Apologies for lengthy absence as have been so busy with work and doing yard work day before Christmas the trolley contractor got my supervisor to ring me up the Sunday before Christmas week in hopes of conning me into doing Monday & Xmas eve in addition to my early start/early finish boxing day shift and normal Friday which would have meant travel to Mount Gambier 4 times in the one week something i was implicitly against having done it in 2021,2022,2023 thankfully i had prior arrangements on Monday then a chook scrap run on Tuesday
Put the lawn mower down an extra blade level on Christmas eve to re-cut front lawn as the grass had regrown from an earlier cut about 2 weeks prior now it looks more tidier but given how dry it has been lately and warm weather won't be long before it will need cutting again
Went outside this morning to let chooks and ducks out of their pen area into the enclosed yard but couldn't find my lil black with white speckles chook the previous owner named Gemma as she usually makes sure to be first out every morning undeterred by her absence thinking she was sitting somewhere went about my day at lock up time she wasn't still present i proceeded to put the rest of my flock away '
Upon opening up their feed bin low and behold who just happened to be sitting in there Gemma

that cheeky lil turd decided to hide out all night last night and all day today just so she can have unlimited feed on mixed seed i swear sometimes chickens are actually plotting to take over the world