I need some coffee. Flopped around like a fish out of water all night. Not sure why but probably had to do with all my joints yelling at me for no good reason. Need to mix up two sourdough loaves, school starts for the youngest tomorrow and he tends to need multiple sandwiches for lunch. Church in a bit. Need to do a batch of dilly beans and seedless blackberry fruit leather. We spent a stupid amount of money yesterday on an ignition for my husband’s classic 1983 Toyota Celica-Supra and a laptop for the young man for school. The car was only a two year production and has been sitting under cover for a couple of years after it died in the middle of the highway about ten miles from home. I finally found the exact model number ignition as new old JDM stock in a Japanese warehouse. It is literal unobtainium so the $80 in shipping and customs for a 6” square box is just something I had to swallow. Should be here by the end of the month. Hubby is super attached to the car emotionally so I’m glad to have found the part. I figured it will get me another couple garden boxes next spring in addition to making him super happy. The boys helped him give it a bath and a wax yesterday before I found the part, so I feel like it was meant to be.