warning 🌡️🌞). Got my laundry done, made chicken pasta salad and finally made the ham and egg salad I put off for the past two days! Hubby will be home shortly, the guy he's doing some work for doesn't want either one of them out in this heat! So I will make bacon and egg sandwiches for lunch and give him a haircut! Need to vacuum too! Nap and pool time is on the afternoon agenda!!
Something new... had to deal with the VA community care people. Needed an appointment to get new glasses (yearly event). The VA clinic referred me to 'va community care'. Took them a month to call me back.

It seems the VA eye clinic in Birmingham has become a referal service (my impression). I think trump changed the rules making it easier to get care locally. Before I had to drive 100miles one way. Now I'm to see a civilian eye doctor in tuskaloosa.

Well, got an appointment for late july. I just hope I can remember to go. The lady I spoke with seemed nice. Funny, she said 'the va pays for everything' but do you have insurance?

Maybe insurance companies pay claims better than the VA?

Oh, mom's in the hosp, think she had a stroke. No news so far today, update later.
Painting... oh, boy, lucky me. But I gotta get this project done, as the heat is ratcheting up into triple digits outside and soon I'll just wanna kick back indoors with the A/C on full blast. Catch up on some Western reading once this miserable painting is done. Sounds good... I'll take a 3-month break from home rehab work until fall arrives. :cool:
I was able to work in the garden yesterday evening till I couldn't see, I lost 30% of my okra plants to some digging creature (squirrel or cat?), lost some of my exposed new lettuce plants too. I have time on my side so I'm not worried.

Woke up this morning with a throbbing headache, we have a weather front coming in so that could have triggered it, or allergies, or Magus put a hex on me.... Who knows, who cares really, it too shall pass...
No hexes here bro, I hung up my wand a long time ago.

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