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The blower motor hasn’t been working on Jakes truck. He and I figured out the problem today it was the blower motor resistor. He changed himself and I could tell he was quite proud of himself to have fixed his air conditioner. 🤣

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I took a new job and moved to wv once. Had to change the heater core in my truck as soon as i got there, leaking. Rented a car because of work. Took me 2 days to pull out the dash, replace core then put everything back together. That winter the new core worked great, until the 22yr old fan died. Too big a hurry and didn’t replace the fan. 🤬 Kicked myself for two days, even worse, this time I was pulling the dash in the cold!!! (parking lot in front of my apt)


Harvested medicine plants today, been processing them for tincture. Big job, won’t finish until tomorrow.
I took a new job and moved to wv once. Had to change the heater core in my truck as soon as i got there, leaking. Rented a car because of work. Took me 2 days to pull out the dash, replace core then put everything back together. That winter the new core worked great, until the 22yr old fan died. Too big a hurry and didn’t replace the fan. 🤬 Kicked myself for two days, even worse, this time I was pulling the dash in the cold!!! (parking lot in front of my apt)


Harvested medicine plants today, been processing them for tincture. Big job, won’t finish until tomorrow.
It was surprising easy to get to everything on this old truck.
Looking for Me Pillow :


Dying with hayfever - which I never get. Strange as its overcast and damp, so must be from yesterday. Going to have a chilled day, catch up on paperwork and some ol' fashioned letter writing; before having a family dinner. Continuing on with my charity knitting challenge, been a bit slack lately.
Supposed to mow the lawn today and plant the petunias I didn’t plant yesterday. I’ll be making ice cream later. Had planned on mint cookie but don’t have any peppermint extract so I think I’ll make coffee mocha chip instead.

We are expecting rain this morning but I think it will just be overcast.
This is what I did when I had it. I kept moving (even if I just did a couple of laps around the apartment several times a day. Got outside in the fresh air and sunshine every chance I could. I also drank a lot of tea with lemon, honey ad cinnamon.
I did 3 loads of laundry yesterday, carried outside, put on clotheline and took back down later, made bed ( washed bed stuff)
That is after helping son with animals care ( outside , barn and otherwise)
Watered what's left of one garden, tried to pull some weeds ( that is when I got lightheaded and quit)
cooked lunch and did dishes

what you really need to tell me is ' you are sick you need to rest" which is what I have a hard time with since our homestead is just not set up to 'rest" and I hate sitting in bed inactive.....

I am down to mostly just coughing a lot and still tired more than usual. Plus not hungry still
Husband still has sore throat , body aches but his temp only went up to 99 so far
Had a nice morning with GF and Ruby the dog. We went to the softball fields and took Ruby off the leash to play fetch for a while. She fetches like a champ as long as there are treats involved. She'll bring the ball right to our feet and drop it and lay down. But if there aren't any treats, she wants to play Keep-Away with the ball and won't let us have it back. This afternoon has been spent with my daughter getting ready for our trip to Florida. We've been sorting what clothes to take and doing a little packing. Then we went to Walmart to get some last minute items we'll need. Daughter is a bit nervous because it's her first time flying but I know she'll enjoy it once we're in the air. We fly out at 0930 Monday morning so we're getting a hotel room near the airport tomorrow night...
have a safe trip and hope you enjoy it!
Not sure what's up today. Husband and little granddaughter are still sleeping. Just me and the pup. Little granddaughter's mom visited yesterday and took my phone charger (?) so we were scrambling trying to find something to fit my flip phone. The weather looks not as hot today, so maybe more time outside. We had a good rain last night, so no watering necessary.
sitting here trying to figure out where to go from here.....
one of the gardens is a total fail. We will never be able to remove the weeds and keep the plants alive , just no time
the other one is a little better ( we worked on it before we both got sick)
the pastures that are steep have sky high grass. We have all these animals and they still can't keep it mowed. But I do not want to start getting cows at this point either
we have no good way of mowing anything steep. last time we rented a self propelled large brush mower but it was still a huge amount of work to do it. Neither of us is in shape to do this anytime soon.
yesterday we thought we had lost 4 little goats. They were just not visible in the grass. This is not good, snakes can hide also
This year we have had the perfect weather for everything to grow. I hate seeing the blueberries and cherries going to waste but we can't pick them.

So things are not looking good here and I am debating on if we just need to sell the animals and quit. Things haven't been this bad in 8 years since we started, almost 9 now. We have never both been sick /injured at the same time. Son is still recovering also and there are a lot of things he has never done or helped with since it wasn't necessary
All thanks to one stupid decision on my part. It's amazing how things can get screwed up really fast by making a bad choice. Everyone here is worried about SHTF etc etc, and here some stupid viruses are about to wipe our way of life out.

doing something probably unecessary now but wanted it done, laundry. Washing the bedstuff . I am thinking getting rid of some germs might help get better faster
I’ve been thinking about this ever since I first read it—wracking my brain trying to think of something, even if I could find some words of encouragement. Of course when you’re sick a challenge is even more insurmountable.

Are there any neighbors or perhaps a posting on Facebook to allow grazing on the steep area.

Maybe U-pick blueberries and cherries.

Is there a location you can pick up a day laborer (or two) to help get things back in order.

I wish I had better ideas or were close by.
I know when I had covid, I stayed in my room for 2 and 1/2 weeks hallucinating, fever, chills and such. Nothing I took helped until I went to the hospital and they gave me the IV with a small bag of some super med they had. You can only get one per stay but the next day they were letting me out and I gelt fine!
Please don't give up on your dream! I realize how hard it is now and what your going thru with covid. But it can, and will, get better! Do you have any neighbors that may be able yo help? Maybe call the hospital and see if they have the med pack thing. Our hospitals were only keeping patients for 2 days because that's all it took.
We will keep you in our Prayers that all will work out! Please try Not to give up!
I may be out of line for suggesting all this but I believe our dreams we start should be finished.
thanks for the encouragement! And sorry you were that sick, wow. Mine isn't quite that bad, but I also have the flu on top of it.
OUr homestead is just not set up to work without a lot of physical labor. Like we have currently 4 sets of animals plus the chickens and chicks husband just got the day I got sick . They all need to be watered every day. Which means, filling up and carrying waterbuckets to them. We do not have automatic waterers and not sure they would work ( I think they might need electricity) . Dragging a hose around is just as much work as carrying the buckets. We rotate animals around too since we don't have a huge amount of land.
So that means getting a bucket of feed, cleaning out the containers we feed them with, carrying them to wherever the animals need to go, then calling them over.
This is just the bare minimum to keep the animals alive
then there is cleaning, they like to sleep in the shelters or barn, so that needs daily cleaning ( shoveling crap into a wheelbarrow and dumping it on the pile which gets composted and later put on the gardens) . If we don't clean it , it gets disgusting pretty fast
The dogs need to get taken care of
This is all the absolute bare minimum. The gardens like I said are not taken care of, and no mowing is getting done.

The big thing is we are not making any money, because we are not selling anything at the market . Our fridge is overflowing with eggs, we have tons of meat to sell, the fruit is getting eaten by the birds and the veggies are getting covered by weeds and eaten by bugs.
That's the most frustrating part

I am writing all this down not just to complain but for people that plan on living this sort of lifestyle to think about what can happen . But probably most on here don't really have a commercial small farm....
But still, most of you have animals. Something to think about who will take care of them if the entire family is sick
It's terrible when you're sick and have to keep going. That was us, December 2020. Animals, food, and laundry still have to get done. And still taking care of husband. So, just the minimum. I do think getting outside and getting some sunshine helps. I would sit on the porch wrapped up in a big coat.
I’ve been thinking about this ever since I first read it—wracking my brain trying to think of something, even if I could find some words of encouragement. Of course when you’re sick a challenge is even more insurmountable.

Are there any neighbors or perhaps a posting on Facebook to allow grazing on the steep area.

Maybe U-pick blueberries and cherries.

Is there a location you can pick up a day laborer (or two) to help get things back in order.

I wish I had better ideas or were close by.
thanks for the thought!

All those types of things take planning and interaction with people. I don't want to give these viruses to anyone else....

Want to hear something sort of funny? The day after I went to the hospital, I got a phone call from the Virginia health department asking me what covid symptoms I have and how I am doing. She reminded me to not go anywhere until after my symptoms are gone and wear a face mask if I have to interact with people. Then the lady reminded me I "would still be elligable for a free covid vaccine in the future" LOL NOT! I told her we managed to avoid covid all this time, and the only reason I got it now is because I flew to Europe, plus I reminded her I have the flu also . She didn't mention getting a flu shot which I am willing to do
Debating if It is all Worth IT...?!?

Hope Everyone Here Has A Blessed Day...

are you native american? Sorry for the baby, that's sad but glad you got it out of prison, --- I am not Native American . I suppose the combining of the two forums created a slight communication gap . I refer to tribe in the prepper term as in a group of prepper / survivalist . In my case that is all family members and consists of 4 families and a few other folks huddled on the same grounds prepared for the apocalypse .
thanks for the encouragement! And sorry you were that sick, wow. Mine isn't quite that bad, but I also have the flu on top of it.
OUr homestead is just not set up to work without a lot of physical labor. Like we have currently 4 sets of animals plus the chickens and chicks husband just got the day I got sick . They all need to be watered every day. Which means, filling up and carrying waterbuckets to them. We do not have automatic waterers and not sure they would work ( I think they might need electricity) . Dragging a hose around is just as much work as carrying the buckets. We rotate animals around too since we don't have a huge amount of land.
So that means getting a bucket of feed, cleaning out the containers we feed them with, carrying them to wherever the animals need to go, then calling them over.
This is just the bare minimum to keep the animals alive
then there is cleaning, they like to sleep in the shelters or barn, so that needs daily cleaning ( shoveling crap into a wheelbarrow and dumping it on the pile which gets composted and later put on the gardens) . If we don't clean it , it gets disgusting pretty fast
The dogs need to get taken care of
This is all the absolute bare minimum. The gardens like I said are not taken care of, and no mowing is getting done.

The big thing is we are not making any money, because we are not selling anything at the market . Our fridge is overflowing with eggs, we have tons of meat to sell, the fruit is getting eaten by the birds and the veggies are getting covered by weeds and eaten by bugs.
That's the most frustrating part

I am writing all this down not just to complain but for people that plan on living this sort of lifestyle to think about what can happen . But probably most on here don't really have a commercial small farm....
But still, most of you have animals. Something to think about who will take care of them if the entire family is sick
I can not even phantom what you are going through! I can't even imagine me, if I had to do what you have done. I commend you and your family for what y'all have done through this!
Praying things get better and y'all's health returns even better than before! Y'all are strong, I can tell.
Your words of wisdom to others thinking of homesteading are great and commendable.
I can not even phantom what you are going through! I can't even imagine me, if I had to do what you have done. I commend you and your family for what y'all have done through this!
Praying things get better and y'all's health returns even better than before! Y'all are strong, I can tell.
Your words of wisdom to others thinking of homesteading are great and commendable.
Morning animal care done for now, thankfully everyone is still ok.
It's really only been a week of real problems but feels like forever.....
It will take us months to catch up probably
I am not really taking anything now, just took a few of those pills I got plus a few days of cough syrup. I suppose I will survive ( been sick since last Monday night) but it sure is not fitting in our schedule right now in any way possible ( plus mine is probably worse since I have the flu too) . actually I have been sick since about 3 weeks ago , counting the first cold or whatever I had over there

Who took care of your animals while you were sick?
As I'm sure you're aware, work on a farm/ranch doesn't stop just because of a little flu. I still fed the cattle, plowed 3 miles of road and did everything else that needed to be done. The wife still took care of the chickens. A few years ago my appendix burst while I was building the new working corral and the wife was at work in Alaska. I only quit working on it when the pain became too severe. I then drove myself to the hospital 80 miles away. I wish we had family around here that could help out whenever we get sick or break a bone. I'm 67 now. I figure that I have another 10 years or so before it becomes too much work for me to keep up on here.
Got up early and got 3 sprinklers going in the orchard. Just have a few rows of grapes left to water. We decided not to use our garden any more, just going with raised beds closer to the house. So I'm starting to take the fence out and move it closer to the grapes and the orchard. Started mowing around the house. It'll take a few more days to finish mowing. Started digging holes for the new bird feeders and for the deck extension. The ground is getting pretty hard now so I'm soaking the ground.
Yesterday was hot and humid, 74 degs and 35% humidity. Doesn't sound like much, but we normally have around 12-20% humidity this time of year. Last year our last snow fall was June 22nd. This year we had snow a couple of weeks ago, don't think we'll get any more.
As I'm sure you're aware, work on a farm/ranch doesn't stop just because of a little flu. I still fed the cattle, plowed 3 miles of road and did everything else that needed to be done. The wife still took care of the chickens. A few years ago my appendix burst while I was building the new working corral and the wife was at work in Alaska. I only quit working on it when the pain became too severe. I then drove myself to the hospital 80 miles away. I wish we had family around here that could help out whenever we get sick or break a bone. I'm 67 now. I figure that I have another 10 years or so before it becomes too much work for me to keep up on here.
yup lol, you sound like us here.....glad you didn't die from appendicides wow