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yup lol, you sound like us here.....glad you didn't die from appendicides wow
The doc had to remove all of my internal organs to clean everything up and then put them back in. He removed part of the colon, secum, and some intestine, and something else he found in there. It's taken a long time to recover.
Last week my doctor called with the results from some tests and said that I have some kind of bug living in my intestines. I got an appointment next week with a specialist.
Jake and I worked in the shop today. He changed the plugs and wires in his truck. He wants dual exhaust on the truck, I told him he would have to save up the money for it or sell something he has. He has a little Honda 80 that has been sitting for several years in the shop. He pulled the carburetor apart and cleaned it but all of the lines had dried out so we will need to buy them but he got the carb cleaned up and installed.

Jake and I worked in the shop today. He changed the plugs and wires in his truck. He wants dual exhaust on the truck, I told him he would have to save up the money for it or sell something he has. He has a little Honda 80 that has been sitting for several years in the shop. He pulled the carburetor apart and cleaned it but all of the lines had dried out so we will need to buy them but he got the carb cleaned up and installed.

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It might not have the cool factor of duals, but a single 3" hiflow, like a flow master or copy work really well on LS s, and keep the smooth sound, of course he could do a dual oulet for 2 tail pipes , but it is just extra work.
It might not have the cool factor of duals, but a single 3" hiflow, like a flow master or copy work really well on LS s, and keep the smooth sound, of course he could do a dual oulet for 2 tail pipes , but it is just extra work.
You know kids, he wants dual exhaust for the sound. These days I like my trucks quiet but I still like open duals on my Harleys
You know kids, he wants dual exhaust for the sound. These days I like my trucks quiet but I still like open duals on my Harleys
Hey, I had a little Jetta that had a nice system on it, made a sweet low rumble. Hubs had installed it. We all like something a little noisy sometimes.
I like quiet at work and out when you are cruising on a long trip, Loud at the show or track.

Duals are a problem unless you break for the stainless. My 85 Chevy C20 has dual stainless 2.5" that have the Quietest Stainless Flow Masters I could get. they exit in front of the back tires because of pulling trailers all the time and hooking them up.
I would think true duals on an LS might steal there already anemic bottom end torque, .
A good day! Woke at 6am, I’m never up at 6! It’s all the sweet leaf plants I have in the house, a potent nervine. The smell fills my house and woke me. Still processing sweet leaf though, filled up 2 shelves in my fridge with large bowls so far. Getting close but I’m not done yet! Guess it’ll be tomorrow before I get the tinctures made.

Got a lucky break this morning. Picked up a can to water my 5 porch plants. It had a wasp nest inside it just under the top. When I picked it up the water sloshed and soaked the wasps on the nest. They were too busy trying not to drown to sting me! 🤣 Took me a moment to realize where they were coming from. I have 3 water cans, sometimes a can will sit for a week or two before I need it. Plenty of time for wasps to take up house keeping. Hey, a win is a win!

cheap water can... They only last a year or two. The plastic starts to split and crack. I have one that's galvanized metal. They last longer but are usually overpriced. I found one on sale and brought it home.

Odd place for a wasp nest, maybe they went for the house by the lake... lol.

Was cleaning gutters ( hate pecan trees) have screens on gutters. Wife comes out and says turn the ladder the other way or you are going g to fall. Tell her to get her azz back in the house. Go to backside of house and sure enough fell off ladder. Only about 10 ft but the outside of my knee is killing me. Trying not limp in front of wife.
It pays to listen to your wife, learned that the hard way.
Since we didn’t get to go camping last weekend, we took off Friday and just returned today. It was absolutely beautiful and sooo relaxing. We needed that! Found between 15-18 lbs of mushrooms. Morels, calf brains, chanterelles, and a couple oysters. We found a few cauliflower mushrooms but didn’t pick them (tedious to clean).

I did some stitching too. Very few other humans in the area as opposed to last weekend since it was a holiday.
Made it home, trailer unpacked, laundry going, mowed lawn and threw some water on things. Shrooms all taken care of: some on dehydrator, some on smoker, and some in fridge. Folks stopped by yesterday for us which was awesome.
Now catching up.
@hashbrown I sliced my thumb with a dull knife cutting a melon in ‘20. 12 stitches across the end, bad cut. It’s hurt more since it healed than it did when it happened. Any place would have been better than the end. I’m always bumping it into something, hurts worse than the night. Of course I’d had a few beers that night too. :rolleyes:

Can’t imagine your experience, especially today. Might need to protect it when working. Instead of a thimble get a little silver helmet made, ww2 vintage should work! 3 stars for the general! In case you have to slap somebody!!! 🤣

Yesterday was a all day trip down below to Ontario oregon. I got my truck back and got a few supplies since I was down there.
A tad nervous driving home because my 72 year old best gal pal was driving my car and watching her in the rearview was making me nervous. She is a great friend but not the best driver anymore but we got home n had fun. I took her to lunch n shopping for socks for her in thanks for helping me get my truck back.
Today..I load up the car with the pups and my little rodatiller that another friend is going to borrow and as I'm dropping it off..the damb car blows the radiator hose.
Its sunday, I'm 10 miles from home..
So I fill up the radiator n reservoir, cap slightly off n beat it down the street to the repair shop that isnt open till tues.
My friend brought me n my pups home..I felt like ..crap..crap crap..
But I feel better now..I sucked it up n got busy..got a lot done today.
Its warm but cloudy, thunderstorms are rolling through occasionally now..the windows are open and I cleaned up with this fancy soap I bought at discount that is super creamy and smells like roses..
I need soup now..
I get lumber that has what looks like blots in the wood grain..often I see a image in it..
This one I saw Jeremiah Johnson or buffalo bill maybe..some ol man in the wood. I enhanced the image with a lumber crayon..
I do this alot..some planer probably gets a kick out of them..
I see alot of emu and ostrich too ..the way a knot is in the wood grain I think..
I wonder if the plane them out or let them go..lol..


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Welp. Found Me pillow so I guess it's

I started this trial run painting this weekend. I'm seeing how different mediums work best together. So far its watercolor, oil pastel, gel pen and acrylic on watercolor paper.
I got this card years ago, and just love the ocean the bright orange flowers and pearly shell scene.. the card is old n a tad beat up..so I want to recreate the image and frame it.
This is a practice run ..the final will be on canvas .


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He has a little Honda 80 that has been sitting for several years in the shop. He pulled the carburetor apart and cleaned it but all of the lines had dried out so we will need to buy them but he got the carb cleaned up and installed.
Is the Honda 80 a motorcycle? My aunt and uncle has a few Honda motorcycles when I was a teenager that we rode up and down country roads.
Today was recuperation. Went to church this morning. Yesterday we had a huge yard sale fundraiser to benefit the animal shelter. It took over 6 hours to set it up Friday night. The animal control officer (ACO) slept in a tent overnight to keep an eye out items. Police drove by a lot to keep thieves at bay. We had 15 ten foot long tables of items. It was hot and exhausting. Hubby is the treasurer nd we deposited $1719 before the bank closed at noon. And I have a belly bag liaded with money to be deposited at the bank tomorrow. It’s our biggest fundraiser for the shelter animals every year. Today I filled all the feeders and watered plants. Then we napped.

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