What's everybody doing today?

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husband is going to take the animals to the auction truck by himself. They need to get there early, there are around 30 people dropping off animals. Hope he gets there ok, there is a tiny bit of snow on the ground and our road, but probably nothing on the main road since they put stuff on it
We had a horrible time ear tagging one of the bucks yesterday. My gosh, he has really thick ears, and does not want to be touched. Had to get son to help hold him. He almost headbutted husband into the ground the first try and ended up with a bloody ear

so I am going to take care of the rest of them by myself today
It's fine I can do it no problem other than carry all the water buckets. He is going to do the ones that need carrying through the barn to one of the pastures
Made weed gummies yesterday evening and they failed ( oh, they work alright but look bad) , the oil seperated from the yello stuff. They are however very strong, I took some last night , only a piece of one was enough
So I am making another batch today, have more oil left
Going to clean my building today instead of tomorrow! Then I'm grooming a dog, the one that is full of tumors and can't go to the groomer. I cut his hair on a sheet spread out on the lady's living room floor. He can lay down for most of his haircut. Then he can stand in the walk in shower for a bath! Going to be a pretty day, will be outside later! Hubby will be home cutting firewood, guess I'll be stacking later!
Picked up some groceries and prepping for a day of cooking and cleaning tmrw, as I have all my family coming for dinner on Monday. I say dinner; really it's roast beef and veg for my Dad and anyone who wants it, nieces and nephews are having goujons and wedges; and I'm emptying the freezer of all the party 'bits' I've been stocking up on when it's been on sale. Chicken wings, ribs etc- it will be a fusion of food! followed by a cheesecake. We hope, one of my sons is going to try making it for the first time :) Husband has gone shooting and I'm about to knock out a few more hundred words of my thesis. Have a good weekend all!
Just filled out another adoption application for two kittens. The first ones I wanted went to someone else. I missed them by a couple of days. 😭 They were both orange tabby's.
I am saying a boat load of prayers 🙏that I don't miss these new ones. They are 3 months old. And absolutely adorable, even though they are not both orange. My heart is attached already.

Been busy with Dr. appointments before the end of the year. All is well!!! Thank you Lord.

Hope everyone has a happy, healthy New Year.
Just filled out another adoption application for two kittens. The first ones I wanted went to someone else. I missed them by a couple of days. 😭 They were both orange tabby's.
I am saying a boat load of prayers 🙏that I don't miss these new ones. They are 3 months old. And absolutely adorable, even though they are not both orange. My heart is attached already.

Been busy with Dr. appointments before the end of the year. All is well!!! Thank you Lord.

Hope everyone has a happy, healthy New Year.

Hope you get your cats, wished you lived close to us, I could have given you the strays we had here. The bigger one ended up eating one of my baby pigeons. We caught it in the act. It was in the top part of the barn where we store the hay and the dogs couldn't get it

So I took them to the edge of the property and put them in the neighbors pasture. Stupid cats came right back. So then I drove them all the way down the mountain and put them in the woods there
I wonder if and when they will come back. Hoping someone else will get stuck with them. If they come back I will drive them to the damned county line....
I'm waiting for the rain to stop so I can take the pups on a walk.
I managed to get home at a decent hour last night and all caught up too. The last few units I stacked nothing seemed to go right. I was getting really frustrated..so I'm glad that is over.
Woke up to my goats escaped into my backyard. Luckily I got them out before they did any damage to my nectarine tree and blueberries. It was my fault..I forgot to pin the gate. Damb goats..
Oh...this was weird...
So yesterday..I leave for work n on the way stop by dump. I'm in my truck and listening to my cb. I like hearing who I can pick up and how far away.
Then I hear the emergency broadcast alert sound on a channel that wasnt comming in to well and would fade out depending on where I was.
It sounded legit but concluded someone was screwing around somewhere. Someone put together a very realistic sounding one , even the same male..kinda monotone voice the official one uses. It was saying , this is the EBS , this is not a test. 12 missiles have been detected inbound to the CONUS.
At first I picked up this on a channel as I'm driving on top of the highway at the top of a big hill, then , as I'm driving down it n trying to get a better signal..the CB signal would get scratchy or fade out. So I scramble for my phone to make sure it was on n it was.
So i thought..ok..someone must be screwing around because this should be comming over my phone too if it were real.
Then again..that is placing alot of faith into our government not screwing that up too..
So, I finally get onto the county road and when I got in a good spot , I stopped to listen to it because it was just looping over n over on channel 19. It even ended with a countdown..you now have 7 minutes to reach shelter.
So I thought..well..if it isnt bull..I have time to dump my trash and get almost home. Hopefully my truck will still run. If not , I'm not to far away.
I thought that was a chitty thing to do after Iran just declared war on the US the other day n everything else that's been going on geopolitical wise.
It gave me thoughts to ponder after too.
Like if that message blasted over my phone..I'd have turned around immediately for home.
The message said where the missiles were likely to strike as well..which I doubted a real message really would. Itd turn all those cities into a crazy house in seconds.
It made me wish I had a basement tho..
Had to kidnap Hubby and make him go fishing. Didn’t catch anything and didn’t go for very long, but it was a good first fishing trip for the pup. He does have a voice after all. He didn’t use it for the first 3-4 days we had him. He’s doing pretty well for 9wks.
Sick as a dog, looks like Covid has got me.
I'm housesitting. Daughter asked me if I had any Covid tests because she hasn't been feeling well. I did. I got them free but didn't know if they were still good. She took one and it was negative. But the tamales we had for Christmas had some gluten in them and she will not be well for a couple weeks because of that. She is tired, a common symptom. I took her some bone broth, posole and orange juice.
I'm housesitting. Daughter asked me if I had any Covid tests because she hasn't been feeling well. I did. I got them free but didn't know if they were still good. She took one and it was negative.
Are you talking about the Covid tests that are about two years old? They are good for this strain? I'm asking because I still have a couple of them.
Brother here today to help with a few things. Started laying out the install for the reverse osmosis unit; I'm putting it in the basement instead of under the kitchen sink so the line needs to thread up through from the floor. He got the kitchen sink drain re-done and the dishwasher hooked up. Just ran it for the first time, did a quick cycle without anything in it just to test it out. I'm looking forward to being able to get a ton of jars clean and hot for canning, instead of washing a few at a time by hand.
Are you talking about the Covid tests that are about two years old? They are good for this strain? I'm asking because I still have a couple of them.
I honestly do not know. I wondered the same things. Would they work for the current strain? Are they still good? I do not know, but since I had them, I took them to her. I put all of my Covid stuff together and made up a kit of it: tests, sanitizer, masks. I took the kit to her.
She was in Europe this past fall and they were no longer testing for people to get on flights. When she got home, she tested positive for Covid.
I honestly do not know. I wondered the same things. Would they work for the current strain? Are they still good? I do not know, but since I had them, I took them to her. I put all of my Covid stuff together and made up a kit of it: tests, sanitizer, masks. I took the kit to her.
She was in Europe this past fall and they were no longer testing for people to get on flights. When she got home, she tested positive for Covid.
I don’t want this to come across as cold, but does it even matter? If she’s not feeling well with such symptoms, treatment is the same. Get good rest, eat greens and that bone broth, drink lots of water, if sore soak in Epsom salts bath 🛁. Prayers she gets to feeling better.
I don’t want this to come across as cold, but does it even matter? If she’s not feeling well with such symptoms, treatment is the same. Get good rest, eat greens and that bone broth, drink lots of water, if sore soak in Epsom salts bath 🛁. Prayers she gets to feeling better.
Absolutely the truth of the matter! I think for her it is more about being careful whether to go out or stay in, to not spread whatever it is that she has, but especially if it were covid.
We made it back home in one day!
DW decided to shoot the moon and drive all the way back in one trip.
Trust me, when you get older, sitting in a car seat for 13 hours straight is not the same as when you are young. gaah
We went to a lot of nice restaurants while we were up there and apparently my cell phone ate too much.:(
Riding home in my shirt pocket, the battery is now twice normal size and popped the back off:

Good thing I rarely use it, because it be 'los muertos':(.
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We made it back home in one day!
DW decided to shoot the moon and drive all the way back in one trip.
Trust me, when you get older, sitting in a car seat for 13 hours straight is not the same as when you are young. gaah
We went to a lot of nice restaurants while we were up there and apparently my cell phone ate too much.:(
Riding home in my shirt pocket, the battery is now twice normal size and popped the back off:
View attachment 122070
Good thing I rarely use it, because it be 'los muertos':(.
It looks like you can replace the battery for under $20... If you like the old phone it might be worth it...
I honestly do not know. I wondered the same things. Would they work for the current strain? Are they still good? I do not know, but since I had them, I took them to her. I put all of my Covid stuff together and made up a kit of it: tests, sanitizer, masks. I took the kit to her.
She was in Europe this past fall and they were no longer testing for people to get on flights. When she got home, she tested positive for Covid.
Thanks. I'm sure pharmacies will tell us they are no good so they can sell us the current ones for ten bucks.
Ladylocust: cute puppy!

Hashbrown: hope you feel better soon!!

last day of the year, wow another year over
Hope you all have a happy new years!

Goat bucks and ram are gone, hope they arrived up there ok and we get good prices.
I hate getting old, my knee hurts from doing everything by myself yesterday and hiking up the mountain with the dog most likely. So not much today, I will help with the animals, we now have 2 groups less to deal with so a little less work. But the goat buck house needs cleaning, so we have move the little goat bucks ( the next gen) to the large building.

Probably will play games this evening
Home today, cleaned my building yesterday! Taking it slow this morning. Will go outside to feed Buddy as soon as it's light enough. Have some laundry to put away. We are going to clean the chimney on the wood stove this morning. It is warm enough in the house not to have a fire this morning. Will make a stew in the crockpot for supper tonight. Sausage, egg, and cheese English muffins for breakfast. Will bring a bunch of firewood inside this afternoon!
Hanging out here today, doing some cleaning. Playing some games tonight with little granddaughter, staying up till midnight, got some party hats ready. Making rumaki for husband, his traditional New Years Eve snack that I've been making for 40 yrs. This December has been the worst, and I'll be happy to see it go. December 2020 was horrible, too...husband and I had covid delta and pretty much missed Christmas then, too. Ready for 2024. I think.
@hashbrown , I hope you feel better soon!
I'm looking forward to being able to get a ton of jars clean and hot for canning,
That's all I use my dishwasher for. Jars live in it.
Ready for 2024. I think.
Me too, I think!

Will go to church in a while.
Stop at local grocery for more collard greens.
Walk dogs.
Maybe bake a small brie that I bought with fig preserves and pecan pieces.
Happy New Year, Y'all!

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