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Cousin who raises beef in South Dakota had an uncle who butchered and was good at it. His uncle died and then he had to find someone else to butcher for him. He said the burger from the new guy was terrible. You never know what you are getting back if you don't know the butcher. Is it even the steer that you took in? Or is it someone else's old cow? You know the butcher probably always eats the best of the best.
our butcher here is pretty good, when they are not super busy . I don't think they take any of the meat from our animals
Made it home with only a single stop for a few groceries and some gas. Once I checked the place out I got some clothes in the washer, watered Limonjalo and out some ground chuck in cold water to thaw. Now I am trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my day. I will probably piss away some time on the interweb, watch a movie and maybe take a short nap.
Today: I’m sick and tired of being an alcoholic and a cigarette smoker. I could have a few good years left in me… I mean I don’t have any health issues, but those two things are killing me. The ‘news’ doesn’t help… lol?
Then do something about it.
Only you can change this.
Seems to me you have taken the first step in this life journey.
And I understand how hard those two items are to give up.
Been there and done that.
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Elderberries are ripening up already..that's soon but I got a bag full to dehydrate.

Took the pups on a hike..got a few things..

I had ideas to get stuff done..it's been a beautiful weekend..60's yesterday and I think almost 80 today..fluffy clouds n slight breeze..

I don't feel like doing much but enjoying being lazy n lounging about now..

I suppose I outta get a few things done..

Friday night was my most productive night picking up 300 piles of dog crap out the back yard..but it's done at least.

I can hear my younger coworkers snicker as they inquire about my weekend and I answer..I shoveled dog ****..lots n lots of doggy do..

Drank some coffee, went to church, ate some lunch. Shucked a mess of corn and cut it of the cob. I might get around to canning it tonight. Yesterday was seasoned tomatoes, dilly beans, and dill pickles. The counter is covered with jars of stuff so we need to get labels made and put them away so I have room to process! The boys did some maintenance on the chicken yard fence. The oldest has to leave a little early to go back to work for the week since he has to drive the long way around. A fire has the road closed and rocks coming down are unpredictable so it could be a while before the route is safe. The alternative route takes an extra hour.
Son left for home via amtrack at O dark thirty, but should be arriving about now. Made a big breakfast, and fed all the other company, then nephew, his wife, and grown daughter left around noonish...loaded them up with baby turkeys, turkey eggs to incubate, peppers, and tomatoes, and they should be home in Oklahoma about now.
Sis and youngest daughter went with me to Atwoods this afternoon and we loaded up on feed, came home and unloaded. Also picked up our pickup truck from the train station that our son borrowed. Puppy is enjoying a big old gnarly bone we got him at Atwoods. So hot outside.
Hubby has been working 7 days a week for a few weeks now. I was going to take him fishing, but he did something to his knee this past week so wasn’t sure about walking in water on slick rocks even with corkers and a staff. So we ended up going for a hike. Mountains are dry. Mountain ash are loaded with berries this year- usually means a deep winter. I found some heal-all 😊 so am thrilled. Took some other plants pix I still need to identify. A few elderberries are ripe but most are not quite there yet. Sept is usually the best month for them. Oh and it was 20 degrees cooler up there (54 I think).
A great day.
Years ago I crushed my leg at work. Had to have surgery to screw everything back together. After a few weeks they put on the permanent cast. I couldn't sit around any longer so I went fishing, by myself of course. Had a good day fishing, until I tried getting out of the boat with crutches. Naturally I fell out of the boat. Fortunately a bunch of large rocks broke my fall. And rebroke one of the bones in my leg. The doc wanted to reset the leg, but I never got around to getting it done.
Tell your hubby to not work so hard. Life is short enough.
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Spent the afternoon dumping expired can goods from my pantry. I had serious health issues in ‘18 and again in ‘20. My eating habits changed drastically. Now, 90% of what I eat is fresh or made from scratch. My health is much better for it. But to the point, most of my can goods stopped being rotated.

I discovered I had a problem a couple weeks ago when the flu put me down. One night I wanted a can of soup, simple right? Have plenty in the pantry... or so I thought. 2 dozen cans of soup and everyone of them expired in ‘22 or earlier. Chili and stews the same.

I learned something else… campbel soups with pop tops tend to unseal. (not only soups) Sometimes it’s barely noticeable, almost 25% of my soups had unsealed and were spoiled and expired.

Think I’ll leave the dog outside tonight, from the size of his belly he’ll be a fartin' machine. 🤣
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Playing catch up today.
But not playing to hard, so will have to work harder tomorrow.
Took off on Friday, went shopping with some lady friends that I hadn't seen in awhile.
We enjoyed the dinner, dancing out Friday evening.
Shopping on Saturday with lunch out.
Got home about 2100 hours(9 pm) Saturday night.
Didn't answer phone calls from dippy doo in Texas all weekend.
My weekend was quite pleasant for a change.
No dippy doo drama at all.
Good friends, great food, dancing,shopping, bourbon and stogies heck yeah!
Spent the afternoon dumping expired can goods from my pantry.

For clarification on unsealed pop-top can goods. Again, it’s barely noticeable. I’d see a thin line around the edge of the can of a clear substance. At a glance it looked like something might have spilled onto the intact can and dried, just around the edge. But when I opened the can the contents were clearly spoiled. About 25% of my pop-tops were bad. Soups were the worst by far but I found a few chili and stews with the same issue. At first I thought it might be dented cans, a few were dented but most weren’t.

I’m not buying anything with pop-tops in the future. I own a can opener and know how to use it.
so, the hay did not get put up! Husband discovered some huge wasp nests up there in the top of the barn. So we went all the way back to town again, 2 days in a row driving. After several stops we finally found an autoparts store that had the right battery for the Ranger ( dealer closed today) , got the wasp spray we were out of, and some groceries. Before that we butchered the remaining meat chickens. LOOOOONNNG day, I am very tired now
Told husband not to put the battery in the Ranger till tomorrow. If that was not the problem and it still doesn't start, I don't want to know today and not sleep well stressing out over it....uggh!
Spent the afternoon dumping expired can goods from my pantry. I had serious health issues in ‘18 and again in ‘20. My eating habits changed drastically. Now, 90% of what I eat is fresh or made from scratch. My health is much better for it. But to the point, most of my can goods stopped being rotated.
We threw out a bunch of cans and other stuff when we moved from Florida to here. I only use cans of stuff that only comes in cans like coconut milk, bamboo shoots, water chestnuts and stuff I use all the time like pineapple and tomato sauce or canned tuna
I try to not buy much else because I don't use it either. Will never buy SPAM ever again LOL, what was I thinking?
The elderberries..found a handful of brass too..and I'm putting together a garbage can that is actually going to store a stash of extra blankets, clothes, sleeping bag kind of stuff.
I need to go through it again and repack it better but it will be a dry stash of extra crap. I will probably put it in the boneyard by the fenceline that separates the boneyard from my other field, so not by the road or any structures.
If the place catches on fire, I have a stash of clothes n stuff to draw from. Maybe in winter I will put it in my utility trailer. That way I can cover it with the tarp top too.


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Here is some action shots from work..getting in our new headrig parts..we used a big crane plus the log loader had to help with setting up this part so the crane could get it..
That log loader is massive..it's tires are taller than me..pictures don't really do this justice..plus I'm up above ground about 10 feet on my back deck


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Sunday August 25th 2024

Friend George and I had a long political conversation 👍

I did not do work outside and did not work much in the house
except broom ..cat litters change ...and feed my cats and Dane Girl

Washed my hair :rolleyes: but feels better

Did cook in oven a small pork roast / This is what I did eat for dinner
with a cucumber / tomatoes salad..
Then a slice of cheese cake and a black tea with honey

I have my grocery list done
I already wrote on calendar my week schedule
Yup another week starting tomorrow morning...

So ... bye bye.... nite nite soon ..as soon my eyes close 😊

Slept in this morning and in afternoon friend wanted to come over to help with some yardwork. He cut down some weeds I couldn't get, was trying to get the little tree but I can't find the battery for my chainsaw and my mini chainsaw is dead. It has 2 batteries and neither work. Could potentially be the batteries, but I don't know. I've now got a Ryobi mini chainsaw in my cart. Also have my eye on a snipper tool because my weak hands have trouble with snipping.

But can anyone tell me what this thing does? (its called a cultivator)

Does it chop up soil?

Anyway, friend was working on weeds when my brother found a chicken snake stuck in some mesh on an old torn up mattress in the car port. Friend decided to rescue the poor thing. At first it tried to bite but it was weak. He used a bottle of Powerade to distract it. After awhile it stopped trying to bite and barely moved. It took ages for him to carefully cut the mesh off-- some of it had actually cut in to the poor thing. I poured a little bit of water on it to cool it off and let it hydrate a little. Friend finally got it loose and when he set it down it rolled on its back to play dead. He poured out some more water for it to drink and then rolled it back upright. It was too afraid to move so we left it alone. Friend took another try with the small tree but it wasn't cutting and my tools weren't working. He did chop down more stuff with my hedge trimmer and he likes it. He checked on snake after and it wasn't there so it must have slithered off.

Went to TSC to grab some tools and sweet feed. Because I was getting dizzy my friend insisted on lifting the sweet feed for me. Went to O'Reilly's to grab him some more work gloves and a cabin air filter for my truck. He changed the filter out for me in the parking lot-- old one was full of leaves and dirt.

Went to Walmart after-- friend needed diapers for the 4-yr-old and wet wipes. I got some stuff on Mom's list but forgot to pick up her RX. Almost passed out bending down to pick up something at the deli. Went to a local IGA store after to get potatoes for Mom. Friend got some stuff to cook for dinner. Then we both went home. Friend said he almost passed out in the shower.

Mom was pissy when I got back and was being melodramatic about stuff but I calmed her down with food. She had some Chinese leftovers followed by steak. I made her happy by cutting the steak up into itty bitty pieces for her.

Rupert decided to climb up on my shoulder and cling to me for over half an hour. Mom couldn't finish her steak so I finished it off and shared a little with Fippy. I chewed up some pieces for Rupert (he has no teeth). Mom had the rest of the Samsclub apple pie for dessert.

I'm probably going to nap soon.


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So the farmer’s market was good (like usual) and range time was awful. I don’t know what happened with my small gun (it’s a Karr) between last outing and this outing besides a thorough cleaning - which we do every time we go - but it just would not feed. At all. I shot maybe five rounds through it in half an hour, that’s how much I had to fiddle with it and get help fiddling with it.

Gave up in frustration and went back to my CZ. I love that gun and I wish it was light enough and small enough for me to carry, but alas no.

Came home, put some lentils on the dehydrator, did some laundry, made an easy dinner, puttered a bit on making a skirt. I’m not really a skirt person by default, but I kind of thought it might be time to try again, ideally with something styled in such a way that it isn’t attached to childhood memories of being uncomfortable in church! 🤣
so, the hay did not get put up! Husband discovered some huge wasp nests up there in the top of the barn. So we went all the way back to town again, 2 days in a row driving. After several stops we finally found an autoparts store that had the right battery for the Ranger ( dealer closed today) , got the wasp spray we were out of, and some groceries. Before that we butchered the remaining meat chickens. LOOOOONNNG day, I am very tired now
Told husband not to put the battery in the Ranger till tomorrow. If that was not the problem and it still doesn't start, I don't want to know today and not sleep well stressing out over it....uggh!
So you know for next time: carb cleaner drops wasps fast too and it’s multipurpose. You can use it on your carburetor if you need to. 🤣

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