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just found out my sil has been abused by her daughter. she is in the nursing home for recoup. where she had surgery on her feet. hubby couldn't go check on her today , so i did. what is this world coming to ? sil is 73 . this is just wrong. her son is a police officer. he said if his sister comes into our county he will arrest her.
That's terrible, Timmie. My oldest half sister was abusing my mom (neglect, money, drugging her) and it's been a year now. Mom's got her life back, she's 85. I feel bad about my anger. I just haven't spoken with her. We left the state and that was the end of it. It's hard when someone you love is so cruel to someone else you love. I'm glad you found out.
@timmie I am so sorry to hear about the elder abuse and it is much more common than what you would think and here in Australia it ranks higher than husband wife or partner abuse just to let you know.

I left my family behind for those very same reason being financial and physical abuse. I took out 2 domestic violence court orders out on my eldest son (drug psychosis) and then there was financial abuse by the rest of the family running up debts in my name (7 dog and cat registrations with council that I had cancelled), phone bills, damage to my home and then they took me to court. So needless to say they are not on my favourite list of people and we have not been in contact for 3 years and that was even through my solicitor. I put myself on the silent electors roll so they couldn't track me and also their last address for me is care of my solicitors office.

I do hope that the son concerned gets caught with video/photographic evidence and ends up behind bars where he belongs.
@timmie I am so sorry to hear about the elder abuse and it is much more common than what you would think and here in Australia it ranks higher than husband wife or partner abuse just to let you know.

I left my family behind for those very same reason being financial and physical abuse. I took out 2 domestic violence court orders out on my eldest son (drug psychosis) and then there was financial abuse by the rest of the family running up debts in my name (7 dog and cat registrations with council that I had cancelled), phone bills, damage to my home and then they took me to court. So needless to say they are not on my favourite list of people and we have not been in contact for 3 years and that was even through my solicitor. I put myself on the silent electors roll so they couldn't track me and also their last address for me is care of my solicitors office.

I do hope that the son concerned gets caught with video/photographic evidence and ends up behind bars where he belongs.
I've unfortunately heard so much of this. I've been through the whole relative on drugs bit. 5 Years of misery that nearly destroyed our marriage and everything else good in our lives. We are some of the Lucky one's though. By the Grace of God and faith and a wonderful wife the perpetrator of these acts has gotten clean, Lives a good life and is an upstanding father, son and contributor to life in general. So sorry for those who haven't been as fortunate as us and My most sincere Prayers, Hope and love go out to you all and my hope is all will end well in even the worst of situations. It still can...........
Finished checking the court and I am scheduled to report for jury duty tomorrow. I am now emptying pockets so i don't lose anther pocket knife I forgot I had in my pocket. I did check to see if my EDC holster was forbidden and it is not on the list. It very difficult to install and adjust the holster on my EDC belt, so I won't be taking it off. I will keep it covered and of course empty but I am still going to be wearing it. Old and cranky but more than willing to do my duty. I also plan to wear my American flag t-shirt, it was not on the forbidden list either.
Hello everyone and I hope you have had a fantastic day :) .

Started off the morning with stain removing some clothing and putting on a load of washing and hanging it out on the clothes line. Then I sorted out putting some of my summer clothing away and replacing it in the bedroom with winter clothing and packing the winter clothing in vacuum seal storage bags.

As today is my birthday and also our 5th sealing wedding anniversary we went to town and purchased some chicken and chips and brought a bottle of sarsaparilla from home and spent a few lovely hours together in one of the nice local parks instead of going out to dinner. We get to celebrate our wedding anniversary twice in a year one for our temple sealing wedding anniversary and later this year for our 13th wedding anniversary, double the fun :D.

About to label and put away the orange and lemon marmalade we made in the pantry and later I will do a bit more sorting out of my summer clothing to pack away in the dressing room until next season.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday dear Sewing Creations.........HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! And
Happy Anniversary, too!
You two still are newlyweds!
Sounds like a really nice day!
Getting ready to make husband breakfast, get the animals all fed and go to work myself. Tough day for husband, he is stepping down as boss today, and just becoming the underling. He will be working a four day workweek. His job is his identity, and he's been the boss for so long, we'll see how it goes. But his health makes it too hard to continue.
Hubby made me some brackets ( first of three sets he has to make) to hold my window boxes on the porch rails, so I moved one to them and it works great. Now I need the other two sets.
Cleaned out the raised beds so I can add elements to them before planting.
We caught an opossum last night in a trap so I had to kill it and dispose of the body. My Bella was going nuts because she could smell it but not see it. the cage was behind one end of a raised bed. now to catch the big rabbit and those pesky squirrels.
So thats been my morning so far lol

Have some laundry to wash and some to fold and put away. Macaroni salad to fix for supper
Getting ready to leave for the big town. It's big money day at the big box store. Last night the tranny went out on the washing machine (purchased in 05), prices for a new one start at $800. The broil function on dad's drop in range stopped working a few months ago. Prices for a new drop in (self cleaning) range start at $1350 (and they are on sale this month). Like I told dad, "you and I installed this range in 1974, you have got your money out of it", time to get a new one! :rolleyes:

My window air conditioner failed last September, Who cares! It was September. Temps are supposed to hit 85 degrees every day this week. Time to get a new one. I priced them a month ago... a good one that meets my needs is about $400.

I hope we get out of the big box store spending less than 3K. :(
Hello everyone and I hope you have had a fantastic day :) .

Started off the morning with stain removing some clothing and putting on a load of washing and hanging it out on the clothes line. Then I sorted out putting some of my summer clothing away and replacing it in the bedroom with winter clothing and packing the winter clothing in vacuum seal storage bags.

As today is my birthday and also our 5th sealing wedding anniversary we went to town and purchased some chicken and chips and brought a bottle of sarsaparilla from home and spent a few lovely hours together in one of the nice local parks instead of going out to dinner. We get to celebrate our wedding anniversary twice in a year one for our temple sealing wedding anniversary and later this year for our 13th wedding anniversary, double the fun :D.

About to label and put away the orange and lemon marmalade we made in the pantry and later I will do a bit more sorting out of my summer clothing to pack away in the dressing room until next season.

HAPPY B-DAY SEWING. :heart/flower
I've been working whats left of my butt off and saying a prayer just in case I drop. Which is ok , I'd rather go out in my work boots than a slow in bed .
Got lots done and can actually breath better after pushing lungs and heart to the limits.
Got rid of old junk fencing that I have been looking at for a few years now and logs fro mtrees we cut down and put against fence to stop mutts from digging out. Now here is wire laid down around fence, let them dig that!
Spring cleaning in house finally got china cabinet cleaned out. It is Spring so lots to do. Next week will wash algae off outside of house and walls inside.

Eccle. 9: 10 " Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all thy might, there is no work, knowledge or wisdom in the grave where thou goest". :ghostly:
Updated babysitting schedule with Grand daughter has been changed again.
For the third time this week and I think it's only Tuesday.
I sit half day Wednesday noon - 2100 hours.
Off Thursday. work 16 hours on Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Who knows about after that.
Going to grill up some chicken I laid out yesterday.
Make BBQued chicken,macaroni salad, twiced baked beans.
I'm off today, was supposed to have grand daughter half day.
Laundry is washed dried getting ready to hang up, put away.
We finally got some rain. Just enough to wet the sidewalk.
Oh well some is better that none I guess.
just found out my sil has been abused by her daughter. she is in the nursing home for recoup. where she had surgery on her feet. hubby couldn't go check on her today , so i did. what is this world coming to ? sil is 73 . this is just wrong. her son is a police officer. he said if his sister comes into our county he will arrest her.

People have always been violent but lately it seems they are more of them.
Hope the SIL is ok.
Hello everyone and I hope you have had a fantastic day :) .

Started off the morning with stain removing some clothing and putting on a load of washing and hanging it out on the clothes line. Then I sorted out putting some of my summer clothing away and replacing it in the bedroom with winter clothing and packing the winter clothing in vacuum seal storage bags.

As today is my birthday and also our 5th sealing wedding anniversary we went to town and purchased some chicken and chips and brought a bottle of sarsaparilla from home and spent a few lovely hours together in one of the nice local parks instead of going out to dinner. We get to celebrate our wedding anniversary twice in a year one for our temple sealing wedding anniversary and later this year for our 13th wedding anniversary, double the fun :D.

About to label and put away the orange and lemon marmalade we made in the pantry and later I will do a bit more sorting out of my summer clothing to pack away in the dressing room until next season.

Got married on your birthday? I did too! Happy birthversary!
Had good luck at the box store today. Spent less than $1400. The biggest savings was getting dad a stove instead of a drop-in range, that saved $900. He also gets a little extra storage space in the drawer underneath the oven. He wanted a stainless-steel model which had to be ordered. It will be here the 15th. Regular stoves were on sale along with washing machines.That saved me another $300+ and they give a 10% military discount as well.

My great nephew came up and helped me get the old washing machine out and the new one in. It has almost a sqft more capacity. Anyway, I got it hooked up and ran a wash cycle. It seems to work fine.

I’m exhausted, think I’ll tackle the window AC tomorrow or the next day. I got the same size unit as the old one, 14,000 Btu, plenty for the 900sqft I live in. The house sits back into a hill so it stays cool in here anyway. :)
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Had good luck at the box store today. Spent less than $1400. The biggest savings was getting dad a stove instead of a drop-in range, that saved $900. He also gets a little extra storage space in the drawer underneath the oven. He wanted a stainless-steel model which had to be ordered. It will be here the 15th. Regular stoves were on sale along with washing machines.

My great nephew came up and helped me get the old washing machine out and the new one in. It has almost a sqft more capacity. Anyway, I got it hooked up and ran a wash cycle. It seems to work fine.

I’m exhausted, think I’ll tackle the window AC tomorrow or the next day. I got the same size unit as the old one, 14,000 Btu, plenty for the 900sqft I live in. The house sits back into a hill so it stays cool in here anyway. :)

Congrats Peanut on the new washer.
That is happy! Congratulations on everything!
I don't understand how you have time to post and all the hard work you do as well.
@Peanut I miss my parents. It is good to help the older people. I'm going to be one of those older people one day and hopefully have enough offspring to help me out too.
Had good luck at the box store today. Spent less than $1400. The biggest savings was getting dad a stove instead of a drop-in range, that saved $900. He also gets a little extra storage space in the drawer underneath the oven. He wanted a stainless-steel model which had to be ordered. It will be here the 15th. Regular stoves were on sale along with washing machines.That saved me another $300+ and they give a 10% military discount as well.

My great nephew came up and helped me get the old washing machine out and the new one in. It has almost a sqft more capacity. Anyway, I got it hooked up and ran a wash cycle. It seems to work fine.

I’m exhausted, think I’ll tackle the window AC tomorrow or the next day. I got the same size unit as the old one, 14,000 Btu, plenty for the 900sqft I live in. The house sits back into a hill so it stays cool in here anyway. :)
I am going to purchase a Barn roof style Shed next year I'm going to finish off to live in with a Loft.. 16x58 , Just over 900 Sq. Ft. I've lived in 700 to 2600 and I think 900 or near is just perfect. Especially for one or two people and possibly visitors now and again.....Like this just much bigger

Am wiped out. Ended up on an 11 hour workshift after some call ins today. I didn't expect it, but the flu is going around. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have some employees, and no flu. Son took care of the animal evening chores and picked up Chinese take out. Ready to put my feet up and watch an episode of Colony.
I like your idea of backwards birthdays, Sewing. Think I'll do that for awhile and could stay in the 50's range then.
Am wiped out. Ended up on an 11 hour workshift after some call ins today. I didn't expect it, but the flu is going around. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have some employees, and no flu. Son took care of the animal evening chores and picked up Chinese take out. Ready to put my feet up and watch an episode of Colony.
I like your idea of backwards birthdays, Sewing. Think I'll do that for awhile and could stay in the 50's range then.

My mil goes from 20 to 50 back to 20. Wash, rinse and repeat.
Dh finally has an appt. with the pulmonologist on Monday--90 miles away, but still glad he has it! He will have a bronchoscopy.

I did the Walmart thing today, paid bills. Beginning of the month stuff. All the running around exhausts me and only 4.5 hours sleep last night. Came home and took eBay photos and that's about all for today. DH has his last EGD tomorrow. At least that is only 10 miles away!
Dh finally has an appt. with the pulmonologist on Monday--90 miles away, but still glad he has it! He will have a bronchoscopy.

I did the Walmart thing today, paid bills. Beginning of the month stuff. All the running around exhausts me and only 4.5 hours sleep last night. Came home and took eBay photos and that's about all for today. DH has his last EGD tomorrow. At least that is only 10 miles away!

Snap,hope all is good with your Dh . Take care and good night.

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