What's everybody doing today?

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I decided to get the snow blower out between storms and clear the driveway, sidewalks, and a path for the dogs to go out into the yard.
Snowblower starter just made a whirring noise. Starter did not engage the flywheel. 2 bolts are gone and the holes are stripped and the other 2 bolts were lose.
I'll try to get a helicoil kit tomorrow and get it repaired. I just shoveled everything. It wasn't too hard of a job.
So I made bird feeders. We now have birds everywhere. Wife and I enjoy watching them and they need the food with all the snow.
Yesterday we went to church in town and picked up a friend on the way through, stayed for sandwich Sunday and socialised for a while. Got home and DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped them and put them away. Spent the rest of the day relaxing and went for a swim in the rainwater tank pool.

Today I cut out four bread bags and sewed 2 and listed them in my eBay shop and while I did that DH started taking off the wire from the grapevine enclosure out the back and saved the wire for reuse. DH also put on a loaf of bread on in the bread making machine and watered the potted plants. I just finished watering the potted plants again for the day.

Too hot to cook today so we have decided to have two fruits and ice cream for dinner because we can :D.
...Snowblower starter just made a whirring noise....I just shoveled everything. It wasn't too hard of a job....

Depends doesn't it? Wet or dry snow and how much.

Snowflakes at work are trying to get one of the two snow blowers to start. I usually have sidewalks shoveled off by hand before they get one started. Snowflakes use a lawn seed/fertilizer broadcast spreader to salt the sidewalks but they never clean it out between uses. While they are chomping at the solid salt I use a coffee can to spread salt. Snowflakes have it down to a science on how to look busy without actually doing any work?
The benefit (curse?) of driving a 2WD truck, not going out in this stuff, so working from home again today... As long as power stays on...

The benefit (curse?) of driving a 2WD truck, not going out in this stuff, so working from home again today... As long as power stays on...

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Years ago I called my boss and told him I was not going into work because of the snow. He said because I had a monster 4 wheel drive truck I had no excuse and he wanted to see me when he got to the shop. I told him there was no way I would drive my new truck in the snow with all the stupid Seattle drivers.
I drove my company car and worked for 2 days straight because the other guys stayed home. Boss bought me lunch. :(
Drinking coffee
Strawberry has bony butt, she's setting right on top of left knee.
Her back is to me, she's sighing great big, took me a little longer to let her back in this morning from taking care of her business.
Excuse me she now laying stretched out between my legs.
Her head is at my feet, rest of her is coming up to my chest.
Finally placed her pillow in gap between foot rest and seat of recliner.
Going to get another big sigh, need to refill coffee cup.
Lazy day today, slept in till 0900 hours.
Will have to check mail sometime today, haven't checked it in week.
Got some of dishes to do up.
Throw something into crockpot for meals.
Update chest freezer list, when refill refrig. freezer.
There is no more meat in chest freezer.
But the refrig freezer is stuffed to the gills.
Looks wonderful to see refrig freezer filled.
Will have to get larger meat bundle for the month of March.
I fed one son last month out of chest freezer and refrig freezer.
So need to restock freezers.
Found several packages of mystery meat so will be eating those this week.
Dad's handwriting are on the packaging, date he stuck it in his freezer, nothing that says what it is.
Found a pizza in chest freezer so will be having that for lunch and supper.
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Worked some more in my herb room. Now all items are in containers with similar items. Each container still needs to be sorted and organized. Too funny, I found a box that contained items so dissimilar it was absurd. There were 11 shotgun shells loose in the bottom, catfish bait, a trotline. Attachments for multimeter leads, screws that came out of some unknown object, emergency rations, a tool for a gun I owned many years ago, a bag full of resistors, caps and diodes, a new distributor for my truck still in the box and a nut driver that’s been missing for years.

How these items ended up in the same box I have no idea because there is a container for fishing stuff, another for gun stuff, another for truck stuff etc.
The lady up the road sent me some turnip roots[lots] . They are for the pigs since they are soft. She also sent a cabbage and lots of outside leaves. I'm going thru them and make some cabbage roll ups and stir-fry out of some for supper tomorrow . Some will go to to pigs and chickens and some we will dehydrate. See why I never get to put my equipment up for too long? But that's the way I like it.
Pray for us up here in the North.

300 000 (not a typo) head of drought affected cattle are dead from the floods. Half of Australia's beef herd is gone.
Beef exports are the lifeblood of the North now destroyed.
Where there is massive death there is disease and polluted waterways.
Any cattle left on dry land are starving to death because fodder can't be airlifted to them.
Lives ruined.
A whole industry ruined.
Suffering, disease and death.
Domestic beef prices are going to sky rocket.

I don't think the full scope of the disaster has really hit home yet.
sorry to hear that tank-girl. prayers sent.

Thank you.

I appreciate it.
I fear there will be a lot of beef farmers commit suicide after this.
They've had record drought and now floods have killed all the cattle they've managed to keep alive.
The region hit with the flood is vast - we're talking about 4 + hours drive to the nearest post office on reasonable
roads so both man and beast are isolated and suffering.
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Thank you.

I appreciate it.
I fear there will be a lot of beef farmers commit suicide after this.
They've had record drought and now floods all the cattle they've managed to keep alive.
The region hit with the flood is vast - we're talking about 4 + hours drive to the nearest post office on reasonable
roads so both man and beast are isolated and suffering.
Sorry to hear this Tank-Girl.
Thought that just for fun Iwould check the sharpness of my table saw blade using my thumb while the saw was running. I now have a laceration in my right thumb about the width and depth of a pencil across the back of thumb. Making it worse was last year’s did the same with my left thumb. Slow learner I guess. Nothing to stitch back in place so I will just keep it covered until it closed over. A few antibiotics and a refresher tetanus shot.

Thankful for medical care. An inconvenience today but could be fatal in a shtf scenario.
Sorry Innkeeper. I got bit using a chainsaw and too many other tools to mention. My uncle ran a finger through a bone saw at his meat market. They sewed it back on. We get too comfortable with our tools and pay the price. I always increase the vocabulary of anyone around me.

Unfortunately words that I have tried hard to eliminate creep back into my vocabulary
@Tank-Girl I have seen the photos of the dead and dying cattle and it is heart breaking :(, as I used to run my own cattle farm. These animals are their lifeblood and are well treated and most if not all farmers get food for them before even their families. Such heartbreak and loss of income for these families and farmers.

They will be in our prayers :callyou: and I have heard and read that the army are now doing drop offs of fodder via helicopter and many farmers have helped others out by sharing feed and supplying their own helicopters to help with the feed drops. Too late for many of the animals though :cry: .
@The Innkeeper sorry to hear that and @Caribou is right we do get complacent and should always be diligent. Although my sewing machine needle got me and my finger was no where near the darn thing and just shattered and shot sideways into my finger. Now putting fingers further away in case it ever happens again.

I just went out into the lounge room with blood running down my arm and told DH medical aid was needed :) , nope not a colourful adjective left my lips. Then yesterday my foot got caught in the rainwater tank pool cover as the edging had come adrift on it and came down on the concrete with a crash as I had both hands full with watering cans full of water to water the plants with and now I have a gravel rashed knee which reminds me of being at school again :rolleyes: .
Today was a mishmash of different tasks we decided to get done. DH replaced a sliding door flyscreen and a window screen with the flyscreen we purchased by the roll. While he did that I set about cleaning the outside of the double sliding glass door and two other windows. I then rinsed cleaned off the window squeegee and sponge and found that one side of the home has mould on the siding in one place. So in the rinsing water in the bucket I put a fair splodge of white vinegar and a little dishwashing liquid and scrubbed one section of the siding and rinsed it down. It now looks a lot better and whiter and as the sun hits it it should kill the remaining darker mould shadows on it.
Here is part of an article about the severe flooding Tank Girl was talking about. Sounds awful!

The chief executive officer of AgForce, the peak body for the Queensland cattle industry, Michael Guerin, said farmers could take decades to recover.

“There is no doubt that this is a disaster of unprecedented proportion,” Guerin said.

“The speed and intensity of the unfolding tragedy makes it hard to believe that it’s just a week since farmers’ elation at receiving the first decent rains in five years turned to horror at the devastating and unprecedented flood that quickly followed.

“The latest reports confirm our earliest fears (that) this is a massive humanitarian crisis ... and is steadily expanding southwards.”

The group has sent emergency fodder to more than 150,000 head of cattle that have no other access to feed.

Guerin said the full extent of livestock losses would not be known until the water fully recedes, but some estimates put losses up to 500,000 out of 10.5m head of cattle in Queensland.

“I implore governments of all levels, as well as other agencies involved in this mammoth undertaking, to put aside red tape, bureaucratic wrangling and patch protection, and understand the desperate situation of so many producers.

“The loss of hundreds of thousands of cattle after five, six, seven years of drought is a debilitating blow not just to individual farmers, many of whom have lost literally everything, but to rural communities.

“Some farmers have lost everything, literally everything, except an ever-growing debt, and our first priority is to make sure that they are OK,” he said.

“We thank governments and the Australian community for the support they have shown so far, but we need to ensure that farmers and the communities they keep alive are supported for the long haul. Even as we work through the logistical issues ... we need to be deploying specialist well-being professionals in.”

The federal government will provide an immediate ex gratia payment of $1m to affected shires, the prime minister, Scott Morrison, told the national press club in Canberra.

“This payment will be for them to use on priorities they deem most urgent, whether that be rate relief for impacted properties, infrastructure, or the disposal of cattle which have perished,” he said on Monday.

Thought that just for fun I would check the sharpness of my table saw blade using my thumb while the saw was running. I now have a laceration in my right thumb about the width and depth of a pencil across the back of thumb. ... last year’s did the same with my left thumb. Slow learner I guess. ...

Son #1 when he was grade school age playing video game. His character would go around the corner and get killed, character respawns, go around the corner and get killed, character respawns, go around the corner and get killed, character respawns..son is starting to get frustrated and mad. I suggest instead of doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result why doesn't he try something else? He jumps around the corner and doesn't get killed.

I'd suggest you try using something else (LIKE A SCRAP PIECE OF WOOD!) to check your blades sharpness. Only took me thirty years to figure this part of life out. :D
What a horrible thing for the folks in your area to go through, @Tank-Girl ! I hope recovery is faster than expected!

Aside from animal and DH chores, I made deviled eggs for game day at Church this afternoon, stain removed spots on a beach cover up, and wrote 3 eBay drafts, giving me 5 that I need to photograph. Probably next, then Church group.
Woke up to an ice storm. Had a wall of pine tree limbs bending to the ground around the house.
Everything is still frozen
Hubby had a nose bleed during the night so I was going to just wash the pillow case but decided to just change the sheets lol
Made cookies
Listened to the radio all day since tv is just horrible anymore
Cleared the ice/sleet/slush from the porch ramp and walkway
Went down and got the mail
Have supper in the oven
Then just have hubby's lunch
Load the dishwasher
Set the coffee pot
and then sleep ( and hope the power stays on)

Getting alerts on twitter all day long of power lines down on the ground, transformers sparking or on fire, trees down blocking roads or on the power lines. We've been hit harder than most in the area with the ice.
Hubby says its a whole other world on the other side of the mountain. Less ice more rain,etc.
This valley always gets hit good with weather issues. Just have to be ready for it all

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