What's everybody doing today?

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Deep cleaning house cleaning day today which we do once a week and work on different areas each week to deep clean. I cleaned the inside glass on the double sliding door in and the double sliding window in the rumpus room, the inside of the toilet window, the shower screen and both of the shaving cabinets. Then deep cleaned both bathrooms and the toilet. While I did this DH vacuumed the carpets downstairs and up and swept the vinyl floors and put on a load of washing, hung it on the line and brought it back in when dry.

We then had a look at the front window screens as to why the bugs are getting in and discovered the screen frames are bowing out so we will have to buy some little plastic turn latches to put on the frames to hold them more securely. In the mean time we have done a temporary repair and put electrical tape over the gaps until we can get the clips when we go into town in the beginning of next month.

Out the back we noticed smoke so we went out in the back paddock to see where the fire was and fortunately it isn't close to us but we will keep an eye on it. For something a bit different there was a pretty faced or otherwise known as an agile wallaby that couldn't get through the fence and was getting caught up in the fence wires as we had repaired the back gate and put it back up. DH undid the gate and I gently rounded it up by moving closer until it went the right way and through the gate that DH had moved away from. Wish I had my camera with me but sadly not so here is what an agile or pretty faced wallaby looks like -

agile wallaby.jpg

After that we juiced the remaining oranges we purchased for some juice, I cut up the peels and dug them into the manure pile. This afternoon we will fold up 3 loads of washing and DH will wash the dishes and clean the benches and I will wipe them and put them away.

@megh what have you been up to today ?.
Work, went by Dr for some med samples to save some money. Wife picked up some steaks, twice baked taters, and a nice pie. I grilled the steaks and we had a nice dinner. We had our first date 35 years ago today, so today was pretty special.

Hah! Valentine's Day 1988 was the day my First husband left me to move in with his girlfriend. Took all seventy times seven times to forgive him, but I did and the next Valentines day I sent them a thank you card (and really meant it). By then I had met the man I am married to now and for the last 28 years!
Deep cleaning house cleaning day today which we do once a week and work on different areas each week to deep clean. I cleaned the inside glass on the double sliding door in and the double sliding window in the rumpus room, the inside of the toilet window, the shower screen and both of the shaving cabinets. Then deep cleaned both bathrooms and the toilet. While I did this DH vacuumed the carpets downstairs and up and swept the vinyl floors and put on a load of washing, hung it on the line and brought it back in when dry.

We then had a look at the front window screens as to why the bugs are getting in and discovered the screen frames are bowing out so we will have to buy some little plastic turn latches to put on the frames to hold them more securely. In the mean time we have done a temporary repair and put electrical tape over the gaps until we can get the clips when we go into town in the beginning of next month.

Out the back we noticed smoke so we went out in the back paddock to see where the fire was and fortunately it isn't close to us but we will keep an eye on it. For something a bit different there was a pretty faced or otherwise known as an agile wallaby that couldn't get through the fence and was getting caught up in the fence wires as we had repaired the back gate and put it back up. DH undid the gate and I gently rounded it up by moving closer until it went the right way and through the gate that DH had moved away from. Wish I had my camera with me but sadly not so here is what an agile or pretty faced wallaby looks like -

View attachment 10365

After that we juiced the remaining oranges we purchased for some juice, I cut up the peels and dug them into the manure pile. This afternoon we will fold up 3 loads of washing and DH will wash the dishes and clean the benches and I will wipe them and put them away.

@megh what have you been up to today ?.

Looks a bit like my little pygmy goat's face!
I'm up, dressed of sorts.
Drinking coffee watching it snow.
Going back to Wal*Mart check coffee prices.
Folgers coffee was $2.98 a container.
Going to pick up 5 more, and see if half caf and decaf on sale too.
Checking prices on coffee creamer too.
Need some more oranges too.
Guess I'll go finish putting myself together to run to Wal*Mart.
Can't hardly pass up that deal on Folgers.
Never mind, oldest son works tonight he'll pick it up tonight.
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Post office run, grocery store for cauliflower and eggs, hit yard sale and got a bathing suit, 3 blouses, a scarf, a nice sweater, a metal colander and a larger hand type food chopper. All for $13! And delivered a loaf of bread to my shut in friend. Came home and made riced cauliflower in the food processor.
Post office run, grocery store for cauliflower and eggs, hit yard sale and got a bathing suit, 3 blouses, a scarf, a nice sweater, a metal colander and a larger hand type food chopper. All for $13! And delivered a loaf of bread to my shut in friend. Came home and made riced cauliflower in the food processor.
How about describing your ricing process?
@WVDragonlady yes we do grate the zest off them and I have plenty I have already in the freezer which I use for making homemade fruit buns and fruit loaf with. I do also make citrus vinegar with them for cleaning with.

@Amish Heart got no dehydrator at the moment but on the wish list though. In the meantime I will freeze the zest I get.

@snappy1 :LOL:you are so right both the pygmy goat and the pretty face wallabies faces look very similar and both really cute to look at.
How about describing your ricing process?

Sure! I cut the head into small-ish pieces and put in top of processor using the shredder blade like for hash browns. Great consistency and no water or moisture at all! Just packed the extra into quart baggies and removed air to freeze.

When I cooked it I added half teaspoon of low sodium soy sauce (for flavor) and a teaspoon of water, microwaved for 3 minutes, covered. Worked perfect.
Sure! I cut the head into small-ish pieces and put in top of processor using the shredder blade like for hash browns. Great consistency and no water or moisture at all! Just packed the extra into quart baggies and removed air to freeze.

When I cooked it I added half teaspoon of low sodium soy sauce (for flavor) and a teaspoon of water, microwaved for 3 minutes, covered. Worked perfect.
Thanks, we like riced cauliflower and can't always find it at the store.
Filled the dehydrator with more apples, did 4 loads of laundry and hung it. Changed bedding, vacuumed, canned 8 pints of cranberry sauce (had a lot of cranberries in the freezer), finished sealing a small rack I painted and hung in my closet to put some essential oils on and homemade salves, cleaned out my closet, found some important papers that I put in the safe, made breakfast, lunch and will work on dinner, went through my clothes and have a stack of blouses daughters will look through, made a new "eggs for sale" sign that'll go out tomorrow, endless dishes today, and lots of dusting, too. Also supervised twins with their extra chores as punishment for earlier this week. They did yardwork and cleaned windows and screens. They are finishing up with their last chores for the evening...making chocolate chip cookies (because cookies are good).
I drove to the small town today at lunch. Ate out, only needed a few things from the market. I'd planned to make some eggrolls except I couldn't find dough that size so I guess it'll have to be small eggrolls. I could only find wonton dough. I really needed cabbage, have everything else. WM had 30 of the most pathetic cabbages I've even seen. The other market was worse. Hopefully I can make something edible out of this mess. I want to try out my new fry daddy.
Going to try another new quilt pattern.
But before I do will knit it into a baby blanket to see if I really like the pattern.
This serves several purposes have baby blanket for gift closet.
Uses up scrap balls of yarn leftover from other finished projects.
And will see if I really like the new quilt pattern for Christmas presents.
Did a little bit of cooking.
Need to do dishes tomorrow.
Will have to cook again tomorrow.
Probably not getting out due to weather conditions, but we will see.
If I get out will check mail, run to laundry mat, check on parents.
Have to dig car out first.
Yesterday being Sunday started off with myself putting on a loaf of bread in the bread making machine. Then we read our lesson and read some scriptures together.

We had our family home day together in which we like to cook together to make things for the week and made a quadruple batch of chocolate magic mix pudding to last the week and also a batch of chocolate chip coconut biscuits.

Had planned to do the dish washing but decided not to and will do that this morning some time and spent the rest of the day relaxing.
A wasted day… The weatherman said the big rains would move in before daylight and be gone by noon.

I had a dozen boxes sitting by my front door that needed to go down to the road for tomorrows garbage pickup. The reason there was a dozen was because there wasn’t room for more. They all came out of my herb room which still has lots of junk that needs to go.

It was raining when I woke up and still raining after dark. Instead of carrying all that stuff down to the road I had to break down all those boxes and bag them. It finally quit raining enough to carry the bags down to the road, at 8pm. It will now be another week before I get the rest of the junk out of my herbroom. :(
I've made my hatred of California well known, but after today I never want to set foot in this state again. At about 9am we were working at the Montebello train station platform. This is on the East side of L.A. not far from the 60 Freeway. There was a young man standing on the platform, with his pants down, performing a sex act by himself, in broad daylight. He was literally six feet away from my co-workers and did not stop until a foreman ran him off. The police came (a half hour later) and found him a block away. His socks were full of dope. That's California, folks. I've had enough...
Cooking some, eating some.
Playing with Strawberry.
Got the kitchen timer out for her.
When timer goes off after coming back inside after 30 minutes she can go back outside.
Used this method when she was a puppy.
Knitting and crocheting baby blankets filling back up gift closet.
Updating bucket list, going a trip in March will be gone a few days.
Finally decided it wasn't going to happen took driving tank off bucket list.
Getting ideas for Christmas.
Will be making ear warmers, hats, scarves, fingerless gloves with mitten overlay.
Date night gift cards (movie and dinner at local eateries) want to get half a dozen or so.
Passes to Museums, Science City, Union Station etc.
If I get a few every couple of months should be set before Christmas.
Mug rugs in various sizes, motifs.
Coffee cozies etc.
Of course quilts too.
Will be having out of town company in March too.
My middle sister and her husband is coming in from Texas for Spring break.
Have a couple of doctor's appointments coming up in the next few weeks.
So the vampires will see me next week or so.
Good night all.
Stay warm, dry.
Finals are over well at least the online part.
Signed up for next online classes:
Herbal gardening and uses which I know absolutely nothing about.
Container gardening with better results
Cooking with herbs, spices, rubs
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Started off the day with DH removing some more chicken wire from a garden bed we are removing from the back of the yard. While DH did that I chopped up some chives a lovely local gave us and put it in a freezer bag for later use.

When we were looking at this property the real estate agent drove us past what we thought was a wrecking yard but it turns out after asking locals that the guy that owns the property is a "collector" and he was selling a lot of items from the property to get rid of them so he can sell the property. We decided to drop in there as we have been searching for a lot of hand tools and some galvanised pipe connectors for the pipe we have here. We found the older type sturdy tools that don't bend and purchased a post hole crow bar, 2 road pick heads, a gardening fork head, and a trench shovel and 14 of the galvanised pipe connectors we were after for $60. What a bargain as tools here are really expensive new and we could not even find the pipe connectors we were after on the internet. We will get handles for the picks and gardening fork gradually over the coming weeks being only around $20 ea.

The rest of the day we relaxed as it was so hot and this afternoon I listed some more handmade items I had in my sewing room in my eBay store. We just finished washing the dirty dishes in the kitchen, cleaning the benches and wiping them and putting them away.

Just about to have a nice cool shower to cool off after a really hot day.
@MoBookworm1957 Sorry about the tank. Sounds like a good item for bucket list! Busy day for you, too!

Already have laundry going, will cook sausage and eggs for DH, clean up suitcase for trip in March, straighten bedroom closet for shoes, cut mats off of Peanut before she goes to beauty parlor tomorrow, and probably more eBay. Too windy and cool here to do much outside (at least for me).

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