What's everybody doing today?

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Yesterday I went to the big town, felt bad all afternoon but had to go. Figured it was a hold over from monday at the er. That wiped me out, took it easy today, even went for a drive after lunch. Checked a new stream for a medicinal plant. Saw the usual stuff but didn’t see a plant I need a lot of this year. Oh well, the search continues. Put on new guitar strings when I got home, playing a little tonight. Monthly bluegrass event this Sat.

Thinking of driving up to the mtn tomorrow afternoon and get a hotel rm. Filled up with gas yesterday, all my new electronics thoroughly tested this week. Extra water/beverages in the fridge and extra ice paks in the big freezer since yesterday. Taking my bedroll, this hotel is questionable. Never been there, in a small town and cheap. :rolleyes:

If I can force myself to shower and shave in the morning, just have load the truck and go! Mornings are not my friend... 😁
Safe journey Peanut. Hope you find what you're looking for and regale us with stories of your hunt.
Should have been a day off, but I'm slipping in a small job, then running by the grocery store quick!! After that I'm home doing laundry, and a little house cleaning here (it needs a lot 😮)! Critter and pool time later! Going to be a nice day out there! If I get brave, I really need to go through the small chest freezer!
I had a morning to myself in town doing bits I had put on the long finger like visiting the framers. I'm in recovery following an incident with a family member yesterday which involved them fainting. Usiually i take all this in my stride (as experience shows) but for some reason yesterday I had a wobble. I think the fact someone said 'oh god is she epileptic, shes taking a fit' threw me, (shes not) and I got incredibly hot, felt sick and thought I was going to pass out while doing the first aid thing. I ended up going outside for 5 mins to get my act together and leaving my family member with a stranger while I recovered. No ambulance needed, all is well again, but I have never ever gone into shock like it before, and I've picked up fingers after a chop saw accident. Now questioning myself.
Other than that - husbands away on a bike trip and its just gardening and foraging for me. Have a good weekend everyone!
Yesterday was busy. I never really got to sleep the night before in anticipation of my sister arriving and having so much to do. Got the truck cleared out so the two end seats in the back are clear enough for people to sit. Cut weeds near sidewalk, went to post office to get mail, sweated my butt off, cleaned up in the hallway and kitchen, took trash out, fed kitties, refilled waterers, fed doggies, went to Walmart for a couple of things (that was right after getting mail), got sweet feed for the cows and fed them when I got back.

Sister arrived and we showed her around the yard a bit but it was too hot outside so we didn't stay out long. We did check out the workshop and I showed her the changes in the pump house. She liked the changes in the bathroom. We shared a room and bathroom as kids and back then the bathroom had nasty carpet in it. Last time she saw the bathroom there was no flooring or toilet and the shower was messed up.

She petted some of the kitties. A few of them were vying for her attention and getting jealous that she was petting other kitties. Waited on Mom to get ready to go out to eat. She went to check into a hotel and brought brother along with her in the rental car. Her first pick ended up being nixed when she got there. They described it as looking like a place ghouls from Fallout would hang out and that they were pretty sure someone would be stabbed by a hobo there. Ended up going somewhere nearby.

Once she was checked in and I got there with Mom, we all loaded into the truck and headed to the Chinese place to eat. Hung out at her hotel room for awhile. Mom fell asleep. Bro played with the VR game thing sis brought. I almost fell asleep. Had to get home to take meds though. Mom wanted to stop at McDonalds for a drink. Took 25min to get 3 drinks and some fries. Got home and I had to bring stuff in for Mom, put stuff away, and then finally got to sit down and have my shake and fries. Princess was on the back of the couch behind me and I could feel her breathing on my ear and her paw moving to touch my back and she started licking her chops so I knew she wanted some fries. LOL. I shared a few with her and then Mom was hungry again. I got her some leftovers and fed the kitties while they were heating.

Racked out and then woke up just before 6am sneezing. Checked on Mom but she was still deep asleep. Waited until 7 to put her new dexcom sensor on. Had trouble with it because her belly fat is very soft and doesn't push the plastic thingy in well so I had to use my fingers to push the plastic in just enough to get it to deploy.

I want to nap longer but my brain is all over the place. Mewlatto is clinging to me again.
I had a morning to myself in town doing bits I had put on the long finger like visiting the framers. I'm in recovery following an incident with a family member yesterday which involved them fainting. Usiually i take all this in my stride (as experience shows) but for some reason yesterday I had a wobble. I think the fact someone said 'oh god is she epileptic, shes taking a fit' threw me, (shes not) and I got incredibly hot, felt sick and thought I was going to pass out while doing the first aid thing. I ended up going outside for 5 mins to get my act together and leaving my family member with a stranger while I recovered. No ambulance needed, all is well again, but I have never ever gone into shock like it before, and I've picked up fingers after a chop saw accident. Now questioning myself.
Other than that - husbands away on a bike trip and its just gardening and foraging for me. Have a good weekend everyone!
passing out is scary, only happened to me twice in my life, one time pregnant at the store ( meat groced me out and that time it made me faint just walking by it, lucky husband was there to catch me)
second time a few weeks ago when I was dehydrated but lucky I made it to the couch before I passed out
glad everyone is ok
In the immortal words of Willie... On the Road Again! Got a rm booked, leaving later this afternoon for the mtn. I've decided i pack too much gear for trips but don't see a way around it. I'm not even taking a long gun. By the time i add a guitar case, big cooler, medical kit, electronics bag... and one small bag w/clothes the cab of my truck is full. Don't travel very often so i guess i'll have to deal... ;)
Just got back and thought to share something I saw...

One store I go to has the Deli to the Left all the way to the end, have to turn Right to get to the cheese and milk section which is also all the way to the end... In between, one has to navigate thru the Alcohol Section and Normally I will just go thru as they don't carry, LaBatts, Molson or Carlsberg... I did spot something that I usually don't pay any attention to. Blackberry Wine :


Lots of dif Flavors after searching, https://stellarosawines.com/our-wines/stella-rosa-blackberry

5% Alcohol by Volume... $9. a 750ml... Might just get one Next Month...!!!
Well I've DONE something today, I try to do "something" every day (a project). Today's was cleaning the refrigerator. I cleaned all of the top part & even cleaned the shelf protectors. Then I did a lot of running around taking care of odds & ends. Then took the family out for lunch. Now I figure that I've done enough so I'm going to put my feet up, drink some beer & enjoy the heck out of watching Reacher I on Amazon.

Comment in case you never hear from me again. My wife volunteered to clean the 2 drawers in the refrigerator. My wife OR someone/something that looked exactly like my wife. I'm thinking invasion of the body snatchers or maybe Stepford Wives. I could be in real danger here or maybe she had been hitting a bottle behind my back? Now off to Reacher!
Its ...weekend starting
I like better the Mondays to Fridays ;)

After feeding Dane girl---cats + changing 10 cat litterboxes

I washed my hands did sit my butt and had my dinner
I did not do much today if I can say
Except I did mow Dane Girl yard

Now I sit and try to relax at least I dont sweat
with the A/C plus the fans and the outside temperature
is now 65f and will go down 57f for the night 👍

Sam Adams, Vodka or Shiraz.......Shiraz tonight :p
Tomorrow is another day

I will check news ...and stay on the forum for a little while

But I wish you good night 🤩

Didn't do much of anything today.
Had a pain from my left ankle all the way to my left hip.
Wasn't sure my left leg was going to support me for a while.
Got the wheeled walker out, pain pill too.
Kept the pain pill down.
Finally got to the point I could put pressure on my foot with out feeling like it was going to give out.
So maybe tomorrow I will get my home canned goods labeled and put away.
Slept a lot due to the pain pill.
I talked to a younger friend today and he looked much older looks about 10 years than he should, He works for Coca-Cola as a district sales manager and said he got the shot and has never been the same.

Makes me sad to see young people I have known for a long time look 10 years older than a lot of even older ones I know who didn't get stuck.

I would give anything to go back to 2021 and NOT take the stick, I am sad for those who have lost and will lose family and friends from it.

I feel really stupid for having taken it even though My doc advised it, it changed my life big time.

Although thank GOD My son did not take the shot, Tonight I am watching him try to be superman once again, He has been up since about 7am, had tires put on his truck, made a trip to Sutherlands Sight and Sound for six Das Vantec 20As brought them in, left and went to Russellville, Al to trade a truck for a side by side about 4pm, and will come back soon, load three side by sides and then go to Tomcat Road in Woodland, Ms. set up an entire stage, and HOPE the AC, shower and everything in the RV will be ready for them to get to sleep between 4 or 5 am in the morning.

Get up tomorrow and finish, test, sound check and be ready to do the show at about 7Pm, to12pm. Tear down and store everything, bring out the Vantecs and clean them a little, then load all of the stuff early Sunday and come home, finish cleaning the Vantecs and get them back to Sutherlands before 5 pm plus work10 hrs on the Railroad.

He has too many hang on do little friends that have to have him keep them going at the expense of his most precious possession, the minutes of his life and his time with those who really care for HIM instead of themselves.

We all have those who are our real friends, I have a lot of old ones on here, and hope to really make some new ones here,

I also have had those that were one way friends that were all about playing tennis and getting adds.

I see Sonnys life slipping away to some of those too often.

I hope all of you friends can find a way to help your children avoid these types of things they are really hard to deal with without alienating your children too.
Ooh, long day. Two doc appts. Picked up fresh greenbeans for my favorite cousin, and got other fresh veg from the greenhouse near me. Made lunch, cleaned up, dropped little granddaughter off at our farmers market. She was vendor #4 today. Ha. Small town. She sold two of her paintings today for $5 a piece. Gave away four kittens. Got an ice cream cone. I picked her up, got ready for two of my cousins that came for dinner and a granddaughter. Also dropped our spare truck off at the train station for son to grab when he gets off the train sometime early. Supposed to arrive at 2 am, but it left a couple of hours late. Looking forward to seeing him. Caught up with Florida sis on the phone this afternoon, and another local cousin on the phone that I haven't talked to since mom's funeral.
It’s past my bedtime and I didn’t sleep much last night so we’ll see if I bumble through English any better than the sitting president 🤪
Made a wheel of cheddar- long process. It looks like it is turning out (it’s in the press). Ricotta from the whey - absolutely delicious! A batch of mozzarella- appears to have turned out but seemed a strange process to me. Made butter and reserved the buttermilk for biscuits which I didn’t make yet. Also got the little side yard mowed but not the main one- that’s what tomorrows are for 😉 Was all done and cleaned up by 2:30-3 pm. Then Hubby and I went for a drive and just made it back.
It’s past my bedtime and I didn’t sleep much last night so we’ll see if I bumble through English any better than the sitting president 🤪
Made a wheel of cheddar- long process. It looks like it is turning out (it’s in the press). Ricotta from the whey - absolutely delicious! A batch of mozzarella- appears to have turned out but seemed a strange process to me. Made butter and reserved the buttermilk for biscuits which I didn’t make yet. Also got the little side yard mowed but not the main one- that’s what tomorrows are for 😉 Was all done and cleaned up by 2:30-3 pm. Then Hubby and I went for a drive and just made it back.
Sweet dreams!!💗
Today we left Oklahoma for Illinois. Visiting kids and grandkids, doing a bit of work on my house in Illinois. It was a 12 hour drive including potty breaks and stopping for lunch. Right now, relaxing in bed and watching a hockey game.
Safe and fun travels!!
Still the longest days, 10:12 mdt and just starting to get dusk
Living in the southlands here I nearly forget what it was like for it to be almost still kind of light at 9:30 where I used to live. That must be interesting for new people but I guess you're used to it, eh, @Tirediron ? Some day I'll see what that's like.

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