You can put a temporary fix on that linoleum, all you need to do is get a matching roll and cut out a square that will fit in the bad spot, cut out the ripped up area with a box cutter and use some rubber cement around the edges of the new and the old, then put boards or bricks on them overnight, then go back with carpet tacks or staples.
Put clear tape over the cracks.
Lightsabers never get old! If you want it to last make the "blade" out of a piece of PVC pipe and paint it some fluorescent color, nest it inside another piece, and paint it to suit you.
I'll have to post a picture, but it's a rather large area and they don't sell that crappy linoleum anywhere anymore. We actually have replacement vinyl sheet to put in but we will do that AFTER we fix the floor. The wax seal broke under the toilet but we couldn't tell. It was seeping water into the subfloor & rotted it. One day my brother was on the crapper when the floor collapsed and the toilet fell over (a joist stopped it from dropping straight down). I heard a crash and him swearing. It dumped the contents all over him & the floor. My father cut out the most affected area (which was a few feet in both directions) and replaced it with OSB but he didn't put supports underneath as he was in a hurry to get the toilet back in. He tore up the linoleum when he patched the floor. The plywood right in front of the OSB moves. We're going to have to pull the toilet, cut out the OSB, add supports under the plywood that moves, add supports under new plywood (and try to get it to the same height as the existing plywood, level it out, tape over the seams & screw heads, install a new closet flange, etc. We also need to tear out the old tub & replace it with a shower. Got a roll of vinyl sheet waiting to be put in once the floor is fixed and shower is in.
I recently watched Star Wars Rebels and really liked the lightsaber blaster combo. Well, I like the idea of it. The actual design was OK but I want something sleeker. Found a 3d model that can be printed:

I want to make one with an angled front part so it will resemble an electric staple gun. My really crappy approximation taken from altering staple guns was this:
I digressed too much. LOL. Is there a forum section to talk about crafting cosplay stuff?
@MoBookworm1957 , I hope you recover quickly from the surgery & that the next surgery goes well.
@snappy1, I hope Oreo can be helped and will stop attacking.
Today I cleaned litterboxes again, put in more fresh litter, took out some trash, cooked for Mom, went to Walmart with my brother, went to the post office, put away groceries, cooked for Mom, ate a salad, played Mistplay games trying to get a
gift card, watched the season finale of Ahsoka, and watched youtube videos.
My processor arrived so now I just need a PSU (power supply unit). The one I want is $154 and some change so I'm trying to get enough points on Mistplay for a $50
gift card. Mom mentioned that fall Prime day is coming up on the 10th. I'd wanted to have the PC built by my birthday saturday but I can wait to see if the price goes down-- and see if I can get the points.
It's about time for my evening meds.