Going to help the oldest kid move.
I replaced my florescent tubes with LED tubes, using the same fixture, and got more light out of 2 tubes (37W total) than the 160W (4X40W).Florescent light above the wife's kitchen desk only stays on for a few seconds when you first turn it on. I'm guessing the starter or the ballast is bad. Good time to swap out the fixture to LED. Stopped at the big box hardware, $40 or $20? I picked the $20. Faulty fixture is 30" and I picked (going by memory) 18" LED which will not fit under the overhead cabinet. Perhaps I can make a few custom adjustments...pop the cover off the florescent and the ends of the tube are almost black, bad bulb? And now I remember they haven't used starters for a coon's age. Back to the big box to return the LED and get a new florescent tube.
I replaced my florescent tubes with LED tubes, using the same fixture, and got more light out of 2 tubes (37W total) than the 160W (4X40W).
Decided to just take a drive to another town about 30 mins drive from here that we haven't been to before as we needed something anyway that we had run out of as our delivery was late. We bought a sausage roll each for a bit of a treat from a local bakery up there out of our splurge money. Before we left I checked out what supermarkets were there and checked out their specials and planned accordingly and wrote a list and purchased on a good sale our favourite shampoo, conditioner, potato chips, a watermelon so we can have something cold to eat and found mince on a nearly half price special on clearance so we grabbed the 4 largest trays marked down to $5 each for near on a kg of mince in each pack (working out to $5.24 per kg), bargain as it is around $9 kg elsewhere.
@megh been 38 oc here today and stiffling but we had a swim in the rain water tank pool and just had some lovely cool watermelon to eat as the second half of lunch. What temperature are you at up there @Tank-Girl ?, got to probably be hotter than us. Megh we did have a few cooler nights where we were able to put our cotton coverlet on us but not cool enough for a heater and think you will have to send some of that cool our way.
About to put away some of the groceries we got today but will leave packing the meat away to later tonight so we can organise the freezer.
Tonight's dinner will be toasted ham and cheese sandwiches.
Terri360 where is oldest kid moving too?
We are pretty darn cold. Snow did melt. But will be 20 degrees tonight. Dinner is reheating, just got off work, have to open tomorrow at 6:15 a.m. Two people out today, two more tomorrow.
But hey, less than 3 weeks and I'm on vacation for a week.
Want me to check on places for sale near me? You should get out of that state.Stewing! Just found out (don't know how I missed it) that our wonderful state gov is voting today to make it illegal for minors to handle guns. At all. Completely killing the 4-H gun safety programs and youth hunting.
Want me to check on places for sale near me? You should get out of that state.