What's everybody doing today?

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Planted the second cherry tree,
took old dog for a nice hike
took a bucket on the hike and collected a few pounds of apples, plums and mint.
Fruit trees all over this trail, along with the bears..lol..wore my holster this time instead of my bang bang in my backpack where it does me no good. Bears rarely have problems with me though. Its really the big kitties that id rather avoid. And there are 2 wolf packs in the area so..hate to have to use it but I will if needed.
after hike and gleening fruit..
Oh, I got about a hundred or so pounds of rock off the side of the road for landscaping too..fun and no rattlers yeah..
took apart old rotten porch frame
went to critter check on two locals
back to storm door on porch ..prep for door..lots of banging and a few curse words because I'm terrible at construction
back to critter checking..
gave up porch storm door for the day...
cleaned up garage/shop instead
in house by sunset...shower...ate a cold sausage and small chunk of cheese
trying to catch mouse that have moved in by my stove..YUCK! Gave the trap some cheese since the peanut butter seems to not entice it.
Got my new toaster oven yay!
Today is hubby's work clothes to be washed and dried.
I'm going to make a baked chicken potpie ( double crust) today with the leftover chicken breasts I baked the other day
Its a cool rainy day here today and its supposed to stay cool and rainy until about tuesday
Everyone is enjoying the cooler days. It was busy with traffic and people everywhere we went and the fall festivals and such have started up this weekend
took dog for another hike
scored another bucket of apples and discovered a beautiful crabapple tree with nice deep red fruit..loaded with them!!
chores, chores, and more chores..

waterglassed my fresh extra eggs today. Ive decided to load this bucket up somewhat and try some every month as a test. If all is ok ..I'm going to save more next winter.
Lots of chores and some grocery shopping for fresh stuff. Grandsons troopmate earned his eagle, so we went to the ceremony. It was very nicely done. But the council head was there (and our new mayor) and that was weird. The new mayor lady had a black eye, a huge bruiser. The council head congratulated the new Eagle Scout then went on to make a speech about the girls that would be joining in February and that Boy Scouts would be welcoming them and so many want to join.
Started off with DH washing the dishes and I wiped them and put them away. We spent most of the day discussing houses and options we wanted and planning and DH made a few phone calls about prices of having a bore put in.

This afternoon we went into the gardens and picked a huge amount of French and English lavender which we are about to hang to dry and put on the drip irrigation systems on to water the vegetable gardens. We then picked about a kilogram of carrots and juiced them for a nice juice after lunch.

Tonight's dinner is mince stir fry with garden vegetables.
Busy day today. Started out with a yearly test at our local hospital. Then went home and decided to make multi- seeded bread. Got it all done and rising before going to get my massage (yeah!) Then came home and finished up the bread and baked it. Took 5 then got supper done and hubby is cleaning up. I'll be headed for the shower when he gets finished with his. I actually made 8 loaves
Did last PT today.
Didn't make all my goals.
But made all but 2; strength,bendable.
Will run sweeper in morning, few dishes,put clean dishes away,take out trash.
Will sort laundry tonight so I can get early start.
Decided to change my schedule up:
Beings I'm up at 0530 hours anyway, I'll just get up.
This way I can get yoga out of the way, and maybe a walk too before Strawberry gets up at 0800 hours.
Then at 0700 hours can start the laundry and be done before 0900.
Then will have to figure out something to do at noon.
Maybe nap with Strawberry.
We'll see how it works out.
Got small pot of soup going in crockpot, I think it's beef vegetable.
Took it out of freezer. Weather is cool, so it's soup weather.
Couple of cups, still have not hungry.
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I forgot to tell you what Estelle did to hurt Strawberry.
She bit her tail.
Now Strawberry makes sure Estelle is in front of her at all times.
Estelle mouth full of dog hair and stood in corner.
If Estelle is behind Strawberry.
Strawberry sits on her tail.
So proud of Strawberry, she didn't nip Estelle.
Just yelped and cried.

LOL, smart dog sittign on tail. :):cool:
You've come a long way, baby! (@MoBookworm1957 )
@NannyPatty any particular flour you use? brand? Grind your own? Etc. Looks really good.
I didn’t grind my own. I don’t have a grinder. I used white whole wheat flour by King Authur and a multi seeded mixture that had in the freezer. It needed to be used. It’s a pretty heavy bread, but very good. I’ll be happy to share the recipe if anyone wants it.
I want your recipe, @NannyPatty , please.
It is the one thing a lot of people are not eating anymore, bread. Whole wheat homemade is good, and I rarely eat regular bread products.
Do you use other types of flour in your breads? We do.
I do use other flours, but the most refined that I use is unbleached. I don’t make it often because I can’t stay out of it!
Yesterday was Church times 2 and in between, I got my vitamins ready for the next month. No walk yesterday, except to Church. Today, did a 30 minute exercise video, made tuna salad and did laundry. For dinner, I made black bean tacos with homemade seasoning, with onion, avocado slice, and homemade salsa. They were good!
Harvest Moon tonight folks..pretty...

Been a tad frustrated with the lack of safety at my workplace . Another close call accident at my job last week, ..no one lost a limb... this time at least. A few more seconds and it would have been a fatality..it was that close.
The last few years, millions have been spent on injuries. a lot of minor (kinda) stuff..a few major. Last winter we were almost shut down by OSHA and our insurance due to a major accident (severed limb), not on my machine but I was the caregiver. It was gruesome. I spent 14 years on a SAR team and that had to be in the top 10, we had to wait 45 minutes in 5 degrees for a ambulance. That was a long..long wait.. and with no trauma kit available, just a few 3x5's and bandaids in the basic first aid kit. but I'm sure it was longer for the guy who just lost a limb in a slow slow grind..wrapping and breaking and finally tearing off around a shaft and sprocket..almost sucking his whole body in... That In itself was disturbing, but the overall track record in this job isn't shiny..
I just got informed today I have to fill out another accident report. I was in the right place at right time and was able to cut power to a machine before a guy was killed. Not before his pelvis was cracked though...yea..
really wishing I was back on the cleaning crew...not that it isn't dangerous but damb...
Well , since we have nothing to can right now, except out of the freezer, we decided to do some cleaning for the next few days. Hopefully we can get caught up with what fell behind while we were working on the taters and onions. Got to admit it feels odd not canning or dehydrating, but we will get back on it a little later.
Started off the morning with DH stain removing some clothing, putting on a load of washing and hanging it on the clothes line and then watering some of the back yard with the saved grey water from the showers and washing machine. I then took a few phone calls from real estate agents and we are seeing the other property out of town on 2.4 acres tomorrow afternoon and a second viewing of the property in town on Thursday. Looking forward to seeing the larger acreage tomorrow to see what that house and land look like.

This afternoon DH and I separated the dried English and French lavender and put it in the containers in the storage room and I updated the listings on eBay with the extra weight and price.

We had planned to get into the gardens today to harvest both some broad beans and some more silver beet but it was raining and now tomorrow we will be busy all day.
Started off the morning with DH stain removing some clothing, putting on a load of washing and hanging it on the clothes line and then watering some of the back yard with the saved grey water from the showers and washing machine. I then took a few phone calls from real estate agents and we are seeing the other property out of town on 2.4 acres tomorrow afternoon and a second viewing of the property in town on Thursday. Looking forward to seeing the larger acreage tomorrow to see what that house and land look like.

This afternoon DH and I separated the dried English and French lavender and put it in the containers in the storage room and I updated the listings on eBay with the extra weight and price.

We had planned to get into the gardens today to harvest both some broad beans and some more silver beet but it was raining and now tomorrow we will be busy all day.
Is this going to be your new home to buy or are you looking for a bigger rental?
Harvest Moon tonight folks..pretty...

Been a tad frustrated with the lack of safety at my workplace . Another close call accident at my job last week, ..no one lost a limb... this time at least. A few more seconds and it would have been a fatality..it was that close.
The last few years, millions have been spent on injuries. a lot of minor (kinda) stuff..a few major. Last winter we were almost shut down by OSHA and our insurance due to a major accident (severed limb), not on my machine but I was the caregiver. It was gruesome. I spent 14 years on a SAR team and that had to be in the top 10, we had to wait 45 minutes in 5 degrees for a ambulance. That was a long..long wait.. and with no trauma kit available, just a few 3x5's and bandaids in the basic first aid kit. but I'm sure it was longer for the guy who just lost a limb in a slow slow grind..wrapping and breaking and finally tearing off around a shaft and sprocket..almost sucking his whole body in... That In itself was disturbing, but the overall track record in this job isn't shiny..
I just got informed today I have to fill out another accident report. I was in the right place at right time and was able to cut power to a machine before a guy was killed. Not before his pelvis was cracked though...yea..
really wishing I was back on the cleaning crew...not that it isn't dangerous but damb...

My goodness @Hooch be careful! :eyeballs::huggs:
Last night was interesting.......

The bi-polar lass who lives down the street had a episode last night in front of my house.

She was ranting, waving a knife and self harming/cutting herself...then she rang the police. Herself.
Before I knew it there were two police cars, a police van and paramedics.

She's always a little off and she's a wanderer - needs to walk and she's always ranting and swearing as she does.
I feel a lot of sympathy for her BUT I don't trust her and when the SHTF and meds are no longer available
she (and the rest of us in the street) is going to be in trouble.
Tank Girl, make sure your knife is bigger. Maybe they'll keep her locked up awhile.
Regular work day, but not too busy. Got the animals done before a big rainstorm hit. Now it's quiet. Watered all our atrium room plants. Peeled, Sliced, and Blanched about 8 lbs of carrots for the dehydrator. Cleaned out 2 racks from my red wiggler worm farm, and ended up with 2 very full gallon bags of casings. Ground up citrus I had dehydrated for citrus powder. Sold some duck and chicken eggs.

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