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I wish I knew how to get drip irrigation set up. Do you hook into an irrigation system for your lawn?
The way I've set up a drip system before was just to build the lines out how I wanted, circle a drip line around tomato plants. Run a emitter hose along a row of Okra, etc. I just ran a water hose thru a pressure reducer and filter to feed the drip lines. Depending on how large a space you want to do will have a large effect on how you set it up.
I get my stuff from www.dripdepot.com and their website has quite a lot of instructions on how to set them up. I bought quite a bit of stuff last winter and will be setting it up once I get my planting done. In general here is what I'm planning:

Raised beds 1 &2, run a feed line into the bed and plug in a T with drip tape around each pepper plant. (This drip tape has a weep hole every 6", I'll use 18" to give 3 holes. For my short rows of onions, carrots, peas, beans, etc I will run a feed line the length of the bed the run a drip tape down each 4' row.
For the rows of tomatos and cucumbers I'll do the same as with the peppers. I will use a water hose to feed a manifold that will run to each bead and to the rows so I can select what gets watered when and for how long.
It has been a long last 2 days, week actually. Monday the project manager for the fire department build called me up and said the tower was going to be inspected on Wednesday and the topper, if I wanted to we could use the 135' boom lift to do our installation of the communications equipment. Of course I took him up on it. Yesterday we got everything installed at the 100' level and the 80' level. Worked a full 12 hours and all the guys were beat when we left. I got home, ate, showered and went to bed. Today we got back at it and got the rest of the gear installed by noon. Then some electricians that were doing a pull thru the conduits running from the tower to the Comm Room inside the building offers to pull our 5 coax's for us. I jumped on that too. Spent the afternoon trying to catch up with everything else and get my crew set up that are working this weekend inside the fire department pulling coax thru out the building where the radios will go. Forgot to add, the entire job went safely.
Got home tonight and dug 36 holes large enough to plant my maters in. They are in 1 gallon pots. Worked till it got so dark I couldn't see much so I gave up.
I am ready for bed.
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It has been a long last 2 days, week actually. Monday the project manager for the fire department build called me up and said the tower was going to be inspected on Wednesday and the topper, if I wanted to we could use the 135' boom lift to do our installation of the communications equipment. Of course I took him up on it. Yesterday we got everything installed at the 100' level and the 80' level. Worked a full 12 hours and all the guys were beat when we left. I got home, ate, showered and went to bed. Today we got back at it and got the rest of the gear installed by noon. Then some electricians that were doing a pull thru the conduits running from the tower to the Comm Room inside the building offers to pull our 5 coax's for us. I jumped on that too. Spent the afternoon trying to catch up with everything else and get my crew set up that are working this weekend inside the fire department pulling coax thru out the building where the radios will go.
Got home tonight and dug 36 holes large enough to plant my maters in. They are in 1 gallon pots. Worked till it got so dark I couldn't see much so I gave up.
I am ready for bed.

Sounds like a great dayy hard but lots accomplished,
I drove through Shiprock, Drunks passed out in the street. really sad
Life on reservations is rough. I went on a mission trip with my church several years ago to Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota. The woman who had built a church on her property told us that on Friday nights the jails have more drunks than they can deal with. They will get drunk, pass out, and if it is winter, will freeze to death.

Another thing that has gone on is similar to what I have seen. One generation deals primarily with alcoholism and the more recent generations have alcoholism and meth or other drugs. Native Americans really struggle with alcoholism. We were told that drugs have been brought in from Mexico and reservations were a target.
I had lots of plans today mostly involving working outdoors, but then it started to rain like tears from liberals when Trump was elected. The weather forecaster apparently has the same skills level as an Iranian naval captain. So now I am in a holding pattern trying to decided what else I should do with my day. Wife is of course out for a massage and something having to do with her cosmetologist. Being a woman sure seems to be a whole lot more work than being a man. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the effort she puts in, but now I will have to recognize the subtle difference between persian blue and savoy blue eye shadow. And no, I can't claim that its just my nature to not differentiate as she knows I can smell the difference between Hoppes 9 and Hoppes 9 Black on a gun in the hand of someone in the next shooting station over.
Life on reservations is rough. I went on a mission trip with my church several years ago to Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota. The woman who had built a church on her property told us that on Friday nights the jails have more drunks than they can deal with. They will get drunk, pass out, and if it is winter, will freeze to death.

Another thing that has gone on is similar to what I have seen. One generation deals primarily with alcoholism and the more recent generations have alcoholism and meth or other drugs. Native Americans really struggle with alcoholism. We were told that drugs have been brought in from Mexico and reservations were a target.

Rosebud, did you meet Mac and ' have to guess your way to Rosedbud'?

It is a shame whay happened to American Indian but time change things ,look at us now, change is not always postive.
I had lots of plans today mostly involving working outdoors, but then it started to rain like tears from liberals when Trump was elected. The weather forecaster apparently has the same skills level as an Iranian naval captain. So now I am in a holding pattern trying to decided what else I should do with my day. Wife is of course out for a massage and something having to do with her cosmetologist. Being a woman sure seems to be a whole lot more work than being a man. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the effort she puts in, but now I will have to recognize the subtle difference between persian blue and savoy blue eye shadow. And no, I can't claim that its just my nature to not differentiate as she knows I can smell the difference between Hoppes 9 and Hoppes 9 Black on a gun in the hand of someone in the next shooting station over.

Give your wife this DIY videoand if your still able let me now how she liked it,lol.

Give your wife this DIY videoand if your still able let me now how she liked it,lol.

If I showed my wife a video that said "...for the mature face" I would be sleeping on the sofa tonight.

Our massage and cosmetologist places are not open, and no telling when they'll be. Your state must be doing well, Sentry.

Much of the Midwest & Great Plains (sans the crap hole that is Minnesota and her ugly sister Illinois) has remained open throughout out the pandemic. We have had some places close voluntarily and others that were asked to close, but very very few forced or mandated closures. The spas and salons here pretty much all shut down for about 3 weeks then reopened under new operating guidelines. But I was told that that the never really shut down, they just started working from their homes or went to customer's homes.
@Sentry18 hilarious
Raining here too. Severe storms rolled thru last night. I don't know why they're called severe, seems to be the norm.
No planting today.
Clean my room. If I'm on here you'll know it's still not clean. I started last night. Going through everything, blanket chest, jewelry boxes (don't get excited, it's mostly mementos and foreign coins), my desk drawers o_O, my craft table:rolleyes:.
If I showed my wife a video that said "...for the mature face" I would be sleeping on the sofa tonight.

Much of the Midwest & Great Plains (sans the crap hole that is Minnesota and her ugly sister Illinois) has remained open throughout out the pandemic. We have had some places close voluntarily and others that were asked to close, but very very few forced or mandated closures. The spas and salons here pretty much all shut down for about 3 weeks then reopened under new operating guidelines. But I was told that that the never really shut down, they just started working from their homes or went to customer's homes.

LOL, andyes thats why I said " if your able".:good luck:.
Us women stop wanting to ' mature ' after 15. Thats bad word up to about 60 then reality sets back in.:thumbs:
LOL, andyes thats why I said " if your able".:good luck:.
Us women stop wanting to ' mature ' after 15. Thats bad word up to about 60 then reality sets back in.:thumbs:

My wife doesn't even remember old Ronnie being president. So she has a ways to go before mature applies to her. She just married an old man when she was too young to make good choices. ;)
My wife doesn't even remember old Ronnie being president. So she has a ways to go before mature applies to her. She just married an old man when she was too young to make good choices. ;)

Well my girl friend and I went nuts when we saw what we thought was a grey hair at 25 or so. Then lying on the beach I got a rude awakening when my sun glasses mirrored my wrinkles on side of my face. I jumped up off the sand and never laid in sun again , time in sun was limited after that .
@Sentry18 hilarious
Raining here too. Severe storms rolled thru last night. I don't know why they're called severe, seems to be the norm.
No planting today.
Clean my room. If I'm on here you'll know it's still not clean. I started last night. Going through everything, blanket chest, jewelry boxes (don't get excited, it's mostly mementos and foreign coins), my desk drawers o_O, my craft table:rolleyes:.

I sure hope we get rain soon,next chance next week.
Talked to my mom today, and she said they'll will get their hairdresser back at Mennonite Manor next week. Of course, with limitations, probably only one in the parlor at a time. Mom is happy (she's 87) because she says her hair is turning blonde again. She has never been blonde, ha ha has dark brown hair. I think she means gray.
Last night I snapped, washed and canned the first green beans in my garden off 2 rows. Just 7 quarts and 5 pints but a good start. After I got home from work and fed, it was probabably 6:30 before I started. Husband had surgery on Thursday so he staying in bed. Made 5 masks for one of my girls family today. Her 4th child graduates high school this month. Last two are in elementary. Oldest Marine, next in oilfield and next graduates college next year. Have finished 14 quilted throws for grands. Only two more to go. Project started 3 years ago. Need to get up out of chair and check one of my cows. She looked like she was hiding in yaupon and ready to calve last night. Blessed with 3 inches of rain today.
I chuckle when I hear y'all talk about places like Gallup. It's been a couple years, but I stop there fairly regular when I'm working in the Southwest. It's definitely a bit lower class there, but compared to Oakland or East L.A. it's pretty mild. In Shiprock I'm guessing the substance abuse problems you're seeing may be related to the larger number of Indigenous Peoples there. I work with several Navajos from around there and even they say it gets pretty bad...

I worked in telluride on a couple of buildings. the framers were from shipwreck, The fbi and the ATF visited the job and left with a couple of the Navajoes.

we also stayed at the coon skin inn, i was hanging out with a couple of the Navajoes drinking beer. till he got drunk and started talking about scalping the f[[ white man. opps. i gotta a thing over at the place see ya!!!
I worked in telluride on a couple of buildings. the framers were from shipwreck, The fbi and the ATF visited the job and left with a couple of the Navajoes.

we also stayed at the coon skin inn, i was hanging out with a couple of the Navajoes drinking beer. till he got drunk and started talking about scalping the f[[ white man. opps. i gotta a thing over at the place see ya!!!
About 12 years ago in Kemmerer Wyoming one of our Navajos was drinking with another Navajo and a white guy. No one knows exactly what happened but when white guy was beaten to death with a lamp stand. One of the Navajos did 4 years for it. I guess the judge went easy because the guy was drunk and was native, but there's still a lot of hard feelings about it among my co-workers to this day...
Walked and video this morning.
Hard boiled eggs, made us salads for today and tomorrow, cut up watermelon, cleaned dryer exhaust outside.
Put a bale of hay over most of the back garden. Need more. Feeling done in as I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.

Snap is hay hard ot come by there yet? We need some too but we do have leaves and limbs if all else fails.Nothing better than a good watermelon.
About 12 years ago in Kemmerer Wyoming one of our Navajos was drinking with another Navajo and a white guy. No one knows exactly what happened but when white guy was beaten to death with a lamp stand. One of the Navajos did 4 years for it. I guess the judge went easy because the guy was drunk and was native, but there's still a lot of hard feelings about it among my co-workers to this day...

I wonder if there is any tribe on warth that the white man hasn't peeved off'yet'?:ghostly::peace:
Last night I snapped, washed and canned the first green beans in my garden off 2 rows. Just 7 quarts and 5 pints but a good start. After I got home from work and fed, it was probabably 6:30 before I started. Husband had surgery on Thursday so he staying in bed. Made 5 masks for one of my girls family today. Her 4th child graduates high school this month. Last two are in elementary. Oldest Marine, next in oilfield and next graduates college next year. Have finished 14 quilted throws for grands. Only two more to go. Project started 3 years ago. Need to get up out of chair and check one of my cows. She looked like she was hiding in yaupon and ready to calve last night. Blessed with 3 inches of rain today.
We haven't even planted green beans yet. I think it is a good time to do so now, but I have to take a few days off before I do anything more in the garden.
The way I've set up a drip system before was just to build the lines out how I wanted, circle a drip line around tomato plants. Run a emitter hose along a row of Okra, etc. I just ran a water hose thru a pressure reducer and filter to feed the drip lines. Depending on how large a space you want to do will have a large effect on how you set it up.
I get my stuff from www.dripdepot.com and their website has quite a lot of instructions on how to set them up. I bought quite a bit of stuff last winter and will be setting it up once I get my planting done. In general here is what I'm planning:

Raised beds 1 &2, run a feed line into the bed and plug in a T with drip tape around each pepper plant. (This drip tape has a weep hole every 6", I'll use 18" to give 3 holes. For my short rows of onions, carrots, peas, beans, etc I will run a feed line the length of the bed the run a drip tape down each 4' row.
For the rows of tomatoes and cucumbers I'll do the same as with the peppers. I will use a water hose to feed a manifold that will run to each bead and to the rows so I can select what gets watered when and for how long.
Thank you. I think gardening would be so much more productive with a drip system. I have to go through their website and see what I need to get set up.
A guy picked up 6 hens this morning. Another guy came by for two roosters, ending up getting them and my last three hens, a pair of naked necks, and a pair of Jungle Fowl. Have one lone rooster left. And our son has about a dz birds. Now we have a lot of chicken runs to tear down. Stood in line for a good 20 minutes to pick up our Sams on line order.