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What's everybody doing today?

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Hope she's better soon! Eye surgery is amazing these days, I was awake for my second cataract surgery. Not a problem with either eye afterwards. Did feel pressure on my eye a lot. Just the shock of walking travels thorough our bodies to our eyes. Leaning over puts a lot of pressure on the eye also. I could feel both for a day or two. And coughing is the worst!! I learned the first time, complete rest and very careful movements. Oh, laughing hurt my eyes too!!! :confused:
Today is a meeting/interview with our old financial guy, he left the company we are with.
At least you didn't set the phone down, walk away to do something else, and call out "uhuh" from time to time. My dad's sister apparently did this with their mother. One time when my dad was visiting the phone rang, his mom picked it up and had a 30minute conversation with someone. Dad asked "Who was that, Ma?" and she said "Wrong number". It can be tough when someone has dementia and keeps repeating the same thing over and over again. So, no judgment here.
my dad doesn't have full dementia or anything, but he does tend to repeat the same old stories over and over, my brother noticed it also. We just say uhuh too and nodd our heads and let him talk....what are you going to do otherwise?
did too much again yesterday, after weedpulling , cooking and dishes, I cleaned the house and washed the Otto off. His hair was everywhere, he is shedding a lot right now, probably because of the heat. I don't usually give him a bath but he seemed to enjoy it.

Today I have to make bread dough after taking care of the animals. We put some of them inside last night because it rained .Not sure how much rain we got but the ground is wet, so that's good. I just hope the market doesn't get rained out Saturday supposed to rain then too
@Mountain trapper : trying to look up cornea separation but all I keep getting is retinal detachment, which as you'll find out is pretty serious but treatable. Hope she's okay soon. They say it is nothing to mess around with and should be treated as an emergency or blindness can result.
Symptoms, anyone is at risk of this:
A lot of new floaters (small dark spots or squiggly lines that float across your vision)
Flashes of light in one eye or both eyes
A dark shadow or “curtain” on the sides or in the middle of your field of vision
when we first moved here I had something similar, a hole in my eye. If it had gotten worse, I would have had to have surgery, but thankfully it cleared up and grew back together on its own. The symptom was a small black spot in the middle of my vision. It was very disturbing, was afraid to drive with it because I felt like I couldn't see well. Then I still have a few floaters now but it's much better. I did get a migraine couple days ago ( flashy lines and triangles in my vision) but I have had those before many times, and it went away
Scary things you can get :(
my dad doesn't have full dementia or anything, but he does tend to repeat the same old stories over and over, my brother noticed it also. We just say uhuh too and nodd our heads and let him talk....what are you going to do otherwise?
Mine does too. I've heard his Navy stories so many times that I think I probably should have DD214.
Pup is getting bigger and is not in as much need of a chaperone from the guineas and cats anymore, and it's hard to get him to come inside after being out with him, so today is time to block off a good portion of a yard area near our house. That way I can let him out, check on him, and he can let me know when he wants back in. Instead of me calling him and chasing him all over the place. Little granddaughter and I will put up a few horse panels where we want him to be and call it good. We have four more kittens to catch and these have not been handled much, so it'll be a challenge. But there's a fowl sale tomorrow night where we can bring them for free giveaways...if we can catch them.
Just chores around the farm mostly today. It's supposed to be a few degrees cooler. And then, of course, takeout and the debate tonight.
when we first moved here I had something similar, a hole in my eye. If it had gotten worse, I would have had to have surgery, but thankfully it cleared up and grew back together on its own. The symptom was a small black spot in the middle of my vision. It was very disturbing, was afraid to drive with it because I felt like I couldn't see well. Then I still have a few floaters now but it's much better. I did get a migraine couple days ago ( flashy lines and triangles in my vision) but I have had those before many times, and it went away
Scary things you can get :(
Flashy lines and triangles are most likely your version of migraines. I get it too. After mentioning it to my sister, my bff, and another person, they all said it was migraine symptoms. They get painful headaches with it too but I do not. When mine happen I take a break, close my eyes, go to a darker room, etc. Mine usually clear up in 20 minutes or so.
In a car on our 10 hour drive home to Oklahoma from Illinois.
Be safe!

Bo and I already walked.
Waiting for video conference with VA for respite care for DH when I go to IL in Oct.
Then go 40 miles South for a doc appt. for DH. @Amish Heart It's a new consult for an infectious disease doc!
Will plant more beets.
Not much else.
Mine does too. I've heard his Navy stories so many times that I think I probably should have DD214.
a bunch of its just old guys reliving their younger glory days....often times i heard same hunting stories over and over and over since i hung out with a crowd much older than me....sadly few are left...one of the last ones is now 84 and i call ever so often to check on a brother.
Flashy lines and triangles are most likely your version of migraines. I get it too. After mentioning it to my sister, my bff, and another person, they all said it was migraine symptoms. They get painful headaches with it too but I do not. When mine happen I take a break, close my eyes, go to a darker room, etc. Mine usually clear up in 20 minutes or so.
I have had those almost all my adult life, went to doctor once for it and was told it is a "classical migraine" whatever
I take 2 aspirin and drink something with sugar and caffeine in it ( which I rarely do) and it goes away after about half hour
Sometimes I have a little headache after but not most of the time
and yes, dark room is good. Bright sunlight can bring it on
Flashy lines and triangles are most likely your version of migraines. I get it too. After mentioning it to my sister, my bff, and another person, they all said it was migraine symptoms. They get painful headaches with it too but I do not. When mine happen I take a break, close my eyes, go to a darker room, etc. Mine usually clear up in 20 minutes or so.
I get these same symptoms at times, too. Never a headache but just visual migraines. At first I thought it was related to my blood glucose as I’m a type II diabetic but learned it’s a visual migraine.
Mine does too. I've heard his Navy stories so many times that I think I probably should have DD214.
mine is worse, he talks about all the "important" ( to him) people he has met and what fancy restaurants they all went to and the parties he used to take my mom too and all the money he spent on clothes for her to go to them etc etc
This is stuff I REALLY do not care about in the least. If I didn't have my birth certificate and same eye color as my mother had I would have thought I was adopted....
I have absolutely nothing at all in common with my blood relatives. I mostly get along with them ok but I still have nothing in common . They think I am totally crazy for living here the way we do for example. None of them ever did any sports or hiking or nature type stuff. My cousins are single and have no kids and just work I guess. My brother is into motorcycles and restoring and fixing cars, and his ham radio.
It became very clear to me once again on the trip. Not a one of them even have a dog. People that don't like dogs are not usually people I like. There is just something wrong with that
wow where did that come from LOL
Hey Snappy...that's great news about the appt. I hope he likes the ID doc!
Pup now has a large gated up area out the back door, and is enjoying himself. He stands by the door and barks when he wants back in. Still have kittens to start catching. Neighbor and her kids came by with a box of veg...potatoes, button squash I gave her seeds for, and zucchini. Appreciate it, since ours got eaten up by squash bugs right off. I'm going to plant squash in a new garden area next season. Good weather today, only in the 80's.
I had a super concussion when I was about 16 and had Kaleidoscope vision for two days, nausea, and weakness, slept most of the time for the two days.
When I get bad sinus pressure I sometimes get the Kaleidoscope vision again.

Just chilling today kinda messed up sleep schedule plus wife has a bad Migraine and nausea with it.

I am just dragging along and being here for cold or frozen rags and quiet.
Hope she's better soon! Eye surgery is amazing these days, I was awake for my second cataract surgery. Not a problem with either eye afterwards. Did feel pressure on my eye a lot. Just the shock of walking travels thorough our bodies to our eyes. Leaning over puts a lot of pressure on the eye also. I could feel both for a day or two. And coughing is the worst!! I learned the first time, complete rest and very careful movements. Oh, laughing hurt my eyes too!!! :confused:
Don't sneeze during surgery.
Or after surgery.
My lens slipped, now have blood clot in left eye that will be removed in January.
Sat on hold three times for social security with a question. Gave up. Especially after I was disconnected after 25 minutes. Will try tomorrow.
Two banana pecan chocolate chip loaves in the oven. Made egg custard, and a large fritatta for tomorrow. Grated the super large zucchini for the freezer for later. 4 loads of laundry, done, hung, and folded. Pup is enjoying his not necessarily supervised time outside. Still trying to catch kittens. Us-0, Kittens-5.
That's it! Her eye doctor gave her his home phone number and told her to call him anytime day or night if it gets worse. He also called a retina specialist for her to see if it gets worse. He's about 3-4 hours south of here.
Trapper, my mom has had this twice. Both times corrected with no problems. And vision returned to normal fairly quickly afterward. IIRC is is just a laser treatment
It was a great day for planting out the blackberry bushes. 80 degrees is just the way I like it. I strapped a beach umbrella to the roll cage of the side by side. Working in the shade is bonus. As I progressed I just moved the side by side 5 feet and set for the next bush.

The other neighbor that owns multiple house on the hill stopped to talk. He volunteered me to edit some document. We will see.

Should be doing more blackberry planting tomorrow.



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