What's everybody doing today?

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^^^ 12icemaker, Remember :


A mountain laurel blooms in Corinth, Mississippi.

I do nothing today...just wait for evening to kill
a wasps nest with poison foam
Done 15 minutes ago at 7.45 pm its dark here

I did dress properly---jeans- t shirt long sleeve- coat- hat - boots
I did cover neck to nose and did wear glasses

I will see in 2 days if something still alive
Had lower back MRI this afternoon. Had a panic attack on the hip one a few weeks ago. I think it is being totally unarmed and stiffed in a tube like a sausage. I am a pretty good size fellow 6.2 and 290 lbs. To digress, I found an old prescription of valium I had for shingles. I couldn't decide if I should should take 1or 2 tablets 10 mg each. Well I decided to play it safe and take two. Got finished with MRI, it went fine. Didn't have a driver , so I walked out to parking lot and can't find my truck.Can't remember where I parked. Had to use fob to find truck and then had to drive 30 miles home. Did find a new way to fly. Still a little loopy.
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Had lower back MRI this afternoon. Had a panic attack on the hip one a few weeks ago. I think it is being totally unarmed and stiffed in a tube like a sausage. I am a pretty good size fellow 6.2 and 290 lbs. To digress, I found an old prescription of valium I had for shingles. I couldn't decide if I should should take 1or 2 tablets 10 mg each. Well I decided to play it safe and take two. Got finished with MRI, it went fine. Didn't have a driver , so I walked out to parking lot and can't find my truck.Can't remember where I parked. Had to use fob to find truck and then had to drive 30 miles home. Did find a new way to fly. Still a little loopy.
You probably shouldn't have driven. I got hit with anesthesia a few years ago. I waited an hour at the office like they told me to. They said it would wear off in an hour and then I could drive. Yeah, right...I drove to Walmart and didn't know I was still high until I realized I was walking in circles in the sporting goods section and I didn't even know what I was looking for...
I really feel empty and tired and sore

Tomorrow Friday but it changes absolutely nothing for me
I did a fire makes me feel relax and thinking of nothing

I know I will feel so much better when the real cold will show its nose
Probably October or November ;)
Wish you a nice evening and to sleep well

A friend stopped by with a bed full of scrap he wanted me to pick through.

"Get thee behind me satan!"

He has been scrapping old medical dental equipment. I resolved to limit myself to 1 5 gallon bucket. My shop simply does not have the space. I scooped up all of the pressure gauges, brass, pulleys, big bolts, all-thread, and lathe foder. We loaded a 18x36 inch 1/3 aluminum backing plate into another friends car.

It was fun for both of us. I was playing the game of "what is it?" because I worked at the front end of design, manufacturing, etc. He makes a living taking it apart. :thumbs:

That project was a nice break from the weeding, watering, cloning, tending that has been my pleasant and peaceful life.

The Princess had a rough time for a bit. Poison Ivy and and a shingles outbreak at the same time. She got the shingles early so it is mostly gone now. At the worst I told her she looked like a horror film because it hit her cheek. Better now.

She is looking good now.

More work on the greenhouse today, interrupted by a run to town for more sheet metal screws. Went up to Mom's for a visit and went swimming in the lake. Roofers took today off, supposed to be back at it tomorrow. I'm really happy with the front porch extension, it's just what this house needed. Headed to home depot tomorrow to pick up the gas line I ordered for my generator. Next week I'm going to rent a trencher and try to figure out how to run it and lay the line.
Got too much sun working on the greenhouse, sitting here with that hot skin, achy flush feeling and a headache. Early to bed for me, I think.
baking today

did NOT get wood yesterday, they didn't even bother calling to cancel, typical crappy customer service in the US now. Just typical! I get better results by 100% ordering stuff on Temu, from CHINA, than getting ANYTHING done around here...lazy useless people in this country
Whatever, going back to baking now , rant over....
Coffee. Taking my Pearl (GS350) in for spa day. She has a parking sensor acting up and needs a fluid change. Hubby is going to follow me over in the Celica-Supra and take me to breakfast. Have a little canning and some trim work assistance with dad planned later. Grandma’s house is almost completely done. Before winter even. I’m as surprised as my dad is.
Got up, went to the fitness center, came back up and took a shower. Lady left for her day of pricey-pampering and the kiddo left for class, so I am just hanging out for a little bit then will head for the compound. Date night tomorrow is a fancy affair hosted by the lady for her employees, so I have been assigned the role of arm candy. I wanted to go with some nice pants, no shirt, suspenders and a bow tie but she said she preferred I wear a suit, but to keep that other outfit available for after. I looked up the restaurant she has booked and it is definitely fine dining.
@d_marsh Fine dining is always appreciated. My girl prefers to eat at home, but I took her to a good restaurant for her birthday last winter. My birthday is coming up soon. I'm betting that I'll have to pay, but I've got plans for some fine dining for that event! It's either going to be New York strips or Salmon steaks...
GF texted me this morning. She said there is a fox in her little town that is getting brave enough to approach her and her Lab Retriever during their walks. She got a picture of it - it's not a fox, it's a young coyote. A coyote with no fear of people is bad news inside town limits.
We have a red fox that comes on the porch and eats any leftover food the dog leaves. Sometimes he sleeps under my rocking chair on the front porch. He's not hurting anything so I leave him alone. He's not able to get in to the chicken coop, I built it to be predator proof. I'll probably trap him this winter when the fur gets prime.
That dang Bobdog ran off with my hat again this morning. I checked all of his normal places where he likes to put things, no luck. It'll turn up eventually. At least he didn't run off with my Stetson.
Got the wire up on the new coop. Just need to finish the trim and put the door on. The wife will finish painting it tomorrow morning. It's getting to hot here, could get up to 80 degs today.
Short night tonight..

The last few days have been like a marathon at work. Go go go..running the big and small side , making as much 4 quarter like 1x4, 1x6, 1x8 pine as possible..filling up the sorter during the day..

Night shift arrives..buried in lumber..takes all night to get caught up. And I only do because at night were just running the big log side slowly..
My machine doesn't run good on thin 4 quarter boards..so it's boxing gloves all damb night..

Last night at 11:10..I finally stack the last 1x4 unit..I tell my driver were finally caught up 45 minutes eariler than the night before..

I ask my driver if he knew how many units we put in the yard..because it seemed like 100 but I know it isn't..just feels like it.

Anyways while he goes to count.i head upstairs to see check out if any bins are closet full and to check the rerun bin. It takes awhile to fill a bin of the thicker boards running slow. So if non are close I'm thinking about bailing early.

He tells me we put down 44 units in the yard. One bin got full..it was almost 45 units and the forklift broke down. We only had like 20 minutes left in the shift anyways so..we both bailed.
I just hope it's not a disaster tonight tho..I'm beat.

Otherwise, the week has been routine..with the exception of starting a new rug project and I got my cute little utility trailer back yesterday.

It's all good to go as it is but my neighbor insists he weld a safety link on like he does all his trailers. He welds a chain link onto the side n somewhere near the hitch dilly hook up thingy. So , when parked I can put a shacked or lock on it and no one can steal the trailer because they won't be able to open the thingy that attaches to the ball hitch on a vehicle. Plus..I can apply it once on the truck as well to be a extra safety measure to ensure the hitch thingy doesn't jump off the ball because it can't open all the way.

I'll take a Pic when done..

But new tires on, wheel barings greased , inspected n all that..new wiring harness and plug in to match my truck hook up..the guy only charged me 150.00 bucks for labor on that..
I got a nice little trailer now for hauling n projects n whatever else..I'm stoked..
Husband's eye doc took a long while, other appt was postponed. He's still having issues after cataract surgery out of one eye, so they're thinking retina scar tissue or something that they'll fix next week. Gassed up the truck, went into Walmart for some candy and nuts for my neighbor's bday. Ran into my favorite cousin, standing in Walmart, people watching...an older heavy lady with tons of tattoos and a strange summer outfit on with skulls all over it. Couldn't explain that one. Of course, she always gets stared at, an old amish lady. Ha Ha. Her daughter was shopping and buying tons of eggs, I told her to put them back and come by our place and I'll load her up.
Visited with Mom and Dad at the nursing home. We wheeled Mom out to the arboretum so she could look at the flowers and see all the bumble bees. Dad is getting weaker. Walking 100 yards is getting tough for him and he needed to sit down for a bit to catch his breath. I guess that's what happens when you're 89 and only 35% of your heart still works. It hurts me to see it.

I'm about to meet GF at Anytime Fitness for a gym date. My back muscles are still sore from our last gym date on Wednesday. Hopefully I'm not too wimpy tonight...
Yesterday was the samsclub run. Wanted to get something in the store that wasn't out on display and employees said it was somewhere in stock. Spent awhile looking then checked the app-- said it was out of stock but could be shipped for free and cost $20 less online than in store. So I ordered it. Having it sent to friend's house to reduce the chance of it being dropped out in the rain or delivered to the wrong house. If it goes to my nearest neighbors the store would have to send a replacement since the neighbors keep anything that comes to their house with our names on it. Also stopped at Walmart to get my thyroid meds.

Mom was hungry just before midnight last night so I got food for her. I'd gotten some steak tips and mashed potatoes from the samsclub deli when shopping while hungry but I ate some rotisserie chicken when I was taking the meat off the bones when I got home. Wasn't hungry for the steak tips later. It looked good but the smell was not appetizing. Mom ate a good bit of it but said the gravy was too sweet and the meat was tough to chew.

Racked out and it rained hard. I slept through the night and then some. Mom woke me up this morning needing her insulin cartridge changed. So I fumbled through that and went straight back to bed. Slept through my alarm and didn't wake up until 5pm when one of the neighborhood guys called. Said he's coming by tomorrow to bush hog the yard and do some cleanup. Said he's recovered well from his knee surgery. He's such a sweet man. Ever since we sold him our tractor years ago he's been using that tractor to come bush hog for us.
Wife had to work, so I cleaned out the freezer in the fridge, still need to organize whats left. The pulled old stuff from some of the upright freezer. Took off the load to the dump. Back home and paid the bills and organized that better so wife would have a easier time with them. Will finish that this weekend. Sitting on the porch to finish the evening. Did a Bible study on Psalm 63 out here on the porch. Great chapter. Very encouraging.
Walked laps around the front acre. Good pace for first few. Much better than I've been able to do
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This afternoon I filled a garbage bag with clothes I won't wear again and 2-3 boxes of house stuff to donate. I also filled a trash bag of stuff that nobody wants that is going to the dumpster. Then it all went into the pickup for proper distribution tomorrow. I could just leave everything behind I don't want, but I would rather leave the place completely barren. Oh I also placed ads on a local rummage site for my appliances. There was nothing in the deal about them getting anything other than the building and the land, even though I think the building is going to become their construction staging zone. I am going to wait to strip out all of the surveillance and security stuff at the last possible minute.
Friday September 6th 2024
Another week done
Proud of myself today I did mow Dane Girl space outside
and did cut some branches

Changed all the cats litters..broom their floors

Washed their blankets ...they were happy
I did brush the cats and Dane Girl
Cleaned some ears
Tomorrow I will do Dane Girl manicure and maybe few cats too

Ate salmon leftover pie from freezer with some ketchup..now no more ;)
Dessert was : Banana waffle with sour cream and a Chai black tea

Later will soak in warm Epsom salt and watch some political thing
on computer with a glass of something

I just dream of early Fall and Winter

Weekend starting
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