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Not great pics but it was getting dark outside..I'll get more today.
I thought the lights on the antlers were fun..
I know that bar quite well. My parents used to go there a lot. They put on a good Christmas party too, for locals only. I remember that dog, but have forgot his name.
Congrats on the new car.
Back when "The Fellowship of the Ring" was released there was a marketing campaign with Denny's about a "Baconailia". The Princess has maintained that tradition and she fried up a big pile of bacon yesterday.

I have been doing research in to rooting olive trees from cuttings. Our olive tree has put out some suckers that I can use as clone fodder. Looks like it could take nine months or more to get a viable clone.

Since I quit drinking 9 days ago, Dec 20th 2024 was my 'quit date'. I've been cleaning and organizing the house. Also been buying canned goods to put away for what I call "my food insurance policy".

In getting more serious with food preps and eating more healthy foods compared to store bought canned goods - Today I went to Walmart to buy an Aroma rice & grain cooker. It's a new model with a bonded granite pot. All Amazon is currently selling are non-stick coated pots and stainless steel pots.

Glad I went to Walmart because they sell the small red dried beans that I haven't been able to find anywhere else in town. I only bought 6 1lbs bags, as not to look like a hoarder. I'll be back for more, but probably just buying 6 bags at a time. For rice I bought 5lbs bags of Walmart's Great Value brand brown rice and Mahatma extra long enriched white rice. Next up is buying the essentials for putting up rice in mylar bags for long term storage.
Since I quit drinking 9 days ago, Dec 20th 2024 was my 'quit date'. I've been cleaning and organizing the house. Also been buying canned goods to put away for what I call "my food insurance policy".

In getting more serious with food preps and eating more healthy foods compared to store bought canned goods - Today I went to Walmart to buy an Aroma rice & grain cooker. It's a new model with a bonded granite pot. All Amazon is currently selling are non-stick coated pots and stainless steel pots.

Glad I went to Walmart because they sell the small red dried beans that I haven't been able to find anywhere else in town. I only bought 6 1lbs bags, as not to look like a hoarder. I'll be back for more, but probably just buying 6 bags at a time. For rice I bought 5lbs bags of Walmart's Great Value brand brown rice and Mahatma extra long enriched white rice. Next up is buying the essentials for putting up rice in mylar bags for long term storage.
Brown rice goes bad faster than white.

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Back when "The Fellowship of the Ring" was released there was a marketing campaign with Denny's about a "Baconailia". The Princess has maintained that tradition and she fried up a big pile of bacon yesterday.

I have been doing research in to rooting olive trees from cuttings. Our olive tree has put out some suckers that I can use as clone fodder. Looks like it could take nine months or more to get a viable clone.


Wife informed me that witches brew in the kitchen was not on purpose. Bacon grease!

Cleared the clog but discovered I need a new plunger. When the plunger squirts you in the face, it is a sign.

I'm picking out a plunger for you...

The minute rice has been cooked and dehydrated. There is also brown minute rice sold. I wonder if that lasts longer. I have done my own minute rice but haven't tested the brown.
I just checked the "best by" dates. The brown rice is Nov 25 2025 and the white rice is Oct 2026.

Making minute rice is all new to me, never looked into it and don't plan on buying any.
The fog finally lifted around 3pm and the clouds started breaking up. So we decided to go feed. Before we could get to the barn the wind came up and blew another storm in. The snow came down sideways for awhile. Fortunately it didn't last long and there's some breaks in the clouds again. And of course more dark storm clouds are coming over the mountains to the west.
I know that bar quite well. My parents used to go there a lot. They put on a good Christmas party too, for locals only. I remember that dog, but have forgot his name.
Congrats on the new car.
I can't recall the old dogs name..but the new pooches name is Buck, after the old owner the gal said.
He looks to be a border collie maybe healer cross of some sort. Works the crowd just like the old dog did..
I had to give him a dollar ..I'm a softy for the pooches ..even tho I just had a 7 up. My friend gave him one too...
I prefer the local dive bars anyway if I do go..and my friend knows no stranger. She is a people and dog magnet so ..we have fun anywhere.
Folks sometimes say, oh.. you got your mom with ya? She is 20 years older than me and I tease her on it..but she is my bestie and she is quick to correct them as am I. Age is not a factor when your bestie is a hoot watching the local boys play pool...lol..
Hope everyone is doing ok. Trying to catch up. Been having thunderstorms that make me sleepy. Power blinked out for a bit but didn't stay out long.

Brother made chicken paprikash soup last night-- an adaptation of a family recipe from mom's grandmother.

Went to help my friend fix up a jack stud on the doorway to the workshop at the place he's buying. He used a scrap 2x4 from the demo and I brought some structural screws. The jack stud was rotted at the bottom so I got him to sister it up and secure the 2x4 to the bottom plate. It wasn't on the "to do" list from the inspector but the whole frame moved when touched after demo was done on the additions. Now it is solid. I didn't want the inspector to flag it as a structural issue. Everything on his list has been taken care of now and next inspection is on the 8th. Friend's wife's ex finally paid the car note so hopefully that will help.

I meant to clean today but my guts don't like me.
December 29th 2024

Another week done ...
Soon to be 2025
Cant wait! :p

Mix of snow and rain
35F right now at 7.30 pm

Besides to care for cats🐱and dog🐶 I did not do much
and drop garbage bags at the road in garbage bin
and broom the floor

But tomorrow ...*for real*
I will do *laundry* ..... I have 2 loads to do ;)

Is it really matter ...yes 🤣

Gee... I am so tired !!!

More scrubbing loading and moving today. Down to mostly small stuff. Last night I didn’t move all night long, woke up just as I fell asleep. Was still in dreamland when Hubby got up which woke me. After lunch today, I told him I was going to lay down for a bit. He liked the idea so kicked back in his chair and we both napped.
I will continue with the scrubbing tomorrow but at least the end is in sight.
Prayers for you, Old School. First week is the worst. We have a daughter in rehab right now, checked in on the 23rd after a 3 day medical detox. She got to call today and sounded really, really good. You can do this!
Filled a cart at Dollar Tree and at Aldi today. Still have a table full of dry goods to put away, but I'll do it tomorrow.
Prayers for you, Old School. First week is the worst. We have a daughter in rehab right now, checked in on the 23rd after a 3 day medical detox. She got to call today and sounded really, really good. You can do this!
Filled a cart at Dollar Tree and at Aldi today. Still have a table full of dry goods to put away, but I'll do it tomorrow.
Thank you. :)
I had a hard time with it for quite a while, drinking at least a pint a day with a few beers. When I went without.... DT's hit - shaking, weak, felt hot one minute and cold the next. Finally, I cut back back enough that DT's weren't severe. Then last Friday, I decided I was done with it. I made-up my mind and never looked back.

So with getting my life in order... Tonight I used the rice cooker I just bought, for the first time. Worked great. I kinda winged the recipe with Garlic Alfedro sauce and jazzed-up with some spices and herbs. Yum!
Ignore the white rice exp date. Just put it in mylar. Minute rice: cook rice, then dehydrate it. I do this with beans all the time. Cook beans and dehydrate, and then they become fast beans. Minute rice is fast rice. Just add water.
I've read rice should be frozen for a few days to kills any bug larva, but haven't delved into it extensively. Still, I want to buy a deep freezer and need the necessarys' for packaging in mylar.

Looks like I'll use up the 5lbs bag of brown rice I bought and be done with it.
Apologies for lengthy absence as have been so busy with work and doing yard work day before Christmas the trolley contractor got my supervisor to ring me up the Sunday before Christmas week in hopes of conning me into doing Monday & Xmas eve in addition to my early start/early finish boxing day shift and normal Friday which would have meant travel to Mount Gambier 4 times in the one week something i was implicitly against having done it in 2021,2022,2023 thankfully i had prior arrangements on Monday then a chook scrap run on Tuesday

Put the lawn mower down an extra blade level on Christmas eve to re-cut front lawn as the grass had regrown from an earlier cut about 2 weeks prior now it looks more tidier but given how dry it has been lately and warm weather won't be long before it will need cutting again

Went outside this morning to let chooks and ducks out of their pen area into the enclosed yard but couldn't find my lil black with white speckles chook the previous owner named Gemma as she usually makes sure to be first out every morning undeterred by her absence thinking she was sitting somewhere went about my day at lock up time she wasn't still present i proceeded to put the rest of my flock away '

Upon opening up their feed bin low and behold who just happened to be sitting in there Gemma 🙄 🙄 that cheeky lil turd decided to hide out all night last night and all day today just so she can have unlimited feed on mixed seed i swear sometimes chickens are actually plotting to take over the world 🤪🤪
Apologies for lengthy absence as have been so busy with work and doing yard work day before Christmas the trolley contractor got my supervisor to ring me up the Sunday before Christmas week in hopes of conning me into doing Monday & Xmas eve in addition to my early start/early finish boxing day shift and normal Friday which would have meant travel to Mount Gambier 4 times in the one week something i was implicitly against having done it in 2021,2022,2023 thankfully i had prior arrangements on Monday then a chook scrap run on Tuesday

Put the lawn mower down an extra blade level on Christmas eve to re-cut front lawn as the grass had regrown from an earlier cut about 2 weeks prior now it looks more tidier but given how dry it has been lately and warm weather won't be long before it will need cutting again

Went outside this morning to let chooks and ducks out of their pen area into the enclosed yard but couldn't find my lil black with white speckles chook the previous owner named Gemma as she usually makes sure to be first out every morning undeterred by her absence thinking she was sitting somewhere went about my day at lock up time she wasn't still present i proceeded to put the rest of my flock away '

Upon opening up their feed bin low and behold who just happened to be sitting in there Gemma 🙄 🙄 that cheeky lil turd decided to hide out all night last night and all day today just so she can have unlimited feed on mixed seed i swear sometimes chickens are actually plotting to take over the world 🤪🤪
Glad to see you!! Little Gemma is quite the smarty-pants!!

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