What's everybody doing today?

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Just watched the dogs catch a pack rat on the side porch. They played with it for awhile then killed it. Now they take turns carrying it around. The GSP is napping with it now. There's another pack rat setting up home in the cabinet under my electric smoker.
Put the new battery in my welder this morning and put it back in the tool shed. The lumber yard is supposed to deliver the materials for the new roof over the back deck sometime today. Their first estimate was almost $12,000. Then I noticed they had $6,000 worth of lag bolts, it should have $12.
I moved the boat down to the shop just now so I can check it out and maybe take it out to the river tomorrow.
Our daughter is bringing the grandkids down on Friday.
Walked first.
Got some paperwork together for Church stuff.
Re-packed DH's car after detail was done--and returned spray bottle to detail fellow. He left it in car.
Looked at security cameras on ebay.
Cleaned baths and dusted house.
Not sure what else is on the menu for today.
I might start a salt rising bread as I now have a heating pad that will stay on and fresh ground cornmeal.
Walked first.
Got some paperwork together for Church stuff.
Re-packed DH's car after detail was done--and returned spray bottle to detail fellow. He left it in car.
Looked at security cameras on ebay.
Cleaned baths and dusted house.
Not sure what else is on the menu for today.
I might start a salt rising bread as I now have a heating pad that will stay on and fresh ground cornmeal.
Do you have a recipe for the salt rising bread?
Do you have a recipe for the salt rising bread?
I have a few different (slightly) ones I am trying. Sonya123 may have more and may have been successful at starting. I made it in FL, years ago, but still trying to get it to start here in MS. I will post one when it actually works!
Ha Ha, I remember that one. Son left at 3 am. Daughter flying home now. I picked up the baby geese from the post office this morning and settled them in. Then did animal chores and took little granddaughter to swim lessons. Husband is wiped out, I suspect he'll sleep most of the day. I need to get my second wind, clean two of the guest rooms, and grind two whole turkeys that have been chilling.
Some of my plants have been taking a beating in this heat, on top of the ongoing drought... it's like they can't get enough water, and the lack of appreciable rainfall is NOT helping. Meh, if I lose some plants, so be it... these piddly recent rain showers ain't cuttin' it when it comes to precipitation, the ground is still so dry. Makes me think of moving north, lol... :rolleyes:
It hasn't rained even a drop up here in the north in the last two weeks.

Of course, its also 74º which helps. But if you don't have irrigation, you don't grow up here.
Just refreshed all the outside critter's waters. Threw Buddy some more hay under his big tree. Fed Bear and the inside cats. The outside cats won't eat until it cools off a little, they do have dry food if they want it. Three deer are laying in the shade by the woods edge panting. They all got a drink! Bear is heading for the couch, I'm heading for the pool! The three outside cats are up against the house slab, it is cool to the touch!! 108° and humid!
Just refreshed all the outside critter's waters. Threw Buddy some more hay under his big tree. Fed Bear and the inside cats. The outside cats won't eat until it cools off a little, they do have dry food if they want it. Three deer are laying in the shade by the woods edge panting. They all got a drink! Bear is heading for the couch, I'm heading for the pool! The three outside cats are up against the house slab, it is cool to the touch!! 108° and humid!
You best just do a perimeter check and make sure your fences are tight. We don't want that temperature escaping again! 😁
It's hot as hades and I still have bronchitis so working outside is NOT fun. Smelled a skunk when I woke up this morning. Finally found it in the backyard and headed toward the chicken coop so had to dispatch it. Have to haul one of the horses to the vet in the big town tomorrow afternoon to get scoped. Hopefully it's not bad news but I'm myself preparing for the worst. Finally have calves dropping so need to drive out and check the herd this evening after all the other chores are finished.
Ha Ha, I remember that one. Son left at 3 am. Daughter flying home now. I picked up the baby geese from the post office this morning and settled them in. Then did animal chores and took little granddaughter to swim lessons. Husband is wiped out, I suspect he'll sleep most of the day. I need to get my second wind, clean two of the guest rooms, and grind two whole turkeys that have been chilling.
How's your husband doing AH? Was thinking of you guys lately even though I haven't been showing my face around much.
Well I was down to 1 tech out of 4 in the environmetal shop. I've ran his butt off this week. Had a audit with a DOE rep this morning. Luckily we have a good plan to answer what he was looking for. Sent him an email later with purchase orders showing we have the main parts on order. He was happy and it didn't last but half an hour or so. WHEHW!!!

Got home and finished mowing. Just got in the house
Fieldwork today, the inspections aren't so bad but the driving really wears me out. Almost ended up in a bad situation - two lane road, 55 speed limit, usually runs 60 mph, normal level of traffic. Noticed a group of four motorcycles in the oncoming lane, all with their blinkers on to pull into a gas station. At the same moment I realized the semi truck behind them wasn't paying attention and was coming up on them too fast; just as I passed the cab he swung around them into my lane, almost creating a head-on collision with the car and pickup that were driving along behind me, just minding their own business. I had to move over a bit as his trailer came across the line but those poor folks had to hit the ditch. Everyone recovered and got back into their lanes without mishap, but I imagine a few needed clean shorts. I'd like to have stopped that guy and have a discussion about paying attention! (And the bikes all had their blinkers on for a good while, it wasn't a case of the sudden engine braking catching him unaware.)
Started work on repairing the wall in the stairwell; got a bunch of totes and boxes and starting to empty some cupboards and bookshelves. Sometimes I panic thinking about how much I have to do to get this place ready to show.
Seller of the place I'm buying is really nice to work with; the home inspection found a few issues so we're having contractors give some estimates so we can negotiate some on the price. She lives quite a ways away, so she gave me permission to have the keys and meet the contractors there. Then I'll just scan and email the estimates and we'll go from there. Hopefully we'll come to a number that's fair and comfortable for both of us.
Amish, you make me tired just reading about all the stuff you get done, plus the care and worry with your Husband being sick. Wow. Hope things ease up for you!
ABR you be careful with that bronchitis, it can linger if you don't get some rest and give your body a chance to fight it. Take care.
Pearl, you keep that heat right where it is! 108??? Yikes. It hit 80 today and I was miserable in my boots and jeans.
Cool and rainy this evening, going to head to bed early and hopefully actually sleep tonight.
Paperwork and filing type chores today, got the final vehicle title yesterday. Every vehicle on the farm has new registrations/tags and insurance and it's not even the end of the month yet! Got the correct registration copy and proof of insurance properly stowed in my truck per the law. Just went out and checked all the lights. One of two lights for the license plate on my truck is burned out. New bulb on the list for the next parts run. Tv time...
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Hey Dr Jenner...thanks for asking. He's not doing well right now. Pseudomonas hit again last week, another midline put in. Back on IV antibiotics every 8 hrs. Also a "something" on his halfway decent lung on his CT scan. Don't know what it is. We have at least another week of IV, then he'll do another CT scan and see if it changed the something. Don't know if it's an infectious area, a partial collapse, a mass....not sure. So I called our son, he called his sisters, and one daughter and our son came and stayed. Just left this morning. Husband needed a mental pickup, and that did do the trick. I'm a little concerned that he wants to retry a nebulized tobramycin after the IVs are done. He has tried that twice before, and it really messed with his lungs after a few days. Neighbors came by to visit and brought more pb cookies. Brenda's mom brought beets, cukes, tomatoes, and of course the cookies. I gave her squash and eggs. Finally got all the meat off the two butchered turkeys. Boiled the carcasses for the barn cats. The meat will be ready to grind tomorrow.
Power is back on until 2am. Made cheeseburgers. Heading outside to fill the extra water trough I put in Buddy's pasture earlier. Will also fill a few extra water barrels since I no longer trust the power company. Will be off tomorrow instead of Friday, will take care of a few other loose ends. Can't let your guard down!!
Hey Dr Jenner...thanks for asking. He's not doing well right now. Pseudomonas hit again last week, another midline put in. Back on IV antibiotics every 8 hrs. Also a "something" on his halfway decent lung on his CT scan. Don't know what it is. We have at least another week of IV, then he'll do another CT scan and see if it changed the something. Don't know if it's an infectious area, a partial collapse, a mass....not sure. So I called our son, he called his sisters, and one daughter and our son came and stayed. Just left this morning. Husband needed a mental pickup, and that did do the trick. I'm a little concerned that he wants to retry a nebulized tobramycin after the IVs are done. He has tried that twice before, and it really messed with his lungs after a few days. Neighbors came by to visit and brought more pb cookies. Brenda's mom brought beets, cukes, tomatoes, and of course the cookies. I gave her squash and eggs. Finally got all the meat off the two butchered turkeys. Boiled the carcasses for the barn cats. The meat will be ready to grind tomorrow.
Praying for your hubby!
I did some cleaning in the hallway (my brother had kicked a bunch of empty bottles out of his room into the hallway). I had to sweep it up and scrape cat vomit off the carpet.

Cleaned litterboxes & ran out of litter when putting fresh stuff in. Temjin could not wait to get into her favorite litterbox. She's currently sleeping in it.

Swept the kitchen & took out the trash. Washed some dishes. Was going to do more cleanup but my left arm crapped out on me.

Cooked dinner but need to put the leftovers away.
nebulized tobramycin
That stuff did nothing for DH when it was prescribed last year. I have to go pick up a sputum cup for DH today. He thinks it is time to get an antibiotic again.
His dad in FL is not doing well at all. DH doesn't think he can travel even if it is arranged.

I woke up at 4 this morning.
Will walk when it gets light.
Then walk dogs.
Go to pick up sputum cup for DH and then hit Aldi.
My friend that goes with me wants to take me for a belated Birthday lunch.
Bible study tonight and maybe start the bread that didn't get done yesterday because of today's plan changes.
Amish : hope your husband feels better , how old is he? I have really no idea how old most of you are on here, you could be 50 or 80....the older the more serious any illness probably is, that's why I am asking. Is this really bad what he has? It sounds terrible

Took the truck back to the repair shop an hour away. The brakes must have a really slow leak, we stopped a few times to check and it was just a little damp at the tire but no massive leak. So hopefully it's nothing major that will take a long time.

The small pasture we sprayed for weeds now looks pretty good, mostly grass with a few patches of clover that got missed, but that's ok. Did buy something new and expensive at the feed store to spray that is supposed to be better ( everyone I asked around here uses this) Grazon. It only came in a large amount so we will have enough forever I think.
I think our approach of pulling out , cutting and spraying just one undesirable weed at a time didn't work. We should have probably just sprayed everything to start. I don't like doing it but really nothing else is practical. You can't really pull up 30 acres of clover....
I don't know how organic farmers do it to be honest. I wonder how many of them cheat and say they are but use chemicals anyway....

Hear my little goats crying, they want to be fed. They are about to be cut off so will not be happy. I am reducing the amount of milk in the bottles so it's not so drastic

Was going to do more spraying weeds today but it is supposed to rain, so no.

Diet going well, day 3, fruits and veggies. I did have to cheat a little yesterday, started to feel lightheaded a little on the way to drop the truck and had a few sips ( maybe 40 calories or so) of soda, that fixed it. This diet makes you lose about 10 lbs in a week, but it is super low calorie, so if you do a lot of physical work, it can make you a little lightheaded sometimes. Breakfast today: black tea and an orange ( I am technically not supposed to have caffeine either but since it has no calories I cheat and have my tea anyway)
Off today instead of tomorrow. I froze several jugs of water to put in the fridges if they cut the electric off again today. Won't need to haul the generator out, the jugs do wonders to keep the fridges cold. Will top off all animal waters again shortly. Filled an extra trough for Buddy and filled empty plastic tubs for the deer and cats. Going to cook up a bunch of fajita fixings and cheeseburgers this morning for the freezer. Catch up on laundry. Will call the electric company to get some answers as to why our area is dealing with blackouts when the grid shows to be having no problems!! Going to be the hottest day yet. Better than winter to me!! Hubby is about to start a large landscaping job/project, the people he is doing it for is good with him starting at daybreak. The heat is here to stay for a bit so he will only work mornings!
Hey Snappy, I know those sputum cups, ha. I go to the lab for those often. Sorry your father in law isn't doing well. It is husband's mom's 90th birthday party in California, and he can't travel for it, and I know he's bummed about it. Saturday night she has requested the family go out to the dance place she goes to for the foxtrot. Then a party on Sunday.
And hey, Sonya....he will be 70 in a few weeks. And how old are you?
Super hot and humid this afternoon, so morning stuff can be outside, and then that's it. I have to take little granddaughter to swim lessons.
Right now im sittng on the deck with a cold glass of juice enjoying the morning. The birds are singing and the wind is blowing through the pines, and the wife hasn't started nagging yet.
The lumber for the deck roof was delivered yesterday. This roof will keep the huge chunks of ice from falling off the house and hitting the deck. I ordered the pipe for the new solar panel mount, should be here next week. Once I get the pipe in the hole and level I'll order the concrete. I plan on welding some T-posts to the pipe to hold it up straight. The pipe is 6" scd 40 × 14' long.
This morning I'm working on an 8.5 kw generator that I use to power the heat pump so we can run the AC when it gets hot. So far the ceiling fans are all we need, but it could hit the mid 80's by Sunday.
Finished the deck on the chicken coop under the new roof. Now I've started tearing out the small deck on the south side of the coop and will build a new one the full length of the coop, 12' long. I'll probably put a roof over it too in order to keep the snow and ice off. Need to water the orchard today too. The sun is just now peeking through the trees.

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