What's everybody doing today?

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@dademoss yes we have days like that regularly around here and hate to say it things usually happen in 3's for us anyway. Not sure if you are replacing a push mower or a ride on but if it is a push mower there are some wonderful self propelled mulching ones. We have a Toro one and it helps you push it making the job so much easier :) .
Round 2 of yesterday is that DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped them and put them away. Both of us folded up 3 loads of washing and put it away and then we stripped the bed of winter blankets, doona, wool underlay and sheets and replaced them with a thin blanket, cotton padded underlay, cotton coverlet and summer sheets. I then watered the lavender cuttings and changed the water in the rosemary cuttings we are trying to propagate.

So far this morning DH has got on the first load of washing being the woolen underlay in the washing machine. It is so big and fluffy it is a load on it's own and made from Australian wool.
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Got a jump on housecleaning and cooking. Things got out of hand with us being gone for two weekends in a row, but still had a houseful here. Still not to my liking, but good enough for my cousin to stay with us this weekend before she heads back to Kansas. Husband feeling better but doctor wants him off work another week, and I think he needs that. Put the "Duck eggs for sale" sign out and have been selling them.
Reading the forums, resting a bit.
Had the grand daughter for several hours today.
We went and visited with her great grandparents(my parents).
Dad I think is her favorite, he feeds her good stuff sometimes.
Then I went to her big sister's birthday party later this afternoon.
Resting now.
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@MoBookworm1957 adorable photo of your Mum and Dad with Estelle and the age old opening of the mouth of the person feeding them still works today :) .

Don't know if your Dad has recently hit his head or not but if not I would check that mark on his head because I suspect it may be skin cancer and would need to be dealt with. Ex nurse speak but it looks suspicious to me.
Round 2 of today is that we did another 2 loads of washing and hung it on the clothes line to dry (that makes 3 for the day) but unfortunately it rained soon after so they are still sitting there until tomorrow.

Then into the kitchen where we made a quadruple batch of oat, honey, almond, coconut and sultana granola, another half batch of brownie mix and a large batch of chocolate walnut brownies. We have been meaning to catch up with a lot of the cooking for more than a week so this week we will have some lovely treats to eat while we start our house packing.

We then sat down and worked out all our bills and did a temporary budget for when we move into our new home including rates, water and added insurance costs. I also paid both our car and trailer comprehensive insurances that our insurance company emailed us so that is now paid. I also transferred the cost of a years rates, water and DH's car rego over to the bill paying account so we have all the bills sorted for the first couple of months we are in the new home so we can concentrate on unpacking and settling in.

This afternoon we packed 1 bookshelf of books up in book boxes which we marked the contents of on and stacked them in the sewing room temporarily and the day before I packed a box of patterned fabric which is also in there. Tomorrow sometime we will move these out on to the front veranda to clear some room in there to move.

The kitchen is a disaster area now so shortly DH will wash the dishes, clean the benches and I will wipe them and put them away and probably sweep the kitchen before we start to get rid of any debris.
Wow, Terri....you are going to be super busy! We only have 4 turkeys to process, but are going to wait a while. No room in my freezer right now. We have had two sunnier days, so our female Royal Palm started laying again.
Cousin made it in and she'll stay till tomorrow. I know she sleeps in a long time usually, so no hurry with breakfast this morning. Up early anyway to do husband's IV. I'll be happily done with that in another 5 days and will be able to sleep more than 7 hrs at a time then.
Not much planned for cousin today. Maybe a tour of the animals outside and a trip to Sam's Club. Our daughters will be over for supper tonight, and our son and his girlfriend.
Remember the spice rack my uncle threw together for me last Jan… I had planned to modify it, maybe finish it. I had to wait for warm weather to be able to work on the front porch. By the time warm weather got here I couldn’t see well enough to safely operate a router or miter saw.

Today I thought to heck with it, I’m tired of having 3 dozen spice and medicine bottles on my kitchen counter. I was cleaning that area anyway.

I mounted the rack unfinished and got everything off the counter except 4 little medicine bottles. I have another really small spice rack for them, haven’t decided where to put it. I remounted my cutting boards and rearranged the two existing spice racks. I freed up about 3ft of counter space.

I was wrong, it was 21 chickens and 14 turkeys. 5 1/2 hours and I'm beat. It normally wouldn't have taken so long but the kids heart rate was up at 180 so I made her go lay down so I had no help with the "cleaning". None of the people who came to learn wanted to stick their hands inside. I'm gonna eat my cheese pizza and go to sleep.
Started off the morning with waking up early and heading off to the house to be there for our building and pest inspection which went well. The home does have termites in the fences surrounding the house but none in the house or stumps which is good news. The building the tanks are sitting on has rafters 90 cm apart instead of 60 cm so we will have to get someone in to put braces in there, again not too expensive. The real estate agent rang and I asked when the last time the home was sprayed for pests and termites and he said around 18 months ago and asked if I was happy with the inspection to which I replied " I am not happy that the fences have termites nor some of the shed posts and requested the current owners have the whole property sprayed for both termites, cockroaches, ants and spiders as part of the maintenance of the property. We will hear back in a few days no doubt. Other than that we have our own spray that will do the job anyway for the fences and will just pay for the house and stumps to be professionally sprayed. The rest of the inspections went well though and all round the house is in good condition for it's age.

Got home and we did a bit more packing of boxes and DH packed most of his PlayStation games and DVD's in boxes and I started on the small bits and pieces in the sewing room to pack.

This afternoon we took the washing off the clothes line and tonight we will fold up all the blanket, doona and mattress protector we washed and put them in vacuum bags.
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@MoBookworm1957 adorable photo of your Mum and Dad with Estelle and the age old opening of the mouth of the person feeding them still works today :) .

Don't know if your Dad has recently hit his head or not but if not I would check that mark on his head because I suspect it may be skin cancer and would need to be dealt with. Ex nurse speak but it looks suspicious to me.
The spot on dad's head is several age spots.. But yes, it's been checked for cancer. I go in two weeks and get a spot on my face checked for cancer.
My spot was a freckle that changed shape and color. Being cancer runs deep in my family on both sides we check things out pretty often.
But thank you for asking.
Getting ready to go to the next to last Physical Therapy appointment.
Boy I will be glad when these are done.
Already stripped my bed this morning, flipped the mattress.
Vacuumed the floor everywhere while Strawberry was taking care of her business.
Got a few dishes to wash up later,finish clearing off the kitchen table.
Completely emptied the sewing room closet.
Only put back in there 1 large hamper of fabric scraps, 18 gallon tote of pictures.
Now to work on the second half of the sewing room, now that I got a little bit of breathing room.
Today, I'm catching up here and doing laundry. Chonda Pierce (Christian Comedian) show was really good! She's funny and a little sarcastic. I like her! Church yesterday and then home to clean bathrooms, dust, set up vitamins for the coming month, water plants and make egg salad for dinner. No Church last night or until time change as putting the goats to bed at night comes halfway through Church times. As of this morning, I have lost 47 pounds since July 11th. Go me! I think my thyroid meds are still too high as I am still not sleeping much, although the doc already lowered them once. DH is still sick and taking the Veterans bus up to the VA clinic in Jackson on Thursday. Wants me to stay home for animal care. He thinks they may admit him and I hope if they do, they can get him straightened out some. Would be rough not being able to go see him, but I want him better! I think that's all for now. Will update when I can.
Went to the discount store and found a nice work jacket for half the price. Also got myself a pumpkin colored thermal long sleeve shirt for only $10. I got the pups a big rope toy to play with and chew on
Hubby found some bibs that are fire proof and when he paid for them they came up only $5!!!! :thumbs:

After we got back hubby did maintenance on the bobcat to get it ready for the snow, put the mowers away and had to charge the battery on the atv since it died

I did his work clothes laundry, rearranged the back room/office and then made chicken potpie for supper.

This morning I went and bought 2 more bales of straw for the pup's box. It was down to 30 degrees this morning. Frost everywhere.
I have my laundry to do and some dishes to get washed.
I"m sitting in a chair in awe.

Wanted to get by Federal blessed State Driver's license. While I'm at it get my passport to. State and Feds will not accept my hospital issued Birth Certificate (BC). For and extra $10 I can order my BC online. Save me the trip and hours off from work. Two days latter I get the BC in the mail. My dad's first name is wrong on the BC.

I make a copy of the online order, the BC with the wrong name and the hospital BC. I'll take the afternoon off and go do battle with the County!!!!!!!!!!!

Online I find the FAX number for the County Dept that issues BC. I FAX them a cover letter explaining along with a copy of the receipt, and both BCs. A lot of good this is going to do me I thought as the last page FAXed. 5 minutes later the County calls me?!?!? Here's where the battle starts I thought. Handwritten records has my dad's name wrong but using the Hospital's BC they have corrected it. They will have a corrected BC in today's mail!

No battles with government bureaucracy, no blood pressure going into orbit and no sweat. A government entity that provides outstanding customer service!
I"m sitting in a chair in awe.

Wanted to get by Federal blessed State Driver's license. While I'm at it get my passport to. State and Feds will not accept my hospital issued Birth Certificate (BC). For and extra $10 I can order my BC online. Save me the trip and hours off from work. Two days latter I get the BC in the mail. My dad's first name is wrong on the BC.

I make a copy of the online order, the BC with the wrong name and the hospital BC. I'll take the afternoon off and go do battle with the County!!!!!!!!!!!

Online I find the FAX number for the County Dept that issues BC. I FAX them a cover letter explaining along with a copy of the receipt, and both BCs. A lot of good this is going to do me I thought as the last page FAXed. 5 minutes later the County calls me?!?!? Here's where the battle starts I thought. Handwritten records has my dad's name wrong but using the Hospital's BC they have corrected it. They will have a corrected BC in today's mail!

No battles with government bureaucracy, no blood pressure going into orbit and no sweat. A government entity that provides outstanding customer service!

VitalRecords, the online processing company is privately owned. Its not a government entity.
@MoBookworm1957 and welcome always good to have these things checked re your Dad. We also have skin cancer in our family so I am vigilant as on one side we are fair skinned Irish decent and on the other English redheads. I was born with ginger megs red hair and my skin is so fair I almost glow in the dark. Recently I had my skin checked and fortunately only one mark looks suspicious so they are keeping an eye on it.
Cousin left to go home after visiting for the weekend. Went to work, errands afterwards. Leftovers tonight...grandson off to Boy Scouts and I have to take granddaughter to American heritage girls. Husband is resting. His secretary just dumped off 6 boxes of stuff...his office was being moved today. A lot to go through now! Why he had two coffee makers in there I'll never know.
Cousin left to go home after visiting for the weekend. Went to work, errands afterwards. Leftovers tonight...grandson off to Boy Scouts and I have to take granddaughter to American heritage girls. Husband is resting. His secretary just dumped off 6 boxes of stuff...his office was being moved today. A lot to go through now! Why he had two coffee makers in there I'll never know.

Right! I asked my hubby the same thing. "He said "I only have one, the other one is an espresso machine."

What's the difference?!?!

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