What's everybody doing today?

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I'm praying today is better than yesterday. Leon barked 3.5 hours ( not exaggerating ) while looking out window. I covered all windows and doors with sheets, but he must be smelling something since he is a coon hound. Finally gave him doggie downers, but that didn't help either. He also ripped open his wound and bled on the couch.

Oh yeah, definitely praying for a better day.
I hope that both you and Leon have a better day, @Smalltimefarmer !

Going to Sunday School this morning and coming home.
Going with DH to Lowe's for mailbox supplies and Tractor Supply for dog food. Maybe stop at Walmart for a couple of things.
Come home and walk dogs.
Grill pork steaks.
Watch movies with DH!
Getting ready to make some pancakes and eggs for daughter and boyfriend before they take off to go back home. Animals still need to be done. Chore catch up around home, and making some fresh greenbeans and banana pudding to take to my favorite cousin's tonight for family dinner

Did I just hear you say" BANANA PUDDIN ?

Getting ready to make some pancakes and eggs for daughter and boyfriend before they take off to go back home. Animals still need to be done. Chore catch up around home, and making some fresh greenbeans and banana pudding to take to my favorite cousin's tonight for family dinner
Nanner Pud? What time is supper?
Watching ww3.

Me too and discussing it on the other forum....in between having lambs. We had one more this morning, just one but a big boy
one more sheep to go , goats are not due until about 3 weeks from now

How many of you on here are worried about nukes flying pretty soon? This is starting to look really bad.
For the first time snow became an issue for my wood stove chimney. This is the first winter the house was pretty much fully insulated and the drywall up and the seems taped and mudded. So, the heat is not escaping into the attic like in prior years. But, last week was not the first snowfall and prior snowfalls this year were not a problem. This time the snow didn't slide off the roof within the first couple days and at night what built up above the chimney, or most important above the guy wires I have stabilizing the chimney, so the snow/ice/ pushed against the uphill wires and that cause one of the downhill wires to break and let the chimney lean towards the peak of the roof.
Looks like I will be doing Chimney work in a couple days. I will probably fashion some snow birds above the wires to reduce the weight of the snow/ice on the wires.

For the first time snow became an issue for my wood stove chimney. This is the first winter the house was pretty much fully insulated and the drywall up and the seems taped and mudded. So, the heat is not escaping into the attic like in prior years. But, last week was not the first snowfall and prior snowfalls this year were not a problem. This time the snow didn't slide off the roof within the first couple days and at night what built up above the chimney, or most important above the guy wires I have stabilizing the chimney, so the snow/ice/ pushed against the uphill wires and that cause one of the downhill wires to break and let the chimney lean towards the peak of the roof.
Looks like I will be doing Chimney work in a couple days. I will probably fashion some snow birds above the wires to reduce the weight of the snow/ice on the wires.

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This is one of the reasons I dont use metal roofs any more. Looks like you'll need to put a deflector on the up side of the stove pipe.
They make an ice dam that forces the snow around the chimney, it’s made to match the metal roof that you have, I have a friend in Alaska that had the same problem, it almost took his chimney pipe completely off. It was a good thing he was at home at the time or it would have burned his cabin to the ground.
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This is one of the reasons I dont use metal roofs any more. Looks like you'll need to put a deflector on the up side of the stove pipe.

Yes, that is in the plans. I dun insulated too good. The heat escaping to the roof always melted it and the slush would just slide on down. The price of progress.
We went to visit mom for awhile while daughter and her boyfriend were here. While they were visiting, I took the opportunity to clean out a small box of trash and ads in her end table cupboard and found her certified birth certificate and $120. She hides things well and then cant remember. The $$ cracked me up...wrapped in a grocery coupon ad, then put in a small white paper sack, then stuff in an empty panty hose wrapper, then in the box in the middle of other junk. Then we all went to the bowling alley, but it was too long a wait so we played games in the arcade.
My aunt and uncle went into the nursing home a couple years ago, and have both since passed away. They had lived in their home almost the whole 70 years of married life. Their kids were good about helping them go through stuff and to sort out photos and family memorabilia. Even with 9 children, they had worked hard and invested well, but the kids knew that their death was a matter of time. They kept working on cleaning out, divesting everything and sold their home. One son and his wife came across all the canceled checks and bank statements for their whole marriage. They said they lit the burn barrel on fire and spent hours feeding it. Things were not crazily stashed, just everything saved, like my grandmother, his mother, who had every everything she had ever gotten--letters, cards, notes, statements, bills. It took 5 horse trailers full of stuff that she wanted burned. She lived in a time when letters were written frequently, due to the distance and lack of phone. I know that much family history was burned up, including 100's of letters that my mother had written. Oh well.
It's been a busy few days and looks like it's gonna keep going at that pace. 🏎 everything then there's me 🐢 Today was my one day home - I woke up at midnight & didn't get back to sleep until after 2:30AM so I was dragging all morning. Got quite a bit done this afternoon but still have a laundry list here at home and will be back to work in the morning with a different list to work on there.

@hashbrown To you and your family ~ peace at heart.