Thank you Meerkat.Its a sad situation all theway around. Bad owners raise bad dogs and usually the dumb animal has to pay.Hope Strawberry full recovers.
I will put them over in the leather thread, but probably won't happen tonight. I have to get them off my phoneBig, about 70lbs... obeys well, smart, learns quick. Thats one advantage of getting a dog from working dog bloodlines, they are bred to be smart.
He still has plenty of puppy though, occasionally finds something new to chew up, but never does it again if scolded, until he finds a different new item. Post some pics of your new shoe sewing machine.
Programed a hand held radio. Boxed it up along with a external mike and laminated frequency cheat sheet for the youngest son.
Wife's cell phone was so old copying her APPs and history over to her new phone was a royal pain. Took about 4 hours to accomplish. Now she's mildly complaining the Health APP history is gone, can male/husband selective hearing has been activated.
Setup a green screen and figure out the Zoom software on how to. Have a Zoom meeting this weekend, don't want the other Zoomers to set my room items in the background.
Waiting for the snow to melt and the sun to shine before venturing out for the outside fun projects.
The purpose of the Zoom meeting is to greet and meet, to put faces with the voices. Hence the green screen.I don't allow a camera on any of my web meetings, I may have a static profile picture, but no pictures of the inside of my house..... Some things are just not for non-family.
Will feed dogs, then walk.
Will cook bell peppers, onions and jalapenos for eggs for the week.
Also, turkey sausage.
Make rice and cut up cheese for the pups.
The Princess has a wall hanging that looks like a book shelf behind her. I teased that I would replace it with a Trump on a tank flag. She didn't find it funny. Librarians as a group are very liberal.I don't allow a camera on any of my web meetings, I may have a static profile picture, but no pictures of the inside of my house..... Some things are just not for non-family.
That sounds practical.Taking a break at the moment . Cleaned barn, fed bottle boys ( mom has mastitis) , happy to see the remaining milk goat is now able to feed her kids ( her nipples are so big it takes them a few days to get the hang of it and I have to milk her and bottle feed them....)
It is ( insert bad word of choice) snowing outside!!! Well flurries, but still. It's APRIL. We do not live in Maine
We now have 24 goat kids and still no lambs. Husband is starting to wonder if the ram we had this year was a dud and our sheep are just fat and not pregnant!! That would be bad
He is going to pick up a freezer lamb and goat from the meat processor, while I keep checking for new lambs and the remaining goat that hasn't had hers yet.
Put a pork roast from the pigs we had last year in the oven. No diet for a week.
I have decided we are no longer going to try to be self sufficient to the point where it just stresses me out and we get nothing done. In the 5 years we have lived here, we have tried many things and I have come to the conclusion that some of it just isn't worth the effort. Plus , nobody is 100% self sufficient anyway.
So these things I am going to stop doing:
having milk goats! It's just not worth the effort. It takes way too much time to make cheese, and wash all those dishes milking creates. And I am finding out milk replacer works just find for the bottle babies. Plus we don't even drink much milk. I mostly use it for cooking ( like smashed potatoes or oat meal, or baking).
So , the remaining milk goat is going to be sold at some point this year.
Having a hay field but no equipment to make hay bales. It 's just too much of a hassle finding someone reliable to do it for you and get good hay. So we are going to sell it, and just buy hay.
Fruit trees: no effort is going to be made on the ones we have, and no new ones are going to be purchased. The apricot trees are full of flowers, but with 2 days of really cold weather and wind, next week they will be empty and we will not get a single apricot again this year. This sort of thing happens most of the time, so no point fertilizing or spraying them or anything else.
Here is a big one: canning !
It's a ton of work, and it is very cheap to buy canned stuff at the walmart
I will most likely just can tomato sauce because mine is just better and I actually used it all up
everything else is going to be frozen ( extra stuff we don't sell or use ) which we just prefer
Winter chewed our internet cable going from the street to the house. Our internet is out and the repair guy will be here on Friday. I am using my phone as a hot spot for now. She has bad separation anxiety. Not sure how to fix that since we only leave to run errands and take her with us for long trips like to my folks.
Roo is learning History between the World Wars. Her text book explains about Communism and Socialism. She is making the connection between our current government and what happened in the past. I am proud. In case any other homeschoolers want to know we are using the Abeka 4th grade history curriculum. I already got 5th grade and 6th! I am going to get 7th-12th as I can get them on sale. I also recommend the Tuttle Twins books for government and economics for 5th grade and up.
Bailey is doing better. She is still eating sparingly but she is being a tad more friendly. Her abscess is not filling back up but the area is sore. Still giving her the Amoxicillin twice a day. She spends her day in the sun by the back door. She has no interest in treats but she is eating food. My cat bites are very sore but not infected. The swelling is gone as is the redness.
Already paid bills this morning.
Will feed dogs, then walk.
Must fill out wills today--before other chores!
Will cook bell peppers, onions and jalapenos for eggs for the week.
Also, turkey sausage.
Make rice and cut up cheese for the pups.
There is a yard sale I may go to and then stop at bank on the way home to pick up death certificate they faxed for me yesterday.
That should be enough!
You feeding all that to dogs???? Or am I not understanding that right?
My GSD is very allergic to rice, so I have to be very careful what I feed her ( grain free, raw meat, wheat or corn is ok, just not rice, which is most dog food that isn't grain free). But today they had slightly freezer burnt leftover lamb, goat and pork from over a year that we found at bottom of freezer .
One dog gets rice and they all get bits of cheese for treats. The rest is for me. I wasn't real clear. LolYou feeding all that to dogs???? Or am I not understanding that right?
My GSD is very allergic to rice, so I have to be very careful what I feed her ( grain free, raw meat, wheat or corn is ok, just not rice, which is most dog food that isn't grain free). But today they had slightly freezer burnt leftover lamb, goat and pork from over a year that we found at bottom of freezer .
Nose bleed first thing this morning, checked Blood Preesurer, it is good low mid range. DW says it is pollen in the air, but I do not know that is it. It stopped & I feel fine, need to cut the grass today & plant some Phlox plants I got in the mail, that I do not remember ordering (old age?).