What's everybody doing today?

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Completely agree. I read one article today ( gonna post some stuff in one of the other threads) that over $1billion dollars was borrowed to cover today's activity from 4 seperate BIG banks/lending institutions. JP Morgan and another BIGGIE was 2 of the 4. IMO this could well collapse a bunch of hedge funds if the pressure on them don't let up soon. I wonder how closely tied in city and state bond markets are tied in?
The very wealthy have been manipulating the market for so long, I think that they are in shock that a bunch of nobodys got together and messed with 4 or 5 cheap stocks. Gamestop and Bed Bath were on the verge on bankruptcy even precovid. Their stock was not selling for much. And think about all the stimulus money....people spending it on things that the big companies sell (so many mom and pops went under), then the money just goes back right into the company again. That's manipulation right there. Wonder how many of those 4 or 5 companies that were messed with ended up buying their own stock? So now Robin Hood is under investigation, and of course, they were banned from Facebook. The big guys that lost money are ticked. Just like a casino bet.
The big stock houses are so used to controlling the market, they're just mad a group of nobodies could do it, too. Reminds me of that Eddie Murphy movie where he duped those two guys. But this wasn't in their playbook, so I bet it'll be blamed on the little guys for sure. And they're probably white, evangelical, terrorist, Trump patriots or something. Oh, and racist.
K and I will be working to declutter the garage this weekend. We have a lizard living in there because it is warmer than the freezing temps outside. Not sure how it got in since he seems to be living in the window blinds. The girls thought it was gas seeing him to climbing the blinds. They named him but I don't want to turn the thread political so I will not share it.

Next week I move to another room in the house to declutter like I did with the kitchen. Part of our kitchen clutter issue is we do not have enough storage space for everyday foods. I figure we can store dry goods in a metal cabinet in the garage. Canned and bottled goods will stay in the house because freezing temperatures won't make a box of Cheerios explode the way canned green beans will.

I know K will be making a large donation to Goodwill when we are done!
The very wealthy have been manipulating the market for so long, I think that they are in shock that a bunch of nobodys got together and messed with 4 or 5 cheap stocks. Gamestop and Bed Bath were on the verge on bankruptcy even precovid. Their stock was not selling for much. And think about all the stimulus money....people spending it on things that the big companies sell (so many mom and pops went under), then the money just goes back right into the company again. That's manipulation right there. Wonder how many of those 4 or 5 companies that were messed with ended up buying their own stock? So now Robin Hood is under investigation, and of course, they were banned from Facebook. The big guys that lost money are ticked. Just like a casino bet.

In the 20s and 30s they were doing that, buying creating a buying "event" and then selling quickly to catch the suckers, then buy back in before hitting the bottom, but eventualy the market did crash.. and you got the great depression.

I also thought about the time we spent under Oh-boo-boo, the market was relatively flat, but it had crazy swings up and down: Money can be made and lost during those swings. Reminds me of an old movie quote "in confusion there is profit." Guess the movie....
Today it is cool here, about 20 with 15 mph winds. This is our last day of regular bow season so I may go out and sit in a tree.... Got a pair of insulated zip-up snake boots, will see how they work, don't have snake problems but I have a hard time lacing up boots, seems my stomach creates a road block to bending that far.....

Have a safe and healthy day.....
Have fun in that tree, Urban. Was it Atlas Shrugged?
Not sure what's happening here today, except I have to get the twins to the HighSchool this morning for pep band. They are playing for basketball, and it's tournament day. Granddaughter works tonight at the burger place, and it's supposed to be a rainy day.
Have fun in that tree, Urban. Was it Atlas Shrugged?
Not sure what's happening here today, except I have to get the twins to the HighSchool this morning for pep band. They are playing for basketball, and it's tournament day. Granddaughter works tonight at the burger place, and it's supposed to be a rainy day.

Well Amish if Atlas 'sgrugged' then he is in a marathon now.:D

Ayn sure had it right with this one,

" You can ignore reality but you can't inore the consequences of ignoring reality".
Listening to Atlas Shrugged audio book will reading posts...

We installed the floor joists today and put down some temporary floiring.


Then @Firepolice271 started walking around with a measuring tape as he started planning out the next steps to remove the internal load bearing walls, support beams to replace those walls and the original floor plan we worked out almost 3 years ago.

The middle of the structure will be a great room for living dining and kitcgen. The back wall will get a big window over the kitchen counter looking out on the horse farm out back. There will also be 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a laundry/pantry.

It was nice to see him working out a path to the end.

After returning home I was greated with the smell of an onion casserole in the making and a warning from @ThePrincess to stay out of the way. She is in"white tornado" since there is a potential we may have to host dispersed family since her aunt is fading.

Tonight there is "white stuff and its coming right at us!" that we will monitor while enjoying onion casserole and steaks for dinner.

Provided the roads are clear the granddaughters will visit tomorrow.

Returned home to the wife's venison stew, makes you feel all better...

Sitting in the tree wasn't fun today, 15 degrees and 20 mph winds, sitting 20' up. Didn't see anything worth trying for. My gear worked well for the first 6 hours, but the last 2 were difficult. Feet felt like pop-cycles, mostly just the toes, it's hard to be still and stay warm... I don't think age and cold weather work well together.

I might just call it a season, I have one in the freezer and that should hold us till next year...

But, to be honest I really enjoyed the first 6 hours, I had birds land in my tree, and the squirrels were happy (they didn't notice me). There is something about the peace you feel when you are out in nature, woods or sea, it's all the same to me...
Yesterday I took Mom to get bloodwork done and went to Walmart. She wanted to shop so it took awhile. I'm the type of person who likes to get in, get my stuff, and get out. She likes to go down almost every aisle, sometimes double back through the same aisle, abruptly stop (in her riding cart) randomly back up without warning, and take for flippin' ever.
Today I woke up early & helped my brother make beef stew. This time it was thicker. Racked out for most of the day. Feeling exhausted.
My brain does not want to focus or work.
We took a drive this afternoon to a not too far away small town. It looks about the same size as our small town, but not much in the way of services. I was surprised. They had two churches, but neither were Mennonite, no mini mart, no gas pump, no store. But they did have a good sized outdoor public swimming pool, and three parks. Trying to figure out where they do their shopping. I guess 20 miles to Wichita. It was rainy cold today, and didn't see many people out in that town at all. Except 8 cars parked in front of a shop. The shop was for model sized car drag racing. I never knew that was a thing. Stopped in where granddaughter works in our town for a soft serve cone. They still sell them for 99 cents.
We had planned to take a hike today, but wife just wasn't up to it. So we took a road trip and drove thru Cades Cove. Counted 45 whitetail deer and 27 turkey's thru the day. First 2 deer we saw were 8 point bucks banging antlers. We were nearly 1/4 mile away and could clearly hear them. Crowd was small and we had a great time. Even cooked lunch on my tail gate. Sleeted on us for about 30 minutes.
Our neighbor where we used to live would do that for us after a snow or heavy rains, and I always appreciated it. Good neighbor, Lazy L.
I need to finish our morning chores, take the granddaughter into the bigger town to get stuff for valentines day. Little granddaughter's mom and boyfriend will be visiting with her here for a couple of hours this afternoon. I hate to do that here, but it's too cold out today to meet in town at the park. I have food storage reorganization to do this afternoon, and some cooking to do for supper at my favorite cousin's house tonight. Thinking about coleslaw with pineapple and peanuts in it, and maybe baked custard with fruit...I have alot alot of eggs, and that would use some.
Today I went for groceries, the bill is way down now... mostly because the number of vegetables we need is almost zip...

This weekend we will be having venison stew, the onions, carrots, potatoes, and turnips all came out of last year's garden, the only purchased things are celery, the red wine, and the stock base....

This winter I have added 8' of new shelving and now it is all full of canned goods and staples, so we are now ready to hunker down for a very long time if need be... That being said, now that we are fully stocked and the indoor garden is producing our weekly food bill has dropped from $200 to about $50....
Very nice
Sipping coffee.
Got a small load of whites going in dryer now.
Washing small load permanent press now.
Might do up small load of jeans later.
If it ever warms up to above freezing will take some comforters to laundry mat to get cleaned up.
Got a pot beans going in the crock pot.
Need to run to Wal*Mart and pick up grocery order.
Working around the house is on the agenda today.
Wind is fierce.
Had a little helper yesterday helping Granny embroidery on quilt block.
She's 3 years old.
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