What's everybody doing today?

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Got the gas cans I ordered today. We will put them in the rotation to be filled. One has paint damage so it will get returned. No point risking rust since the damage is on the bottom of the can.

K has been going into work at 4am for the last few weeks. It is nice because he comes home after lunch and helps around the house before dinner. Yesterday he mowed the lawn. It hasn't been done in over a month because of the cold weather.

Just rotating our pantry stock and writing up a shopping list.

My mom has finished her course of IV antibiotics and is now taking oral antibiotics. She got 2 skin grafts on her leg where the infection is. My dad teases her that she has a little piggy in her now. I guess the grafts were pig skin. She seems to be better as she is moving more and not as tired. I think she is just sick of my dad's cooking and felt the need to get up and make better food.
It came a little skiff of snow here last night and school was cancelled. I went to work and got my crews rolling then came home and got Jake and we went and caught a mess of little rainbows to smoke.

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Nice rainbow, on my trips to S.E. British Columbia I loved catching Kamloops trout, Canadian Rainbow, if they had shrimp in the lake where I caught them, their heads were often small compared with the size of their bodies due to their fast growth. I miss the fishing I did while living in Washington and Colorado and the variety of types of trout, Washington had a lot of Cutthroat trout and Brook trout, as much fishing I did there, I never caught a Steelhead, which is just a sea run Rainbow. The largest Cutthroat I've ever caught was Chicago Lake in Colorado, only 19" long but it was heavy, 5 lbs., I also caught a lot of good sized Brown trout, mostly in the south fork of the Platt River and the Green River below Dillon Reservoir. Never fished much here in Oregon, it takes a lawyer to figure the fishing regs, to me it was always easier to get a deer or elk tag and get a large amount of meat in one shot, fishing licenses always seemed to cost way too much considering all the regs, many streams are barbless hooks of fly fishing only. The only thing I've been temped to do is fish the Rogue River, I've seen a 33 lb. Chinook Salmon that a guy I knew caught and the largest Chinook I've heard caught was about 85 lbs., trouble is, so much has change here since we moved here in 1981 that many of the streams are now catch and release.
Nice rainbow, on my trips to S.E. British Columbia I loved catching Kamloops trout, Canadian Rainbow, if they had shrimp in the lake where I caught them, their heads were often small compared with the size of their bodies due to their fast growth. I miss the fishing I did while living in Washington and Colorado and the variety of types of trout, Washington had a lot of Cutthroat trout and Brook trout, as much fishing I did there, I never caught a Steelhead, which is just a sea run Rainbow. The largest Cutthroat I've ever caught was Chicago Lake in Colorado, only 19" long but it was heavy, 5 lbs., I also caught a lot of good sized Brown trout, mostly in the south fork of the Platt River and the Green River below Dillon Reservoir. Never fished much here in Oregon, it takes a lawyer to figure the fishing regs, to me it was always easier to get a deer or elk tag and get a large amount of meat in one shot, fishing licenses always seemed to cost way too much considering all the regs, many streams are barbless hooks of fly fishing only. The only thing I've been temped to do is fish the Rogue River, I've seen a 33 lb. Chinook Salmon that a guy I knew caught and the largest Chinook I've heard caught was about 85 lbs., trouble is, so much has change here since we moved here in 1981 that many of the streams are now catch and release.

Catch and release is insane, who knows how many fish die from injury in that dumb law? Let people fish in certain season or whatever but not this C&R BC.
We installed joist hangers and started to install the floor joists.


It was in the 20s and it was cold even with both a kerosene and a propane heaters running. I will be working solo tomorrow because my brother has other duties. I can usually stay warm by staying active but I am going to have to break out the "insulated Bat Skivies" tomorrow.


We installed joist hangers and started to install the floor joists.

View attachment 57942

It was in the 20s and it was cold even with both a kerosene and a propane heaters running. I will be working solo tomorrow because my brother has other duties. I can usually stay warm by staying active but I am going to have to break out the "insulated Bat Skivies" tomorrow.


Coming along nicely.
Working on hand embroidery quilt block.
Crocheting on dad's blanket.
Strawberry was walked by dog walker.
Made goulash for lunch ,dinner and for lunch tomorrow.
Updating grocery list for monthly supplies.
Watching TV.
Forbidden History:
Search for Templar's Lost Treasure.
Search for King Solomon Treasure.
My mother and grandmother crocheted and embroidered and trained my siblings and myself. My sister has placed in embroidery competitions. For my part I am the designated hitter if the granddaughters uniforms need hemmed and I enjoy darning the holes in my bib overalls so they can last forever.


Re: my grandmother
She used to crochet doilies.

Any wonder why I have an anal retentive nature?

Yesterday, it was cold outside and the wind was about 40 mph, walked by a door bare foot and it was like standing on ice. Checked and the weather stripping on the bottom of the storm door was gone and the main door was torn. I had planned to replace them when I did the kitchen, so I had the new parts. The storm door was easy, took about 5 minutes. The main door had to be removed to get to the old seal, but got the job done in about a hour. Now my toes are warm again. ;)
Use your phone to record it .
Then load it to YouTube and then post it here for us.

That would be cool.

I don't sing well.
Right now can't carry tune in bucket well either.
Can't seem to keep in the right pitch.
Let me think about it.
Won't do it while I'm still upset.
My mother and grandmother crocheted and embroidered and trained my siblings and myself. My sister has placed in embroidery competitions. For my part I am the designated hitter if the granddaughters uniforms need hemmed and I enjoy darning the holes in my bib overalls so they can last forever.


Re: my grandmother
She used to crochet doilies.

Any wonder why I have an anal retentive nature?

I bet they are pretty.
Have a friend who took her grandmother's doilies and made them into a quilt.
It was beautiful.
I haven't tried doilies yet.
But have made shawls, evening wraps,curtains,blankets,slippers,potholders,wash cloths, hand towels.
Most everything I give away.
Sipping coffee.
Strawberry has been outside.
Dishes are done.
Working on dad's blanket.
I think the blanket he's trying to cover up with in the recliner is the dog's blanket.
I made that blanket 5-7 years ago for a mini pin.
He doesn't like bright colors, so off I went to find more manly colors: heather grey,navy,various shades of brown,blues.
Finally found enough to make him blanket so he can cover up in the recliner.
Got the yarn out of my stash.
Sitting here crocheting, sipping coffee, reading forums.
Later will deep clean the bathroom.
Today I went for groceries, the bill is way down now... mostly because the number of vegetables we need is almost zip...

This weekend we will be having venison stew, the onions, carrots, potatoes, and turnips all came out of last year's garden, the only purchased things are celery, the red wine, and the stock base....

This winter I have added 8' of new shelving and now it is all full of canned goods and staples, so we are now ready to hunker down for a very long time if need be... That being said, now that we are fully stocked and the indoor garden is producing our weekly food bill has dropped from $200 to about $50....
I got an order in for grocery pickup at 1pm.

Gotta bring in firewood today. This cold ,20 deg last night, is going thru lotta wood.
That's ok , I got enough for 2-3 years.

Wife is stlill on pain pills.

So not doing much.
I may clean both bathrooms today.

Not much else.

Too cold to be outside.

I hope y'all have a great day.

Since we still ain't sure about this Covid thing and still not visiting or allowing visitors here unless they stay outside [ I ain't that lonely yet 'guess what yep another song' ] its hard to find ones that will stay in our tent. 29 yr old grandson said he would stay in a tent,just quit his job of 8 years and may come to visit. I told him too our bed in a bag will sleep somone 7feet 350lb.s and its on a frame off the ground.He is 6'5" 196lb.s.
Also the 15 yr old said he'd come too and both said help us do some work around here.Also one of the daughters is looking ffor a camper.
If the other daughter didn't have dog in yard we could set up tent there for us but its a dog rest room.
We got all the jars cleaned and put up we canned, covered some plants in GH ,washed some clothes,more house work.
Son still hates tents since we had to stay in one for month once and he was rough on zipper so lots of yelling ' watch the zipper 'said he'd never stay in a rent again.:D
I had a nice set up 3 tents kirchen ,bedroom and guest tent.:cool:. Not sure what the problem is ,Indians did it for centuries.

Not many places to camp now with all the campers on the road plus who wants to sleep in a motel on other peoples bed?:ghostly:.
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It was 20F when I started work today. I started by finishing the joists that were put in place yesterday and had a bear of a time driving the screws. I destoyed about 8 screws before I did a "doh, maybe the Philips head bit is worn". Yep worn pretty bad. I tried out one that @Firepolice271 had laying on the table and I am now a fan of Milwaukee bits. I ordered 15 of them because there is still a lot of screws left to drive before we are done. For the record the 2 Phillips bits I have destoyed so far were Dewalt. I like their battery powered tools but I not impressed by vits.




All of the joist hangers are ready for the joists that may get installed tomorrow.


The image above shows the carriage bolts my brother installed to hold the main beam together.

To put this project in perspective...

In March of 2018, the basement looked like this.


The floor joists were sitting on dirt!

Busy week at work. Got the go ahead to start purchasing equipment to outfit a new stack monitoring system. We hope to have it built and running by May. One of the prime vendors for some of the flow control system is having major problems due to Covid and they are located in California. Hopefully we can sort that out, may end up using a different model. Gotta run a bunch of test first and see if the new gear will match what we use the old for.
One of the other supervisors has went on leave until mid april, so I get to take care of his crew as well as mine. I went from 5 techs to manage working on 4 types of systems, to 12 techs and 8 systems. Lots of fun I tell ya.
Got a lot of rain this week so wife and I are gonna try and take a hike in the mountains tomorrow. She still don't have her lung capacity back up since she had covid, but she wants to give it a try. There was snow up high, so we might drive up higher and find a deserted trail, or something lower along a good creek or river.
Been trying to learn some about the short sell stuff in the stock market and where that could end up going. Is it a distraction from something bigger coming like build up for a false flag? Or the beginnings of a major stock market crash? If it's the latter, I feel like it could be to usher in the great reset and ditch our currency for a new digital currency. It's too fluid to tell yet

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