What's everybody doing today?

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Today I plan to do yard work followed by more setting up the greenhouse. If I have the motivation I may try to install LEDs in the remaining 2 rooms that have drop ceilings, but to be honest I'm tired of getting dust and crap in my eyes and hair. I picked up some chicken legs and may grill them, with the wife's surgery coming up we are trying to get a week's worth of meals and snacks prepared so she doesn't have to think about that. We now have a time for her to arrive on Monday (06:45) and the follow up appointment on Tuesday (15:40), they are doing both eyes so it means that she will be "blind" for at least 30 hours... Not looking forward to that part of it....

I went to the grocery store today (needed onions) and picked up some candy for the little monsters, I have decided that if I have any left over I will divide it into 3 bags and "gift" it to the 3 neighbors that have small children (yes, extra sugar will make their parents happy :) )

While I was out and about I stopped at Mickey D's for a sausage bagel and hash-browns, I felt guilty for breaking my "diet" but it tasted pretty good ;)
Need to finish putting hay in the barn before we get more snow. I have a hydraulic fitting to replace on the tractor, then I can pull the disk out of the field and park it up by the barn. I brought the spreader up last night and one of the pasture drags. I'll bring up the other pasture drag today. Also need to clean the chimney on the fur shed today and put a brace on the roof to keep the snow from pushing the chimney over.
First thing this morning I'll split some firewood.
Oh yeah, I need to start changing oil in just about everything around here. I've already got almost 50 gallons of used oil to dispose of, in the burn piles.
Not looking forward to outside chores today...It's a high of 33 and raining. Ugh. I did get the plastic on the chicken coop windows, and cleaned out part of the greenhouse and moved some plants in. And replaced the plastic on the doors of it. The rest of the plants need to go in today and there's at least ten buckets of tomatoes still out there. I need to tarp the roof on one of the turkey runs, it was too windy yesterday. And still need to put plastic on the garage windows. Maybe get a fire going, too.
So, Sonya...the roosters are barnyard roosters, not cornish roosters. Still, they're fine for meat. Our son was here last month, and said if he lived here, he'd stock up. I don't prefer the leg and thigh meat of the barnyard rooster, but it's ok for ground chicken. Fine for the mean rooster meatloaf I make. Otherwise, I use the leg and thigh for cat and dog food and just keep the breast meat.
Fine for the mean rooster meatloaf I make
Love that!

Yesterday, I went to do monthly stock up, after walking.
Didn't do much else.

This morning, I will walk first.
Take Aninja to get her nails clipped.
Find or make dry gravy mix.
Go to Fall Fest at local Methodist Church.
Rest some.
Waiting for heavy rain to arrive here, just back from collecting daughter at college, so glad to get in ahead of it. My knee, after hitting it with a shovel is badly bruised so I'll have to hold off on the miniskirts for a while 🤣🤣 Tried out a lemon ice cream recipe found online- only 3 ingredients, I'll keep you posted. Heading to the city tomorrow with one my sons, looking forward to a day away from the computer. Great growth going on here, cabbages and leek doing really well- still have more onions to plant but dithering whether to put them outside or not for the winter. I'm in zone 7- any opinions?
Waiting for heavy rain to arrive here, just back from collecting daughter at college, so glad to get in ahead of it. My knee, after hitting it with a shovel is badly bruised so I'll have to hold off on the miniskirts for a while 🤣🤣 Tried out a lemon ice cream recipe found online- only 3 ingredients, I'll keep you posted. Heading to the city tomorrow with one my sons, looking forward to a day away from the computer. Great growth going on here, cabbages and leek doing really well- still have more onions to plant but dithering whether to put them outside or not for the winter. I'm in zone 7- any opinions?
I'm in zone 7, I'd put the onions out. Lemon ice cream sounds good, let us know how it goes!
I went into town yesterday. Came across a squash box in the Canadian Tire parking lot. They were marked down to $2.00 each. For some reason, no one is buying this year.

I picked up 50. There's hardly any veggies in the stores anymore, and they are really poor quality and expensive. I will spend spend some time making and freeze drying soup once I get my roosters turned into stock.
@winds-of-change , I hope your knee heals quickly.

@Spikedriver , I hope you get over the respiratory crud soon. Have you been taking Zinc?

@UrbanHunter , good luck with the greenhouse work. What you'ev shown so far looks good.

@Amish Heart , hopefuly you'll be able to get the outside chores done without too much hassle. Don't blame you for not looking forward to going out in that weather.

@Magpie , sorry bout your knee bruise. That sounds painful.

My package from Fedex got delivered to my friend's house (driver refused to deliver to mine ever & said she will only deliver in town from now on). Mom didn't tell me about that so I didn't know until after delivery. Went over to friend's house to get it. Hung out with him & his family a little bit. The 3yr old is learning to speak. He pointed at a picture of my friend and said "Daddy". Pointed at a picture of the fiance (not his mother) and said "Mama". He can only say a few words. He does a slurred "hergo" trying to say "Here you go" when handing something to people.

Messaged Samsclub to let them know about the Fedex situation. Messaged Fedex to complain about their driver refusing to deliver to my house. No response from the latter.

Fell asleep at my keyboard talking to a friend who moved to Michigan.

Need to take my meds and do some cleaning but my sinuses don't like me. It rained last night and it always gets to my sinuses.

Will need to go to Walmart later to get some more groceries.
Worked little granddaughter and neighbor Levi this morning till lunchtime. They did well for 11 and 12 yr olds. Paid them. Got done mostly what I needed to get done. Rain is coming down now, and expecting snow. Brought in 8 more buckets of tomatoes and peppers. The house is a disaster...especially the kitchen. But it's time to get the wood burning stove going, after this episode of Gunsmoke and a cup of coffee.
Waiting for heavy rain to arrive here, just back from collecting daughter at college, so glad to get in ahead of it. My knee, after hitting it with a shovel is badly bruised so I'll have to hold off on the miniskirts for a while 🤣🤣 Tried out a lemon ice cream recipe found online- only 3 ingredients, I'll keep you posted. Heading to the city tomorrow with one my sons, looking forward to a day away from the computer. Great growth going on here, cabbages and leek doing really well- still have more onions to plant but dithering whether to put them outside or not for the winter. I'm in zone 7- any opinions?
I'm in zone 7, I'd put the onions out. Lemon ice cream sounds good, let us know ho
Anywho......got my furniture moved around in the den, gave it a good cleaning, got the woodstove ready to burn tomorrow!! Also cleaned the kitchen and got things ready to make burritos tonight!! The rain stopped, after a quick nap I am going to put some hay outside for Buddy and walk Bear down to the creek! Then I'll start back on my inside list!!
It's been a busy, hectic last week or so. I have been trying to fend off car trouble by draining and refilling the transmission on the GF's car to avoid needing a rebuilt transmission and more importantly having her break down on the side of the highway on her 2.5 hour drive to and from work. I drained and refilled again Wednesday night, which was a good thing because she had to head to Vegas to fly home because her grandmother is sick and in surgery. Gramma is doing very well considering her age, but time will tell. This was the 3rd drain and fill in the last month and the 4th in the last year so by my calculations means a bit over 75% of the fluid has been changed to new in the last year with most of that happening in the past month. Thankfully the car drove better so maybe I am finally ahead of that game.
These 3 nights a week going to the Chiropractor is really taking time away from my evenings. But, my back and neck are feeling better, even though the surrounding muscles keep reacting to the necessary changes in posture. Heat, ice packs, and Ibuprofen are my friends.
Last night after work I had to take the GF"s daughter an hour away to her 2 hour symphony practice. That killed my night but I did hit the ACE Hardware and the big liquor store so that made the trip worthwhile for me. Nevada prices are over 50% less than the Utah state liquor store.
Today I finally decided to do a bit of work organizing the garage again. Even though I thought it should be much farther down the list I decided to bolt the Harbor Freight tire changer to the concrete floor to get it out of the way, which caused me to move a shelving unit into the middle of the floor taking up more space, but I have to start somewhere. I think the drill press will get bolted to the floor across from the tire changer and from there I can/may figure out what I might do next. I have all these necessary things that i will seldom use but I know better than to sell them or toss them so I am stuck with them. I can only hope one day one of my boys will find an interest in taking over the house and putting this stuff to use. If they do, and with a little training and guidance from me and YouTube they could be self employed and doing well. We shall see. If not when I cut the place down it will make a pretty mess of lots of expensive stuff I can laugh at as I drive away.
Alexandra went to town this morning, I asked her to get me some new T-shirts. She brought home a Hello Kitty shirt as a joke but jokes on her I’m going to wear it until she throws it away or hides it. 🤣🤣🤣

We went to visit my uncle that had a stroke several months ago. He's home after 2 months in the hospital. He still isnt doing great, but we never thought he'd make it. His mind is pretty sharp, but he is weak and down to about 130 lbs. It was good to spend some time with him and my aunt. Took them some eggs, sweet taters and yukon golds. And my favorite cousin is from Florida.
Got home and cut some brush and ran the weed eater in several places. Gotta clean up my mess and mow tomorrow. We are expecting a big cool down this week with freezing temps later in the week. I need to get my garlic planted too
Alexandra went to town this morning, I asked her to get me some new T-shirts. She brought home a Hello Kitty shirt as a joke but jokes on her I’m going to wear it until she throws it away or hides it. 🤣🤣🤣

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My DH just got this shirt.


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Today, my wife and I took a walk with my daughter. We were surprised when my neighbor called and told us that someone had shot into our house nine times. The police were at the house. They ask us if we have any enemies. I told them we didn't know. My daughter was afraid. She was wondering if they would come back. The one thing that really surprised me is that we live in the country. We are moving but are waiting for my daughter to graduate high school.
The wife had to go in for extra work for the last couple of days, and a few more going forward, to cover for a coworker that needed surgery. Evening shift, so I've been home alone. I thought I'd watch a few movies - something I haven't done in quite a while. So I started searching Amazon Prime.

Last night I watched The Philadelphia Experiment. Not the original one from the 80's. Nor the sequel from some time after that. This was the third one, made in 2012. It started off very weak. And then I think the writers must have gone on strike about halfway through the movie. The script must have been finished up by the custodial staff. Skip it. It represents 90 minutes of my life that I'll never get back.

Tonight I fell for something that I knew would be bad, but I got suckered in. Godzilla vs. Kong. The special effects were good. The best part of the movie. If you like seeing apes fight lizards, this is the film for you. If you are a logical person, your head will explode. You have to suspend your disbelief (obvious from the start, just knowing what the plot is). I never knew that you could defibrillate an ape by using a space ship - you learn something new every day. And the center of the Earth? It's quite tropical, nowhere near as hot as we've been lead to expect.

A couple of nights back I watched A Quiet Place and A Quiet Place Part 2. I got them on DVD from our local library. These two were quite suspenseful. Blind aliens that hunt humans using super hearing. The plot holes and stupidity of some of the things that happened was astonishing. These movies would be fun to watch with friends, after a beer or two, with running commentary laughing at all the illogical things you see on screen. I won't spoil anything, but when you see all the electrical power that this family has post-apocalypse (they have acres and acres of lights around the place), and then they go down to their safety bunker - and it is lit by candles - you have to wonder. Couldn't they have bothered to run an extension cord down there for a proper light bub? But still, these two movies were kind of fun to watch. Again, suspend your disbelief. Allow yourself to get into the spirit of the movies. And try not to laugh. They're not supposed to be comedies. But that's half the fun. So watch them a second time with friends and have a hoot commenting on the illogical stuff. Like, these invincible aliens were actually kind of easy to kill, once you got the hang of it. Surprising that they were able to overrun all the militaries of the world with nobody being able to figure out the easy kill method. But this bit of illogic is standard fare for just about every alien movie out there. The aliens run berserk killing everything in front of them. And then it starts raining or something. And they all die.

I've got three more nights of the wife being gone at work, so I have to figure out what to watch next...

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