What's everybody doing today?

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didn't get much rain yesterday, definitely NOT the 4 inches they predicted, maybe half an inch, but better than nothing.
Didn't do much all day and the internet was off for a while. Today we will be busy cleaning the barn after everyone was in all day.

Talked to my dad on the phone, he has decided he is going to live to 100 LOL. His dad's brother is still alive and 98 , his mom's 2 sisters were still alive until recently and also close to 100. Dad's reasoning is that he never smoked or drank much and not overweight and all the relatives that did are long gone and the ones that didn't are still alive. His sister just died during covid she was 10 years younger but smoked most of her life. His dad smoked like a chimney and drank lots of beer, his mom was overweight. We will see if he makes it ( he is 84 now)
Dad continues to improve. Funny, went up early with his morning dose of tinctures. He wasn’t there, I found him in the chicken pen, feeding and gathering eggs. Yep, definitely feeling better. 🤣

I mostly rested today. Made 2 pints of Sida tincture this afternoon, gathered too much. So I made one for me, the other for the couple I met last week. The lady gave me enough crossvine for a small tincture so I had to take them something. Since they live next to cottonmouth heaven, sida tincture was appropriate, a hemotoxin blocker and antibiotic.

No plans but tv this evening.
Sure is harder keeping them down, not that they should be kept down. My dad is also back to his old self after everything of the past two weeks. He cooked dinner last night (stuffed pepper casserole). He was also laughing a lot more last night. Who knows, maybe the ghost of my mother paid him a visit.
Little granddaughter's doing farmers market this afternoon, so I got the eggs, tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers ready for her and will take her down there after lunch. Not sure what other crafty thing she's bringing, we'll see. It'll be her last one for the season because she'll be in school next Friday. A big auction is starting tonight and also happening tomorrow. Those are always fun, but husband hasn't mentioned much about it, so probably not go. Tonight is wagons and wagons of house goods and smaller stuff. Tomorrow are the tractors, implements, and large items.
Great cooler weather today, good time to be in the garden.
didn't get much rain yesterday, definitely NOT the 4 inches they predicted, maybe half an inch, but better than nothing.
Didn't do much all day and the internet was off for a while. Today we will be busy cleaning the barn after everyone was in all day.

Talked to my dad on the phone, he has decided he is going to live to 100 LOL. His dad's brother is still alive and 98 , his mom's 2 sisters were still alive until recently and also close to 100. Dad's reasoning is that he never smoked or drank much and not overweight and all the relatives that did are long gone and the ones that didn't are still alive. His sister just died during covid she was 10 years younger but smoked most of her life. His dad smoked like a chimney and drank lots of beer, his mom was overweight. We will see if he makes it ( he is 84 now)
We have quite a few centurions in our family also. Still have one great aunt who is currently 99. She’ll be 100 in May. Her brother just passed this last year at 101.
So my trip went well and the trip home was uneventful, even though the weather looked bad. It seemed like every day on my trip something good happened and our team is doing the right stuff and being very successful at it.... My big dog and pony show on Tuesday went pretty well, I learned after I got there that we had some big-wig political types in attendance so come Monday my office may be moved to the basement. All the talks that followed mine referenced me by name but my message was not PC, it was well camouflaged but definably not AOC compliant... :)

I actually got home around midnight on Wednesday (that way I could work till noon before flying home). Yesterday was a regular work day and I got off by 16:30. After working 11 hours Sunday, 3-12 hour days, and 14 hours on Wednesday, followed by my regular day (9hrs) on Thursday (11+36+14+9=70) I will be off today (except for an hour an a half meeting middle of the day). But, I will still get my 40 hours of pay, it's great being an overpaid government worker! I don't believe in putting in for comp time or crap like that, I think that doing the job right is what's is expected...

While I was gone the parts for my dryer arrived, so after work last night I took the dryer apart and started my repairs including cleaning everything inside the cabinet. I got it reassembled by about 21:00 (9PM) and test started it, apparent success! So I washed a batch of my grubby jeans and did the first real load in the dryer. It's quiet and all the problems appear to be resolved. I had to sit up with it until the load was done so by 23:30 it was done and so was I.

Today, I got up at my regular time and now I need to run some errands.
Have a great day.

Sorry we couldn't hook up. Glad the trip went well
Busy day today. Aaron the amish boy came by and weed whacked and mowed, neighbor guy (Aaron's brother in law) came by and changed the oil on our ride em mower and serviced it while Bets got new shoes put on. The electrician came by for a light fixture in a little bathroom that would not work. New light fixture and pull chain, and we now have light in there. Took little granddaughter to do her last farmer's market and she almost sold out. I just put the peppers she didn't sell in the dehydrator. Went to pick her up later, and dropped off a load of stuff to the thrift store. Made my MRI appt for the end of the month. Of course, PT called and said I was finally approved for some, and I'm not interested, but husband is throwing a hissy fit, so I may have to schedule some. We'll see what a pain he is about it. He already called his sis and told on me, but I really don't care. The last PT did no good, and I got the impression the therapist really wanted to know what is going on with my right hip anyway. So the MRI will tell me that. Bummer I have to pay cash for it, but that's how it goes.
Got results back from hip MRI, doctor said it doesn't make any sense. The X-Rays show moderate damage to hip joint but the MRI shows slight damage. Dr said I was a abnormally, told him Hell I know that but hip still hurts. Was strange they taped my feet together to do MRI. He wanted me to go to PT, told him no. Subscribed meds that are for depression and schizophrenia but off label use for nerve pain. It is working. Now want to do MRI on lower back.That will be interesting was told 15 years ago I had stenosis in lower back.
We sent out a couple loads of cows today. Got an accurate count, and we're missing 12 pair, aka 24 head. The bull is not happy with his girls gone. He's plowed through 3 fences so far. Not sure where he is now. He's got one cow with him, he wants more. The wife and grand daughter are swimming in the stock.
Got up, worked out, cleaned up, did a bunch of chores and talked to the attorney about the property developers. He said they are "aggressively" after my property and have made an offer that the attorney refused with a "call me when you're serious" type response. I asked what the offer was and it was already right in the area of what I though it would take to get me to sell. Attorney just said "I will call you when the offer is worth taking". Of course the more the offer is, the more he gets too. Also talked to my FFL guy who agreed to sell some guns on consignment for me for only 5% off the top. I am not selling guns I use, guns I love or guns with history. I just went a little crazy when I settled in at the compound and I may have been flush with cash and watched the whole Mad Max series and 20 other post-apocalyptic movies. He also said he could easily sell any manufactured survival food buckets and related, as long as they are dated, sealed and I am realistic.
We sent out a couple loads of cows today. Got an accurate count, and we're missing 12 pair, aka 24 head. The bull is not happy with his girls gone. He's plowed through 3 fences so far. Not sure where he is now. He's got one cow with him, he wants more. The wife and grand daughter are swimming in the stock.
how much are they selling those hay bales for in your area?

Mostly quiet day, before lunch I helped a cousin harvest sida for tincture. Another cousin was over to bale hay this afternoon. Temp in the 90’s but humidity was low so it was a good day to work hay.

No plans but dinner and tv this evening
We sent out a couple loads of cows today. Got an accurate count, and we're missing 12 pair, aka 24 head. The bull is not happy with his girls gone. He's plowed through 3 fences so far. Not sure where he is now. He's got one cow with him, he wants more. The wife and grand daughter are swimming in the stock.
I sure hope you find your cows, I would be really stressed if any of our animals were missing
dogs came up missing a few times and I went looking for them until I found them except Otto and the mutt once when they came home at 3 am
busy day today , cleaned the barn, dewormed 1 goat that didn't get done yet this year ( she was fine before, pale eyelids today), trimmed little goat boy hoofs, trimmed new hens feathers so they can't fly over the fence and husband just put them in the large chicken coop with the older ones. Someone told us long time ago to put them in at night when they are sleeping, so they don't attack the new ones, and so far it has worked. We will see tomorrow morning
@sonya123 Pick it up in the field and haul it yourself… $20-$30 a roll. If the seller has to load or haul it for you, prices go up.

Oh, my mom now has covid. Home health was here this afternoon, after they got back to town with samples they called in prescriptions. Aunt got them and dropped them off here.

And now I’m sick, hate being sick because I’m the doctor. Can’t blame anyone but myself. Felt bad all day, got worse after dinner. Sitting here fully dressed, and with a thick terrycloth robe. At some point I got out of my chair and got a heavy wool blanket from the closet. I’m still cold but the rm temp is 74. Finally got up and checked… my temp is 101degrees. No cough, no sniffles, just feel like crap... and i'm still cold!!

Well… guess I’ll sit here in my chair and be grumpy the rest of the night. 🤒

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