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OMG! The tightwad is actually going to order something online! :oops:
The latch on the patio storm door is wearing out, and won't bring the handle back up to horizontal, so I am ordering the kit below.
Why worn out you ask?
Since I love to do math and don't smoke indoors, I go out to the patio for each cig, the latch gets cycled twice, once out and once in, for each one.
I calculated that it has been cycled over 87,000 times from just me, not counting how many times from the Mrs.:oops:
...and it had already been used for years, before we even got here! :eyeballs:
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done baking and cleaned up the kitchen., having a glass of wine now then going to bed early
I baked some extra for us and it's already gone ( pie , foccacia and a little roll frmo leftover dough)
This is why I try to not bake much for us, we would all be like 300 lbs if I baked for us all the time

After the chicken hawk attack the chickens are not laying many eggs. I think they are still freaked out even if no new ones have been killed.
So we only have 4 cartons to sell tomorrow, usually we have at least 8, oh well
I love the hardware and it looks great on the door..
I just hope the door is more for looks than security..one good kick, wack with a sledge hammer or match n lighter fluid n poof..
And why your door needs to open out, the hinges are weaker than the latches (Years in demolition)
I love the hardware and it looks great on the door..
I just hope the door is more for looks than security..one good kick, wack with a sledge hammer or match n lighter fluid n poof..
Depending if someone waiting behind the door with a gun
You wait until the door open and BANG ...dead 💩

Dig a hole 🤣
Went to the dog park early this morning with the two that are at the house I am housesitting at.

Got a shopping list from daughter, so went to WM to get stuff for her, especially applesauce and gluten free saltines to help her stomach not get upset when she takes all the pain meds. Took another dog to a different dog park.

Went to see daughter to take her shopping list from today. She was in a much better mood today. She was talkative and apologized for being grumpy with me yesterday. I think pain makes most people grumpy, especially at that level.

Her first 24 hours from surgery are over. Her roommates, both long time friends that she has traveled the world with, have been taking good care of her, dispensing meds and providing water, snacks, and other needs. They have experience with surgery and pain meds and were on it to get meds organized.

They put together the wooden shower stool I ordered for her and just got late Wednesday. She won't be showering until Sunday though, per medical orders.

She has been using the knee scooter to get up and take care of business, but spending most of the last day in bed. It was a mistake when I picked the scooter up for her. The Craigslist ad that she referred me to and that I answered had an image of a hands free crutch posted and named in the title, but they actually sold me the scooter. I thought we should just keep it and still found another used hands free crutch for her for half of the price of a new one.

Came back and had a nap.
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Happy Friday the 13th. Most always a lucky day for me so I went and bought a lottery ticket 😊
In other news: about 20 years ago I lost my favorite set of measuring spoons. I have looked for another set every time I’ve gone to a thrift shop or estate sale with no luck. I went to an estate sale this morning and found the set for a dollar 😍 (like attached pictures).
No appts today, so spent time at home, catching up, hanging with husband. Talk to my sis, our son, and favorite cousin on the phone today. Pup was barking like nuts on the porch, he spotted a big rat snake. Little granddaughter got the snake grabber, wrangled the snake and walked it down the road a ways. Lots more tomatoes picked today, and three gorgeous custard patty pan squash
September Friday the 13th 2024

Not bad day ..I took the time to get some rest
for the 1st time since centuries
I might do it more often when I feel tired daytime

55f right now at 11 pm

Changed cat litters ---everybody ate and now they sleep
As usual Dane girl is snoring like a 10 wheeler ;)

I did a little fire in stove in basement... so relaxing 🤗

No plan for tomorrow...I stay home for sure

Enjoy your Friday evening and sleep well 🥱😴 ☺️

Another relaxing easy day today feeling 99.8 3/4% better with my voice close to its normal self but still have a lil bit of tenderness on left hand lower side of the collar bone now some mild soreness in the mid portion of my rib cage from I could assume would be delayed bruising but other wise generally normal self was able to run a piece of offcut thick sheet metal to my mate in Penola this morning his hoping to have magnetic base with antenna up on his caravan Monday at some stage with help from the caravan park manager as it needs to be placed dead center of the van roof for all signals to come in

That spell of being crook for 2.5 days straight with constant dry retching or vomiting I never ever wanna go through again as it was fairly scary I'm thankful to be living in a town that is 25,25 and 30 minutes either way from a hospital that can provide observation and treatment
Another relaxing easy day today feeling 99.8 3/4% better with my voice close to its normal self but still have a lil bit of tenderness on left hand lower side of the collar bone now some mild soreness in the mid portion of my rib cage from I could assume would be delayed bruising but other wise generally normal self was able to run a piece of offcut thick sheet metal to my mate in Penola this morning his hoping to have magnetic base with antenna up on his caravan Monday at some stage with help from the caravan park manager as it needs to be placed dead center of the van roof for all signals to come in

That spell of being crook for 2.5 days straight with constant dry retching or vomiting I never ever wanna go through again as it was fairly scary I'm thankful to be living in a town that is 25,25 and 30 minutes either way from a hospital that can provide observation and treatment
Ease of obtaining medical is an often overlooked factor in or choice of residence.

So happy to hear you are through it and feeling better.
September Friday the 13th 2024

Not bad day ..I took the time to get some rest
for the 1st time since centuries
I might do it more often when I feel tired daytime

55f right now at 11 pm

Changed cat litters ---everybody ate and now they sleep
As usual Dane girl is snoring like a 10 wheeler ;)

I did a little fire in stove in basement... so relaxing 🤗

No plan for tomorrow...I stay home for sure

Enjoy your Friday evening and sleep well 🥱😴 ☺️

Made Non-Stop until 6 AM...!!! 🥱
Chores around here, got to sleep an extra hour, so that was great. Would of slept longer but it was antibiotic infusion time. Little granddaughter is home to help with animal chores and I'll put her on cleaning out one of the big coops. Sometime this afternoon, will go and visit my favorite cousin. She is home this weekend, just with her younger granddaughter, parents are up in Oklahoma. They are making egg salad for church tomorrow, usually egg salad for 100 people.

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