What's everybody doing today?

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At Home..
gave the turkeys and chickens a tortilla treat..went to find my oldest hen ..thought it was odd she didn't come out n greet me..found coyote scat and can't find my girl..

I was going to get her and the other old hen Their own coop placed off my porch with a heat pad in it for this winter too..

No one else is missing..should have left my dogs out but that's how it is sometimes...

It's dark out n I'm watching a wildfire glow south east up in the mountains. Must be a new one..I haven't noticed it before but I have been on nights too..

The wind is comming from that direction too so now n then the glow gets brighter..it's pretty off in the distance ..scarry if it's near..

It's so smokey out I can't see the stars..3rd summer in a row ..guess I'll stargaze in winter again in 5 minute bursts..lol..
Trip to town for groceries and errands. Found widemouth pint jars with lids for $8.50 a case at the hardware store, bought 3. Got new velcro for my kitchen cabinet doors, get them fixed now. Got a gallon of bbq sauce from my favorite pit, couple pounds of sliced pork too. I'll divide the pork into single servings then vacuum seal and toss in the freezer.

The produce store is still closed, two weeks now. I wanted to get dad tomatoes and a cantaloupe, maybe next trip. Got a boatload of herbs processed, gonna tincture or dry them, decide tomorrow.
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Yep..this just happened..

It seems either I'm out to punish myself or the Universe is trying to tell me something and pain does get my attention..
Seems a old air vent got a screw loose n my toe found it..I think I ripped off half my nail on my big toe..
Walnuts apparently didn't get my attention enough last weekend..
What in the Universe am I being told?!?..

I'm listening man..and hobbling now..but I'm listening Universe...how do I understand bcuz this pain $hit is getting old

I did not cry tho..felt close ..geeze!!

I need to repaint my nails..sorry..uggh..


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Got on line and looked at my MRI results, don't really understand it. It says mild to moderate facet arthritic changes and a lot of medical terms I don't understand. Don't really know what it all means just know it hurts like hell. Will wait for Dr. to call and explain. Also found sigmoid diverticulosis.
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Got on line and looked at my MRI results, don't really understand it. It says mild to moderate facet arthritic changes and a lot of medical terms I don't understand. Don't really know what it all means just know it hurts like hell. Will wait for Dr. to call and explain. Also found sigmoid diverticulosis.
I have facet sinovitis arthritis on my MRI. Doesn't matter what it's called if you can't sleep because of the pain. Hard to put weight on my right side when I wake up. Feeling for you Peepaw, I'm in the same boat as you. But not the diverticulosis part. No simple solutions.
Weekend off, slept late and woke up to rain. Had planned on taking dead electronics to our town public works department for disposal but not dragging an old Apple G5 tower and two laptops through mud to get it into the container. Still going to go to the grocery later.

Having coffee now. Need to figure out something for breakfast.
Yep..this just happened..

It seems either I'm out to punish myself or the Universe is trying to tell me something and pain does get my attention..
Seems a old air vent got a screw loose n my toe found it..I think I ripped off half my nail on my big toe..
Walnuts apparently didn't get my attention enough last weekend..
What in the Universe am I being told?!?..

I'm listening man..and hobbling now..but I'm listening Universe...how do I understand bcuz this pain $hit is getting old

I did not cry tho..felt close ..geeze!!

I need to repaint my nails..sorry..uggh..
Hopefully that's #3!! The splinter, the walnut (I've never had a walnut injury), now this!! What are we going to do with you??😉😃
Yep..this just happened..

It seems either I'm out to punish myself or the Universe is trying to tell me something and pain does get my attention..
Seems a old air vent got a screw loose n my toe found it..I think I ripped off half my nail on my big toe..
Walnuts apparently didn't get my attention enough last weekend..
What in the Universe am I being told?!?..

I'm listening man..and hobbling now..but I'm listening Universe...how do I understand bcuz this pain $hit is getting old

I did not cry tho..felt close ..geeze!!

I need to repaint my nails..sorry..uggh..

Something tells me the walnut and the vent are in cahoots! Better 👀 your back.

Also I am going to post your foot pic on one of those 'only feet' sites and make some side money, so thanks.
Got up, got dressed, drove the pickup to the donation drop off spot and unloaded the trash in a dumpster, came back and dug up my last two caches. Now I am drinking coffee and enjoying the 59 degree air and the tranquility of the patio. I have more work to do before getting ready for date night, but for now I am just going to sit here.
Something tells me the walnut and the vent are in cahoots! Better 👀 your back.

Also I am going to post your foot pic on one of those 'only feet' sites and make some side money, so thanks.
I already posted it on the " can you believe this toenail polish" site!!😉
Drinking coffee and watching some YouTube with the hubby while soaking my feet in some warm water. Spent a little too long standing on concrete in dad’s shop cutting a million little pieces of trim for a transom we made for grandmas house. My feet are grouchy this morning. Still need to install it today and get it painted, but we managed to not lose any fingers or break the glass. Menfolk are up and getting ready to pick up four pallets of wood pellets for us and the folks. One day sale and quantity discount for today only. Maybe a football game on tv and some kind of canning later after putting up the transom. I also have to take a drive with the oldest boy in the manual car so he can ask questions without a panic attack from the passenger. Poor husband has been a trooper teaching him in his classic car, but the kid has looked stressed after each outing and he requested a change in ride along while he gets a better feel for manual. I’m glad he asked to learn, he loves classic cars so I think he might use this skill in the future.


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Time to go do a few chores before I pack my overnight bag, brush my teeth, trim the facial hair, wash my body, spray on some cologne, put on my suit, step into some shoes, throw on a watch, gear up with a P365, and try not to make the ladies of this fair city chase after me. Although I definitely wouldn't blame them if they did. Date night is soon to be upon me. Hope you all have a fun and entertaining Saturday.
Drinking coffee and watching some YouTube with the hubby while soaking my feet in some warm water. Spent a little too long standing on concrete in dad’s shop cutting a million little pieces of trim for a transom we made for grandmas house. My feet are grouchy this morning. Still need to install it today and get it painted, but we managed to not lose any fingers or break the glass. Menfolk are up and getting ready to pick up four pallets of wood pellets for us and the folks. One day sale and quantity discount for today only. Maybe a football game on tv and some kind of canning later after putting up the transom. I also have to take a drive with the oldest boy in the manual car so he can ask questions without a panic attack from the passenger. Poor husband has been a trooper teaching him in his classic car, but the kid has looked stressed after each outing and he requested a change in ride along while he gets a better feel for manual. I’m glad he asked to learn, he loves classic cars so I think he might use this skill in the future. View attachment 161612
Love the dragonfly blocks!
Boy, I need my second wind. Got up early for husband's infusion, sciatica has been a pain all night and day for me. My favorite cousin, her daughter, and granddaughter were coming by for eggs this morning, I told them 10 am, so that meant 930. Ha. Got all the animal chores done, showered, husband taken care of before they arrived. Was mixing up 3 grain bread for the breadmaker when they showed, they got dropped off by a grandson on rumspringa, so he could drive. Showed them all about the bread machine, seeing maybe it could run off their solar. We had cookies and coffee and visited. Then loaded up everyone in the truck and we visited a neighbor to bring her a bday gift. She is due any minute to have a baby. Then went to bring them all back to their farm. Stopped at the amish grocery on the way home...coffee beans were 25% off, and I bought a bushel of pears. Have a big list of home chores this afternoon.
Great weather here, 84°, north breeze, no humidity!! We made a Sam's Club run early this morning. Got a bunch done inside and outside! Need to drain and clean Buddy's water trough and mess with him a bit! He likes his brushy time!! Really considering a quick nap first! Pretty sure Hubby wants to grill burgers again later!! Why not?!!
Yep..this just happened..

It seems either I'm out to punish myself or the Universe is trying to tell me something and pain does get my attention..
Seems a old air vent got a screw loose n my toe found it..I think I ripped off half my nail on my big toe..
Walnuts apparently didn't get my attention enough last weekend..
What in the Universe am I being told?!?..

I'm listening man..and hobbling now..but I'm listening Universe...how do I understand bcuz this pain $hit is getting old

I did not cry tho..felt close ..geeze!!

I need to repaint my nails..sorry..uggh..
Photos saved! They will go nicely with your old bikini photos. 🤣🤣🤣
Usnea, an excellent antibiotic plant, a lichen made up of both algae and fungi. It has 3 types of components, each extracted by very different methods.

I’m trying to do a 'multifractional extract' but instead of using the tools described in the procedure which I don’t have, I want to use my insta-pot which should work.

Under ‘keep food warm’ or ‘slow cook’ I can choose 3 heat settings, Normal, High and Less. No where in the user guide or on their website do they give the actual temperature used for the ‘normal, high or less’ settings!!!!

Any insta-pot users know the temperatures used for these settings? I really hate ‘idiot proof’ machines!!! They obviously never met me...(or maybe they did 🤣)
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