What's everybody doing today?

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I decided to mount the other rack just above the other medicines... Even have room for a few more items... I wish I had a spare 20k laying around. I'd gut the kitchen, living room, hallway and start over. I dislike all the 70's dark paneling, drop ceilings etc.

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I used to be all about natural wood and anything wood. Now, I have done the unimaginable, painted some of it. It cleans it up and makes it fresh again. I have wide Victorian trim all throughout my home that I started stripping and now have painted it.
You bought a gun without asking her...? Totaled her car...?
We settled the buying stuff just after we were married 40 years ago. She told me she was making a budget for us to follow. I said okay you make your budget and I will buy whatever I want and it should work out fine. She ended up never making a budget and apparently everything still worked out just fine.

My wife and I are on different schedules. I was making myself the scrambled eggs and hashbrowns for my lunch and she was about to make herself breakfast. So I offered to make her breakfast. :)
DH went to the VA transport for his clinic appt. I washed sheets and flipped the memory foam pad on the bed. I've been sleeping on the same area for 7 years and am too cheap to go buy a new one yet. I got out the Tarnex and cleaned what silver jewelry I have. Then I made Fire Cider and then Buffalo Chicken Strips. Plus took care of dogs and goats, of course.
DH went to the VA transport for his clinic appt. I washed sheets and flipped the memory foam pad on the bed. I've been sleeping on the same area for 7 years and am too cheap to go buy a new one yet. I got out the Tarnex and cleaned what silver jewelry I have. Then I made Fire Cider and then Buffalo Chicken Strips. Plus took care of dogs and goats, of course.
What is fire cider?
Had Estelle again today.
I'm pooped.
My day started at 0330 hours, finally got to lay back down at 0530 hours.
Puked up my socks up between 0330-0530 hours. Estelle loves her Granny.
She shares her ickies. Finally got back up at 0730 hours felt wonderful.
Done up 3 loads of laundry washed, dried, and put away before 1030 hours.
Dishes done up and put away.
Baked chicken in the oven along with baked potatoes, carrots.
Scrubbed the crayon marks off the high chair and my kitchen table.
Cleaned the storm door of little sticky hand prints.
Dusted the tv of little hand prints.
Ran the vacuum throughout the house.
Gave the bathroom good scrubbing, bleached the toilet, still need to clean mirrors over sink.
Started crocheting my third red shawl for Christmas gifts.
All in all good day.
Last Physical Therapy appointment Friday. Yea Haw!
Then going for drive to get car winterized at dealership where I bought the car.
My car just now has 4800 miles on it, I have owned it for a whole year now.
Getting ready for bed.
Everybody have wonderful day, evening, night.
Today I was kind of useless...lazy morning, then took daughter to the library and grocery shopping after she got home from school. Then made tacos for supper and we're watching family shows before bed. Tomorrow I gotta hit the pharmacy and hopefully the weather will permit me to get to the range so I can do a wee bit of shooting...
Sleep. You get the hero award, Amish Heart. Maybe things can settle down for you two for some peace and quiet. I hope he's doing better.
I think I finally felt chilled out today and maybe it'll stay that way for a few days. There might not be peace on earth but there can be peace in my heart to share with others.
We settled the buying stuff just after we were married 40 years ago...

My wife did the same thing. She said her money was her money and she wasn't going to "waste" any of it by paying bills. Since I made more, she said I get to pay all of the household bills. 45 years later I'm debt free and she's swimming in credit card debt.

Newly weds and she started a list of things for me to do and posted it on the refrigerator. Couple weeks later she mentioned that I hadn't done any of the tasks on "My" work list. When was I going to start? I told her as soon as I've completed her "things to do" list. I never saw another "honey do" list since then.
I'm doing the happy dance for Friday, too. Will be off to work soon.
Your 45 years ago newlywed stories are a crack up, LazyL. Sounds like work and love paid off, cuz here it is 45 years later and you're still married. I've always had a household budget....grocery, children's needs and spending for what I need. I try hard to stay in that budget, and working with cash helps. Husband has never had a honey do list. I would find that weird to boss him around like that. I suspect he'd ignore it if I tried. He's got his jobs and I've got mine.
Thanks, Patchouli...things are looking up. The hurdles lately have been husband's health and my mom had oral surgery a few days ago that I was worried about. She had to have all of her upper teeth pulled because some were broken and abscessing, and be fitted for dentures. She is normally on blood thinners, so went off for a few days. She bleeds easily and she's almost 86. I had to hire someone to stay with her two days and a night. I hired my cousin's granddaughter who has had experience with seniors and first aid, and mom did well. She looks in the mirror now and says she looks beautiful.
Survived the middle school band concert last night. Some of the kids and band instructor wore costumes. The band teacher was pretty creepy, though, she wore some black twisted devil horns, and wore all black. She is the head of some pagan church here locally. Says she is a priestess.
Agreed, my husband knows what to do without me telling him.
Sometimes if he wasn't getting started on a project, I'd start it myself. That usually didn't go over well with him and he'd see my struggles and do it for me. Problem solved.
Blood thinners/clots are nothing to mess around with! That's great she's getting her teeth done.
It sounds like the band director wasn't wearing a costume at all if it was "religious." She's really pushing her luck.
Easy day today. Some light clean up, some laundry, some reading. Waiting on the cold rain thats supposed to start around supper time and last all weekend. Have to start my grocery list for sam's club. I plan on going in about 2 weeks. Its a 45 min drive one way so I don't want to forget anything.

Hubby and I never had separate anything. We work together to take care of each other and everything else
When I was 18, my stepmom taught me to pay all bills and buy gas for work first and put a certain amount in savings, whatever was left could go to groceries, clothes, etc. I have always done that!

Already have two large slow cookers going with dog food to can this afternoon. Got refund for broken meat grinder so will order another, probably from Walmart so it is easier to return if needed. Need to spruce up bathrooms and dust house. That is all I'm hoping to do.

DH got home from VA with more antibiotics, a different inhaler and will hopefully start getting better again!
Got the oil change done.
Had O2 senor checked again it's fine no need for repair.
And it's under warranty too.
Rotated tires, had car winterized.
Had nice lunch out with friend.
He's window shopping, I'm along for the drive.
Son showed up with Estelle.
They stayed at my house while I took care of car needs.
Told him anything loud he bought her for Christmas(drums, cymbals etc) goes to his house, not staying at mine.
I got her a toddler bed, that's supposed to go to his house.
He so needs to get rid of deadbeat room mate so he can take his daughter to his house.
When I was cleaning out sewing room closet, I found his and his brother's old potty chair.
It's now sitting in my living room with her sitting on the potty.
With the lid down, so cute but will have to strenghten for wiggle wart to use it.
Took nap when I got home this afternoon. Got home at 1530(330pm) slept till 530 pm, wouldn't have gotten up then
but Strawberry was doing the peepee dance on my stomach.
Ate too much for lunch, still full, probably fruit for supper.
Everybody have a good evening, day, afternoon, night.
Feel like I'm in brain fog.
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I had my VA appointment yesterday in the big city. It was quick, I walked out of the clinic 20 minutes after I entered, never had an appointment go so quick. Since I still had some energy I thought about driving home. Just as I got to the interstate it started raining... just after 3pm. No way I was going to drive rush hour traffic in the rain all the way home. I stopped and got a room at the Motel 6 I stayed at in Sept.

My next appointment is 26nov...
I had my VA appointment yesterday in the big city. It was quick, I walked out of the clinic 20 minutes after I entered, never had an appointment go so quick. Since I still had some energy I thought about driving home. Just as I got to the interstate it started raining... just after 3pm. No way I was going to drive rush hour traffic in the rain all the way home. I stopped and got a room at the Motel 6 I stayed at in Sept.

My next appointment is 26nov...
Great news Peanut!
Yay for Saturday morning here :) .

Still going on broad beans for today but shelled around a third last night.
DH got another mowing job next door so is doing that being mowing and whipper snippering a 1/2 acre for which he will get paid $60.
I have sprayed the fruit trees in pots on the back veranda with white oil as they have leaf minor in them.
Trench composted the broad bean shells into one of the back garden beds.
Got on a load of washing which I will hang out shortly.
Then put on the drip irrigation systems for both the front and back vegetable gardens.

Yesterday -
- Went to the dry cleaners and took all my winter coats to get dry cleaned ( I hope they put a silver ingot in each pocket on pickup with the price they charge).
- Changed over both cars to RACQ third party so we get a discount of $10 on each of our roadside assist membership each year, same cost.
- Posted some sold lavender.
- Picked a whole heap of broad beans and pulled the plants and weeded both garden beds.

The house looks like a bomb hit it with all the packing going on , oh well :D . I hate a messy house but will have to live with it temporarily but the freezers will be full with lovely vegetables to last us around 3 to 4 months when we move into our new home until we get our garden beds going again.
Round 2 of today is that we finished double shelling all the broad beans and have them in the fridge to blanch and freeze tomorrow.
I deep cleaned the bathroom and toilet for the week.
We folded up 3 loads of washing and put it away.
Made the bed with clean sheets.

My fingers are aching from shelling broad beans as some of the skins went up under my fingernail ouch and I had to dig them out with a nail file. One of many dangers and accidents of living a self sustaining/homesteading/prepping lifestyle :LOL:.

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