What's everybody doing today?

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Son #1 when he was grade school age playing video game. His character would go around the corner and get killed, character respawns, go around the corner and get killed, character respawns, go around the corner and get killed, character respawns..son is starting to get frustrated and mad. I suggest instead of doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result why doesn't he try something else? He jumps around the corner and doesn't get killed.

I'd suggest you try using something else (LIKE A SCRAP PIECE OF WOOD!) to check your blades sharpness. Only took me thirty years to figure this part of life out. :D

A scrap piece of wood, why that's simply brilliant. I'll try that next time.

Actually, I was sawing away and the dog startled me and then that is when the saw bit. My fix was to turn the saw so that I can see the man door and maybe not be surprised next time. Only took two bites to figure that out
Thank you from another fellow Australian @Bacpacker and others who are praying for our farmers although I am further south by about 2000 km and slightly inland from there. Many I speak to online are also running out of water in the more rural areas and poor Townsville has now got too much of the stuff.

We have also had the same 5 year drought and things are so dry here and the grass is hay coloured here as well. I think myself lucky that we have ample tank water/town bore water (on water restrictions) and do have access to pumping creek water too each and every time I turn on our tap and we are being very wise with the water and reusing every drop to water potted plants, fruit trees and shrubs around the property. Our grey water from the grey water tank gets pumped out onto the fruit trees firstly and if there is more onto the lawns.

In our area there are farmers destocking due to them not having enough water and not being able to afford to put in a bore pump as they are on slightly smaller acreages here. Things are very very bad here and worse for the poor farmers to the north of us.
Not much of anything.
Sorted laundry but don't want to fight wind to go do it.
Dishes are done.
Got supper simmering in the crockpot.
Already updated chest freezer list when pretty much emptied it to fill refrig freezer yesterday.
Not even reading forums today.
No date night again this week.
Might run to Wal*Mart and get about 15 plain black picture frames in various sizes to hang pictures on 1 wall.
Watching the mini blinds move inside of the house with the wind.
And I have plastic up too.
Repotted flower that was root bound.
While I'm out going to Wal*Mart might eat out.
Oh wait a minute, no restaurants in my town are open on Tuesday, except fast food, and Mexican restaurant.
And it will be packed.
Didn't do anything.
Took 3.5 hour nap.
Dad's first package of mystery meat turned out to be ham.
Hence ham and beans in the crockpot.
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More work in the herb room. For the first time in about 3 years all my gun gear/cleaning supplies as well as my knife sharpening gear/supplies are present and accounted for. Not only that, all of it is in the same container. For years I used a two container system but that is no longer practical for me. I still need to inventory oils, cleaners and solvents and restock as necessary.
Bet that was hard to light!! LOL

I can make that joke cause I used to work in a packing house smoking hams and bacon. I've heard that crack about every time I mention that job.
Na. That bacon grease lights pretty quick. :p. Haven't tried a ham yet, still trying to perfect the bacon.
Made 2 more bread bags today and started to go through the craft room and list items I have made that are not listed as yet and listed a few. The rainwater tank pool needed some of the water emptied out of it so we watered the shrubs, trees and potted plants with some and topped it back up with more clean water to oxygenate and freshen the water up in it.

This afternoon we made a cheesecake and for dinner had oysters, sour cream and or cheese, bbq sauce and crackers and dessert was some of our homemade cheesecake.
Have brown rice on the stove and waiting for it to be done, then go on walk. Take eBay photos. Watch a couple of my recorded shows that DH doesn't like. Get haircut at 1:30. List the photographed eBay items and go to prayer meeting at Church at 6.

Don't think I mentioned this before. I met a woman at Church a few months ago--she was new-- we have been texting back and forth. As time has moved forward, I have realized that she is mentally unbalanced. Thought she was a little off at first, but who isn't? Last month she started texting really off the wall stuff. Two weeks ago, she asked me why I was friendly with her. Told her I thought I saw a little of myself in her but if I was wrong, I was sorry and we could just leave it. She texted back that is was a little late for "sorry" and that "she had seen my type since her daddy spat her out". This is all in her texts and not deleted. She still texts and I told her that I would see her at Church and talk to her tonight. I will tell her that my life is complicated and overwhelming right now and I can't deal with any more stress and I won't be texting anymore. I may be being a little blunt but I don't need this in my life and won't put up with it anymore.

If any of you all have any ideas, feel free to let me know. I don't want to be mean, but I have to have boundaries.
Ignore. Delete her from your life. Blatantly ignore.
The word NO. Also: I can't. Sorry, too busy.
You don't have to have the last word. You can block her texts, or receive them but do.not.respond. This will help you.
You owe her no explanations, give her none.
I've had a few situations...
Be abrupt if you must. Walk away. Turn your conversation or attention to someone or something else, enthusiastically. Lol
It doesn't mean you aren't a good person. It means you are strong. When someone is insulting you or sucking the life out of you, self-preservation is key to survival.
When we went to dothan today we stopped by big lots. They had some crackers with sunflower seeds and hummus for50 cents a bag. grabbed them all. Had never tried them before but they are actually pretty good . Will vacuum seal most of them tomorrow.
Going shopping with my mother.
I hate to shop.
But my mother feels negelected at the moment.
Running errands with mom.
When I say going shopping I mean we are going to Wal*Mart.
Errands are library, Wal*Mart, Dollar General(only because it's across the road from library).
What would take me 15 minutes will take several hours today.
Takes longer to drive across town than do actual errands.
Probably lunch(leftovers) at parents house.
Dad thought he was feeding a hay crew yesterday.
Had Doctor appt. for DH this morning, then to Walmart for boxes for an eBay item, then H&R Block to have taxes done, then to small grocery for sale items, then to thrift shop found 3 pairs of jeans, 3 blouses, one pair of capri's, 2 pairs of shoes and a purse. Happy Valentine's Day! Then home, thank goodness!
Didn't run errands with mom.
Had grand daughter instead.
We went to Wal*Mart.
Met my future daughter in law and one of her children.
Estelle found a mud puddle, promptly fell face first into it.
Stomped her little feet into it.
Her and Strawberry both got baths.
That was Estelle's first change of clothes.
Second change of clothes was when we went to daddy's lady house.
Their puppy knocked her to ground into mud.
Third time was when she tripped over Strawberry, sat down in mud up to her behind.
But oh boy she had fun.
I now have a small load of her clothes to do up too.
Went through her clothes today, have Wal*Mart sack full to give to Great niece.
Some still have the tags on them, Estelle had a growth spurt.
Sitting here in recliner, thinking about pj's and bed.
Not even 7:30 pm yet.
We have a storage building dad and I put bags of aluminum cans in. Actually it's a little bigger than that. Along about '72 dad and I built a 2 room addition to the old house, a 24x12 floor plan. 2, 10x12 bedrooms, each with 4x4 closets down the center. When the tornado of '74 hit it was at an angle. The old house was pretty much flattened. Though the roof was gone the walls of the addition were intact, protected by some big oaks. We put it on skids and with a bulldozer dragged it up to where the old barn had been, walled in the open face and put a roof on it.

A 12x24 floor plan can hold a lot of aluminum cans, old refrigerators, stoves, washing machines... etc. I took a truck bed full of cans in 30g bags to the scrap yard today, a dent in the accumulation. While there I asked if they bought scrap appliances. They said "everything but tube TV's". It's going to take me at least 3 big pickup loads (using tie-down straps) to empty that building. Time to get rid of all this junk. There are even old farm implements in that building that are so rusted I can only guess at what they were. :rolleyes:

This was actually the 2nd load I've taken in the last 10 days... $48 and change, with luck I might get $150 from all that junk.

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