Deep cleaning house cleaning day today which we do once a week and work on different areas each week to deep clean. I cleaned the inside glass on the double sliding door in and the double sliding window in the rumpus room, the inside of the toilet window, the shower screen and both of the shaving cabinets. Then deep cleaned both bathrooms and the toilet. While I did this DH vacuumed the carpets downstairs and up and swept the vinyl floors and put on a load of washing, hung it on the line and brought it back in when dry.
We then had a look at the front window screens as to why the bugs are getting in and discovered the screen frames are bowing out so we will have to buy some little plastic turn latches to put on the frames to hold them more securely. In the mean time we have done a temporary repair and put electrical tape over the gaps until we can get the clips when we go into town in the beginning of next month.
Out the back we noticed smoke so we went out in the back paddock to see where the fire was and fortunately it isn't close to us but we will keep an eye on it. For something a bit different there was a pretty faced or otherwise known as an agile wallaby that couldn't get through the fence and was getting caught up in the fence wires as we had repaired the back gate and put it back up. DH undid the gate and I gently rounded it up by moving closer until it went the right way and through the gate that DH had moved away from. Wish I had my camera with me but sadly not so here is what an agile or pretty faced wallaby looks like -
After that we juiced the remaining oranges we purchased for some juice, I cut up the peels and dug them into the manure pile. This afternoon we will fold up 3 loads of washing and DH will wash the dishes and clean the benches and I will wipe them and put them away.
@megh what have you been up to today ?.
We then had a look at the front window screens as to why the bugs are getting in and discovered the screen frames are bowing out so we will have to buy some little plastic turn latches to put on the frames to hold them more securely. In the mean time we have done a temporary repair and put electrical tape over the gaps until we can get the clips when we go into town in the beginning of next month.
Out the back we noticed smoke so we went out in the back paddock to see where the fire was and fortunately it isn't close to us but we will keep an eye on it. For something a bit different there was a pretty faced or otherwise known as an agile wallaby that couldn't get through the fence and was getting caught up in the fence wires as we had repaired the back gate and put it back up. DH undid the gate and I gently rounded it up by moving closer until it went the right way and through the gate that DH had moved away from. Wish I had my camera with me but sadly not so here is what an agile or pretty faced wallaby looks like -

After that we juiced the remaining oranges we purchased for some juice, I cut up the peels and dug them into the manure pile. This afternoon we will fold up 3 loads of washing and DH will wash the dishes and clean the benches and I will wipe them and put them away.
@megh what have you been up to today ?.