What's everybody doing today?

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Going to finish putting the hay in the barn today. With my back problems it's getting hard to toss these 97 pound bales around. Only a few tons left. I'll split some more firewood and change the oil in the wife's Jeep. If I have time today I'll clean the chimney on the fur shed. Also need to add a brace on the roof to protect the stove pipe.
Tomorrow I go in for physical therapy on my back.
Got word from my sister that mom's in the hospital and not doing very well. We're going to make a trip down to see her on Wednesday, if we can find someone to come up and break the ice for the animals. It's hard to leave home this time of year.
Some heavy bales....ours are about 50 lbs, hope you didn't get wet hay
but why are you not using round ones, you have cattle right?
No rain on this hay. It's good quality grass hay, packed tight with 3 strings. I've fed big square bales before, but the problem is there is very little flat ground here and moving the large bales with my tractor is unsafe. My tractor is only a 70hp JD and I've tipped it over before. When the snow gets deep I haul the hay out in a sled behind my side by side which has tracks. Feeding up here is always a challenge when we get 6 feet of snow on the ground.
No rain on this hay. It's good quality grass hay, packed tight with 3 strings. I've fed big square bales before, but the problem is there is very little flat ground here and moving the large bales with my tractor is unsafe. My tractor is only a 70hp JD and I've tipped it over before. When the snow gets deep I haul the hay out in a sled behind my side by side which has tracks. Feeding up here is always a challenge when we get 6 feet of snow on the ground.
I get really nice three string Bermuda bales, 100# plus. Not from Texas!! You never know what you get in round bales around here!!
I get really nice three string Bermuda bales, 100# plus. Not from Texas!! You never know what you get in round bales around here!!
We get our hay locally, about 40 miles away. They put up probably 2,000 acres of hay, all irritated. So far I've never seen a weed in their hay. This spring I plan on planting about 20 acres in grass for hay. That will help supplement what we have to buy.
It's wet and below freezing, and not getting much better all day. So animal care is going to take a little while longer. I'm glad I got all the young cornish and rock barred and guineas cleaned out with new straw yesterday. So I don't have to do it today. I'll get little granddaughter to get the rabbit cages cleaned out. Not sure if husband wants to go to my favorite cousin's for dinner, since it's wet out, and we may stay home. Have 7 buckets of tomatoes needing to be washed and sorted. The woodburning stove to start up again. Chicken bread to make with some buggy flour. And some repackaging and sealing of some dry foods I bought. Tomatoes to get ready for the dehydrators.
It's wet and below freezing, and not getting much better all day. So animal care is going to take a little while longer. I'm glad I got all the young cornish and rock barred and guineas cleaned out with new straw yesterday. So I don't have to do it today. I'll get little granddaughter to get the rabbit cages cleaned out. Not sure if husband wants to go to my favorite cousin's for dinner, since it's wet out, and we may stay home. Have 7 buckets of tomatoes needing to be washed and sorted. The woodburning stove to start up again. Chicken bread to make with some buggy flour. And some repackaging and sealing of some dry foods I bought. Tomatoes to get ready for the dehydrators.
Hahaha, took me a minute to figure out "chicken bread" with "buggy" flour! I first read it thought mmmmm chicken bread, then the ah ha moment hit!!🤪
Yep, if something is past it's prime, it's baked in chicken bread. Adding in some canned applesauce that was in the back of the shelf. The flour, I bought not long ago at the bulk store, it's whole grain, and I didn't repackage it and should of, and I saw some pantry moths in the top, so it's now for chicken bread. I mix whatever and bake it in a 9x12 pan, and viola! Add a couple of scoops of protein powder and a can of corn.
No rain on this hay. It's good quality grass hay, packed tight with 3 strings. I've fed big square bales before, but the problem is there is very little flat ground here and moving the large bales with my tractor is unsafe. My tractor is only a 70hp JD and I've tipped it over before. When the snow gets deep I haul the hay out in a sled behind my side by side which has tracks. Feeding up here is always a challenge when we get 6 feet of snow on the ground.
and here I thought we had problems.....
we just have to unroll the round bales and put them in the goat feeders, or use square
and moving the round bales is just on the road mostly, fairly steep road but don't need a 4wd on it at all
be careful...someone in our club died that way a few years ago ( very sad, young guy with a family)
Hahaha, took me a minute to figure out "chicken bread" with "buggy" flour! I first read it thought mmmmm chicken bread, then the ah ha moment hit!!🤪
I was wondering too but ok, figured it out LOL

Thats not a bad idea I could feed it to the goats and sheep too. Someone we know feeds old bread he gets from a bakery to feed to his sheep. He was sitting there with a truck load full unpackaging it, so I took some home for ours and they loved it. It's amazing how much food gets thrown out
I was wondering too but ok, figured it out LOL

Thats not a bad idea I could feed it to the goats and sheep too. Someone we know feeds old bread he gets from a bakery to feed to his sheep. He was sitting there with a truck load full unpackaging it, so I took some home for ours and they loved it. It's amazing how much food gets thrown out
Several people I clean for save their old bread for my deer!
and here I thought we had problems.....
we just have to unroll the round bales and put them in the goat feeders, or use square
and moving the round bales is just on the road mostly, fairly steep road but don't need a 4wd on it at all
be careful...someone in our club died that way a few years ago ( very sad, young guy with a family)
Several years ago I was looking buying a ranch that was being sold by the owners family. The owner was plowing snow one winter when his tractor slid off the bridge and landed on top of him in the river. Rollovers are a very real concern for me here. I've had my tractor on two wheels many times and it scares the crap out of me. Almost every winter I'll slide off the road and get stuck. My tractor is 4wd and every fall I chain all 4 wheels, and still get stuck.
Several years ago I was looking buying a ranch that was being sold by the owners family. The owner was plowing snow one winter when his tractor slid off the bridge and landed on top of him in the river. Rollovers are a very real concern for me here. I've had my tractor on two wheels many times and it scares the crap out of me. Almost every winter I'll slide off the road and get stuck. My tractor is 4wd and every fall I chain all 4 wheels, and still get stuck.
One of my cousins in Iowa died when she was mowing a ditch by her home and the tractor rolled over.
Today it looks like I'll be shoveling snow. We have several inches out there. It was very dry snow last night (so lightweight). Hopefully what I see out there now is also dry. I hate wet heavy snow.
Turns out the front (the driveway) is almost barren of snow. I was looking out at the back deck earlier, where we have about 4 inches. Evidently the roads (and our driveway) were warm enough to melt the incoming snow, whereas the deck - several feet up in the air - did not benefit from the built up ground warmth. So all's I have to shovel is the back deck. Not a big deal. I did have to clear off the snow on top of the cars. That was just a brush-off (even though it was a couple of inches), no scraping of frost or ice required, so also easy to do.
Having a hard time warming up. Went to church, all repaired, not me, the church. I’m still broken. ❤️‍🩹 Have had a nap. My hand (mostly my thumb) has been giving me a fit for weeks, wasn’t too bad a couple days ago, but right back at it today.
I have arthritis at the base of both thumbs, the joints by the wrists and the joints closest to the hands. Wonder if that's what you have?? Makes it hard to do things and sometimes just hurts doing nothing!!
Makes me wonder how you get anything done @Pearl , with that much pain. I’m hoping it’s temporary.
I wasn’t having to do much lifting etc at work, giving my hands down time really helped. I don’t like going to the doctor either Pearl, so thinking of trying glucosamine and whatever that other word is I’ve forgotten how to spell. Also Turmeric. I’ll talk to a friend here who has used the same kind of salve type ointment hashbrown makes.
Makes me wonder how you get anything done @Pearl , with that much pain. I’m hoping it’s temporary.
I wasn’t having to do much lifting etc at work, giving my hands down time really helped. I don’t like going to the doctor either Pearl, so thinking of trying glucosamine and whatever that other word is I’ve forgotten how to spell. Also Turmeric. I’ll talk to a friend here who has used the same kind of salve type ointment hashbrown makes.
I wonder myself how I get things done!! Like today, my hands, foot, and back are killing me!! Just took two Ibuprofen. I'm missing the pool, that really helps all the aches and pains!! On the good side, I JUST GOT DONE CLEANING MY CLOSET!!!😃😃😃 Organized, and some things leaving to be donated!! I'm always fatter by the end of summer....I drink more beer in the summer. 🤔🤔🤔 So my jeans are organized by what fits now, and what will fit soon!
I slept in this morning, got out of bed about 1pm after watching a couple movies. I did go outside about 10am to let out the birds and feed the horse. Dang it is cold out there. The water buckets all had a half inch of ice and the wind is blowing about 30+. Sat in the recliner this afternoon. Just paid some bills and about to go to dinner.
It's been a quiet weekend with the GF helping her gramma and her daughters staying elsewhere this weekend. Just me and her oldest son and he stays in his upstairs dungeon playing video games so I never see him.

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