What's everybody doing today?

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Got the drywall sanded and last coat of mud on.
Lousy day , I forgot to put out my rain gage, but I'm betting 2-3". It's rained nonstop all day

Poor Eli had to do his business on a pad on back porch. He wouldn't go in the rain.

Gonna be raining off and on all day tomorrow also . Hope to finish drywall on 1/2 of utility room tomorrow.

Another day away from remodeling so odd tasks and a surprise visit.

I fixed a solar powered light at the backdoor to make The Princess happy. Then off to mail some local tax documents and then set up the no trespassing signs.



There are only 2 locations where a quad can get up on The Ridge so I hope those signs will do trick. I really don't like the red signs detracting from the beauty of the woods.

While shuffling stuff around an old friend showed up so he got a tour of the garden and we talked clones and grafting. That pretty much killed the afternoon but I enjoyed the visit. I har not seen him since the day I retired. He is the father of the owner of the company from which. I retired.

When checking my grow station I was happy to find what I hope is the first of the spruce trees sprouted.


It is that green thing the pen is pointing at. Time will tell.

Another day of blessing un-looked for.

First thing that popped into my head was white muscle. It's been so long I had to look up what else besides Bo-Se - will attach article though you probably already know these things. Hope the little bugger pulls through.

Thanks, she is still alive. Our goats are such GOOD moms, especially when compared to the sheep. The mom of this one never walked more than 100 feet from this little one and would keep coming back to feed it. I watched for a while. I will give her another shot of vitamin B and Bo Se tomorrow, maybe she needs a little more. I gave her a slightly smaller dosage because she is so small but will try again.
If this was a sheep, the mom would headbutt it into the next county and be done with it....

Hope everyone in tornado zone stays safe!! We are getting the weather tomorrow
I grew up on a farm for the most part and I fed chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, goats, pigs, horses, and my cow. I would do cleanup too. I had a ton of energy as a kid. Moved overseas just before I turned 16 though. Had an appendectomy & struggled with my health for awhile. Then got in to weightlifting and martial arts. Got a job at a zoo. Then transferred again to another tropical island. Went to college and was doing fine until I got really suck my Jr year. I was one class away from graduating when I got so sick I could barely get out of bed for month. Never got my full energy back after that. Was sick 3 weeks a month every month for the next few years.

Your life sounds as crazy as mine....except the getting sick part
What happened, did you get malaria or something? Hope you feel better
I love animals too

never mind didn't read second post before replied
Busy day at work. Safety meeting first thing. Then went with a couple guys on the roof of a building to scout out where we've got to run some couduit and bring a coax in the building for a direct TV dish to end up at the visitor center. Really crappy ladder to access the roof. My back/hips were so stiff today I had a heck of a time getting back on the ladder to come down. Finished out the day getting some parts I had on order and searching for other stuff.
Stopped by the store to pick up a few things, wife hasn't felt like going anywhere since she got sick.
Then got home and planted onions, shallots, cabbage, spinach, and lettuce plants.
Ate, showered and layed out on the couch
@Neb We put up posted signs, but the ghetto children tear them down. Our project this summer is to tear down the machine shed in the back. The kids went in there and besides the fact they are beating boards out to try and collapse it, they've spray-painted profanity and vulgarisms on the walls. It really sucks living next to subsidized housing units. The kids run feral and cause all sorts of mayhem. Calling the police does, literally, nothing.

I'm going to get spray paint and paint over what they did and reuse the wood. We want to build a gazebo so we're going to recycle the old wood. There's enough of it back there.

Watching Agatha Christie's Nemesis right now :)
Busy day at work. Safety meeting first thing. Then went with a couple guys on the roof of a building to scout out where we've got to run some couduit and bring a coax in the building for a direct TV dish to end up at the visitor center. Really crappy ladder to access the roof. My back/hips were so stiff today I had a heck of a time getting back on the ladder to come down. Finished out the day getting some parts I had on order and searching for other stuff.
Stopped by the store to pick up a few things, wife hasn't felt like going anywhere since she got sick.
Then got home and planted onions, shallots, cabbage, spinach, and lettuce plants.
Ate, showered and layed out on the couch
Ladders are not our friends☹️
3 tornadoes blew through my Parish but were south and north of my town. Not sure how bad the damage is.

Picked up RXs that were ready at the pharmacy. Still some more that doctor needs to approve. 2 were for my brother so I will let him handle it. He got snippy with me when I told him he needed to call the doctor to request refills. I'm already cleaning up after him and picking up his meds for him. He can call it in himself with his cellphone. He's been in a foul mood the past several days.
Tornado last night did a lot of damage. Nursing home where MIL is in secure unit had significant damage. Moved residents to sister homes. Sister in law moving her locally as soon as paperwork complete. Over an hour away currently. Safety for us last night but power went out around lunch. It did come back tonight. Company located in Crockett and tornado wreaked havoc there. No fatalities but lots of damage. F2. One in Madisonville is still being investigated
Technically that would be in weather but that is what I dealt with today. In court at work, feed store, home, fed animals, back to town to get husband food because he didn’t have meat to eat! Tomorrow going to a funeral as an office. Boss said wear black, no jeans. My one black dress is 27 years old. I bought it for my daddy’s funeral and was very thin. I have lost 20 pounds, but we will see. I told him if I wear heels I am not walking to funeral home. I will drive 4 blocks instead!
My mom would take a small rosebush cutting, dip it in root starter, stick it in the ground and put a mason jar over it. In a few months she'd take it off and have a successful start! Never worked for me?!
It needs to be the new green growth and not a woody stem. You can also lay a stem down to bare ground. Put something heavy to hold it in place (brick) and it will root. Again the part touching the soil needs to be the new green growth.
Last night's Board meeting took an unsuspected turn. Evidently one of the appointed employees has been accused of activity deploying "passive resistance" with the Board's directives. I understand "passive resistance" is when a person doesn't speak publicly against but behind the scenes they constantly and purposely created barriers that hinder and/or prevent something they oppose. From the Board public comments it appears a majority of the Board believes the accusation is true. I wonder if they will make their findings public.

Planned on going to a government entity this morning to scan records. Been awake since 3 AM, plan on being at their door when they open. Then a text message from a friend (on Hospice) he wants to talk to me this morning. So change of plans. Friend first thing this morning, then scanning.

Easter choir rehearsal tonight. I haven't taken the time to practice, guess I'll do that while driving today. If you pass a driver that is making awful screeching sounds just before your car's windows shatter, that's me!
... I've seen electronic safe's like those that also come with keys in case the electronics break down. So some of them do have the back up plan, as long as you don't lose the key, of course. <.< >.> Not talking form personal experience or anything, though. 😶

As long as the keys weren't placed in a secured place...like in the safe.
Tornado last night did a lot of damage. Nursing home where MIL is in secure unit had significant damage. Moved residents to sister homes. Sister in law moving her locally as soon as paperwork complete. Over an hour away currently. Safety for us last night but power went out around lunch. It did come back tonight. Company located in Crockett and tornado wreaked havoc there. No fatalities but lots of damage. F2. One in Madisonville is still being investigated
I was wondering what area you were in?!
It needs to be the new green growth and not a woody stem. You can also lay a stem down to bare ground. Put something heavy to hold it in place (brick) and it will root. Again the part touching the soil needs to be the new green growth.
You have inspired me to try again!!😊
Too bad....wife is doing laundry in the utility room.

So, I can't get in there to work on it today. Breaks my heart.

Waiting for John Deere to deliver wife's tractor , (3rd attempt)...don't ask.

Waiting to hear from Kioti tractor , that my parts are in.
I bent the boom brackets on right side ...hit too many trees while bushoggin.

Ups is bringing a replacement propane heater today, cuz , last one got smashed in shipping.

Ha, looks like a waiting day.

Hope everyone here has a more productive day.

Too bad....wife is doing laundry in the utility room.

So, I can't get in there to work on it today. Breaks my heart.

Waiting for John Deere to deliver wife's tractor , (3rd attempt)...don't ask.

Waiting to hear from Kioti tractor , that my parts are in.
I bent the boom brackets on right side ...hit too many trees while bushoggin.

Ups is bringing a replacement propane heater today, cuz , last one got smashed in shipping.

Ha, looks like a waiting day.

Hope everyone here has a more productive day.

You have a lot of puppy time😀
Woke up at 2:30 this AM - will see how I'm doing by this afternoon.
Moon is only partial but was so bright it looked light a yard light was on.
Not much going on at that time of AM.
I woke up At 03:30 Monday morning . I was a little tired last night but I lived. the moon was pretty much shining in my eyes.
Woke up this morning about an hour before the alarm, did a bit of work in the growing station. It's raining outside and I think my plants are loving it... Today is lots of presentations at work (I'm on a 15 minute break, so I jumped on here). I think that working outdoors tonight is out of the question so I will just be cleaning up in the growing station and staging things for the weekend work I have planned.

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